$16,000 to Replace a Tesla Model 3 Battery Pack


Power with Control
My cousins house is not set up for charging and I don't want to waste time going to find a charger. I went to visit them, not spend time at a charger.
So the feasibility of that depends on how your visits work. Unless you stay a while and do more than 50-60 miles while visiting, you wouldn't need to, you can make it the 90 miles back to Tappahanock easily and recharge on the way home. If you do need to charge while you are there, the cars nav will show you all the local super and destination chargers.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
... Plus you could always siphon off power from the cousins and stick them with the bill. :yay:


Just sneakin' around....


Well-Known Member
1. Quite a few out there, and the evidence is looking good that modern batteries will last as long or longer than gas engines.
2. And there are mobile chargers, not in circulation yet. But there are tens of thousands in use in cold climates and we've not lost anyone yet. Remember, most EV owners top up every night so odds are good that they have more "fuel" than the averager gas car around them.
3. Why look, only three posts up, recycling!!!! Whoda thunk, massive batteries are easier to recycle and worth the effort, unlike billions of cellphones and laptops.

Looks like there are two Superchargers on the way to Norfolk, right across the bridge in King George, and Tappahannock, although at around 190 miles, you wouldn't need to charge in a long range Model 3 (310 mile range) . In the regular range (272) , it suggests a 10 minute top off at Tappahannock. You could be trapped on the road for days and keep the cabin at 70 degrees and watch Netflix while you wait.
Thing is coal or oil fired power plants produce the electric for this junk


Power with Control
Thing is coal or oil fired power plants produce the electric for this junk

Thing is, that source mix depends on where you are. Each state has a different blend of energy generation source. But heres the thing. Even your coal and oil plants? They are far more efficient on a fuel to power ratio than internal combustion engines. Mainly because they operate at a fixed speed and thats a huge deal. Even when you account for transmission and conversion losses, you still are far more efficient charging batteries than running powerplants to pump, ship, refine, ship again as you do with gas and diesel.
Shhhhhhhhhhh! :nono:

Its not shhhh, its an open topic to discuss. Anyone wanting to think it over and look for data is welcome to do so. But memes are not a good source of information.
