the doctor told me I am having bronchial asthma from when I had bronchitis 3 weeks ago. When I was in her office she gave me a nebulizer treatment and I felt shaky after it but once the shakyness went away i felt wonderful. She gave me an albuterol inhaler and I don't think its working as I am still coughing a lot. I am driving the other tenants crazy where I live with me coughing. One keeps asking me if i am taking my meds and I say yes. When I was in the doctors office she gave me a neb treatment with albuterol and she said it sounded like my breathing was better. I just dont get why she didn't have me do the neb treatments instead she gave me an inhaler and if i go up and down the stairs 2x at my apt i am out of breath. Also any change in air makes me cough. if i go outside and come in i start back up.