

I can not believe your doctor would give you an inhaler and blame it on asthma without even doing a chest x-ray to see if there was something in your chest....I just went to the Fast Track a week ago with coughing and flu, first thing they did was a chest x-ray...Don't wait any longer....


i got to wait til my mom returns in 2 weeks per doctors orders. I might call her and tell her that the coughing hasn't slowed up any and see what she says to me.


Well-Known Member
i got to wait til my mom returns in 2 weeks per doctors orders. I might call her and tell her that the coughing hasn't slowed up any and see what she says to me.

Uh...how old are you? Your doctor can't order you to not seek a 2nd opinion. :rolleyes:

What? I'm TRYING to be nice but some people make it hard. :frown:

That didn't look very nice. Maybe a nice pm to her would be better. :yay:

And don't forget to send a nice mother's day PM to Catt come May...:lol:

jp, it is very possible you have developed adult-onset asthma... especially if you are in an environment where you are constantly exposed to the triggers that cause your body to produce massive amounts of histamines. Asthma can be controlled and treated once you understand how it affects your body and then develop an understanding on how the various medications each affect your body. Have you done ane online research regarding the disease as well as the meds?


i am just not getting enough air to my lungs that is why i am coughing according to my doctor when I went on tuesday. As I said earlier she gave me a neb treatment and it made me shake like a leaf but 30min after teh shaking left i felt pretty good,


And don't forget to send a nice mother's day PM to Catt come May...:lol:

jp, it is very possible you have developed adult-onset asthma... especially if you are in an environment where you are constantly exposed to the triggers that cause your body to produce massive amounts of histamines. Asthma can be controlled and treated once you understand how it affects your body and then develop an understanding on how the various medications each affect your body. Have you done ane online research regarding the disease as well as the meds?

Kwillia (sp) I have done some research and got some information. The doctor did say what you said above about adult asthma. I have a prescription for 4 more albuterol inhalers but so far its not working. I know some of the thinigs so far that trrgger it are my neighbor downstairs smoking in her apt. Taking the dog outside going from warm to cold laughing. walking up and down the stairs alot. Even if someone has the smell of cigs on there clothes and they stand to close to me it sets me off and m ost of the guys who come into my stepdads store smoke so I am around it most everyday. Guess I will have to get used to it :(.


Well, I do know her.

Thanks catt. i don't play with my health its to important to me. I am just following doctors orders and doing what she said. Now if I could get my neighbor downstairs to smoke outside it would be 1,000 time better but she told me she doesn't care and will continue to smoke inside so i guess she will have to listen to me cough and drive her nuts.
Kwillia (sp) I have done some research and got some information. The doctor did say what you said above about adult asthma. I have a prescription for 4 more albuterol inhalers but so far its not working. I know some of the thinigs so far that trrgger it are my neighbor downstairs smoking in her apt. Taking the dog outside going from warm to cold laughing. walking up and down the stairs alot. Even if someone has the smell of cigs on there clothes and they stand to close to me it sets me off and m ost of the guys who come into my stepdads store smoke so I am around it most everyday. Guess I will have to get used to it :(.

The inhalers did next to nothing for my son whereas the nebulizer always provided him comfort. It seems the doc is still trying to establish how severe your asthma is and what will work best for you without over medicating. I will say that if you seriously find your breathing is becoming more restricted, do not hesitate to call your doc and insist on being seen. He needs to know if you are not responding and are in fact getting worse.
Thanks catt. i don't play with my health its to important to me. I am just following doctors orders and doing what she said. Now if I could get my neighbor downstairs to smoke outside it would be 1,000 time better but she told me she doesn't care and will continue to smoke inside so i guess she will have to listen to me cough and drive her nuts.

Keep reading on the subject. Research the different meds/treatments available and understand how they work and when they won't work. It will help you tremendously.


i am going to put a call into her later this week to tell her. I am going to see if she will give me the neb as that worked the best for me even though i shook like a leaf when I was done with the 10min treatment and coughed the whole time but atleast when she was done I could breathe.
i am going to put a call into her later this week to tell her. I am going to see if she will give me the neb as that worked the best for me even though i shook like a leaf when I was done with the 10min treatment and coughed the whole time but atleast when she was done I could breathe.

My dad developed adult asthma and his doc ended up giving him both the inhaler and the neb machine. He used the inhaler for lesser attacks or when he was away from his nebulizer.


kwillia how do you tell a smoker that her smoking is making it so you can't breathe and all she she says back to you is no i will not smoke outside. So I guess in return for her being a jerk she will have to listen to me cough and the dog bark.


Well-Known Member
kwillia how do you tell a smoker that her smoking is making it so you can't breathe and all she she says back to you is no i will not smoke outside. So I guess in return for her being a jerk she will have to listen to me cough and the dog bark.

Is it a seperate apartment or part of the house you live in?
kwillia how do you tell a smoker that her smoking is making it so you can't breathe and all she she says back to you is no i will not smoke outside. So I guess in return for her being a jerk she will have to listen to me cough and the dog bark.
If she has just as much right to live there as you do, then I don't think you can tell her she has to quite smoking. It seems the only control you have is the control of whether or not you continue to live at that location.


Well-Known Member
If she has just as much right to live there as you do, then I don't think you can tell her she has to quite smoking. It seems the only control you have is the control of whether or not you continue to live at that location.

People triggered by smoke can be affected by the smoking done in other apartments or parts of a house.

I know this. I was thinking just like you are in your post above. :lol: