


I know what you mean. I guess I will wait the 2 weeks and see if i feel as bad as I do today and if i do I will get another inhaler. I can't control the coughing and driving my neighbor downstairs nuts thankgod she left and went to work til midnight tonight the only one I will drive nuts is her bf from the time he gets home til he goes to bed and my neighbor across the hall keeps checking on me to make sure everything is ok. In another 2hrs I go for the inhaler again and will be doing it then. Any little bit of activity I do makes me tired and out of breath.


New Member
I know what you mean. I guess I will wait the 2 weeks and see if i feel as bad as I do today and if i do I will get another inhaler. I can't control the coughing and driving my neighbor downstairs nuts thankgod she left and went to work til midnight tonight the only one I will drive nuts is her bf from the time he gets home til he goes to bed and my neighbor across the hall keeps checking on me to make sure everything is ok. In another 2hrs I go for the inhaler again and will be doing it then. Any little bit of activity I do makes me tired and out of breath.

Bronchial Asthma: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment


i never knew i would get my butt kicked with coughing from just vaccumming my apartment from the problem i got now. I found bugs in my apt (looked like a moth) so i killed it and vaccummed while i was it. now I don't have to do it in the morning will just have to do it before I go to work as tomorrow I bet will be a late night unless I am lucky and get out early again. Now my question is should i wake myself up at night to take the inhaler or let it go?


New Member
i never knew i would get my butt kicked with coughing from just vaccumming my apartment from the problem i got now. I found bugs in my apt (looked like a moth) so i killed it and vaccummed while i was it. now I don't have to do it in the morning will just have to do it before I go to work as tomorrow I bet will be a late night unless I am lucky and get out early again. Now my question is should i wake myself up at night to take the inhaler or let it go?

I can't do a lot of activities cuz of my asthma. No I wouldn't wake to use it. JMO


asthma is no fun that is all I have to say. well I got to clean house and all that fun jazz so I guess I will be coughing for life and driving my neighbor downstairs nutz. I haven't woken myself the last few nights as a matter of i been getting up 2x during the night to take the dog out as shes been whining to go but i just go back to sleep never think to pick my inhaler up. but I do do it every 4hrs while awake. Everyone in the store I work in keeps saying you should get advair well I will see what the doctor wants to do next.

Misshelper what do you take for your asthma and does it work? I just want relief if you know what I mean.


New Member
asthma is no fun that is all I have to say. well I got to clean house and all that fun jazz so I guess I will be coughing for life and driving my neighbor downstairs nutz. I haven't woken myself the last few nights as a matter of i been getting up 2x during the night to take the dog out as shes been whining to go but i just go back to sleep never think to pick my inhaler up. but I do do it every 4hrs while awake. Everyone in the store I work in keeps saying you should get advair well I will see what the doctor wants to do next.

Misshelper what do you take for your asthma and does it work? I just want relief if you know what I mean.

I am on albuterol and advair. Without the advair my asthma is not under control. I have had plenty of asthma attacks and have been on diff meds. If you ever get on advair I'll tell you upfront it's expensive and hopefully your insurance will cover it.


I hope bluecross will cover it. They covered almost all of the albuterol


I am having another miserable day. I have done all I can for right now. I plan to just relax as much as I can til i go to work about 315 today. Misshelper does the weather drive your asthma crazy (like going from hot to cool or cold)? Any other things set you off. So far for me I figured going from hot to cool or cold or doing any form of exercise like vaccumming or doing any house cleaning sets me off) and playing with the dog outside also sets me off. I have a feeling not this thursday but next thursday I am going to have to call the doctor back and see if she can do soemthing else for me as I hate being miserable and I want to be able to walk around or play ball with the dog and n ot have to feel like I got a 10pound brick on my chest.


socki i guess you got a point i never had that go though my mind. my neighbor downstairs smokes so today i been walking around coughing since I got out of bed and i feel like i got a 10lb brick on my chest guess that is part of having bronchial asthma.


New Member
I am having another miserable day. I have done all I can for right now. I plan to just relax as much as I can til i go to work about 315 today. Misshelper does the weather drive your asthma crazy (like going from hot to cool or cold)? Any other things set you off. So far for me I figured going from hot to cool or cold or doing any form of exercise like vaccumming or doing any house cleaning sets me off) and playing with the dog outside also sets me off. I have a feeling not this thursday but next thursday I am going to have to call the doctor back and see if she can do soemthing else for me as I hate being miserable and I want to be able to walk around or play ball with the dog and n ot have to feel like I got a 10pound brick on my chest.

Yes, a lot of stuff sets my asthma off. Hot, cold, laughing, walking up stairs, sex...etc :lol:


socki i guess you got a point i never had that go though my mind. my neighbor downstairs smokes so today i been walking around coughing since I got out of bed and i feel like i got a 10lb brick on my chest guess that is part of having bronchial asthma.

Have you had chest X-rays done ? Sounds like you have something more going on....


my doctor wants me to give 2weeks of abuterol a try before she takes another step so I will and then I will go back.


I have been using it since tuesday. every 4hrs while awake and to make matters worse my neighbor downstairs smokes.