Yes, I saw that the parents were on welfare but having 7 kids means they do have a lot of work already taking care of the kids. They sure are not lazy with kids. That is the point of welfare to help needy families and that is a family in need of assistance.
It is not like they are cheating the gov and getting away with something. If that was the free way with the free ride then it would have most people doing it, but in reality that family has chosen a hard and demanding way and that is why they qualify for gov assistance.
If the law demands that they go to work or demand child support to repay the welfare then it will break up the family unit and undermines our society structure as it does through the misguided child support and custody laws do now.
We as a people need to support the family unit and not some slave driving idea of putting young parents to work when they have a family to care for.
Plus they are in Texas and they have a latino type name so the parents are probably Catholic as that Church does promote family values so the family is most likely doing their religious duty by having children too.
To attack or degrade a young couple having children is against our historical values on religion, family and society, because of some tax payer selfishness.
I like the story and the Waltons of Walton Mountain had 7 kids too.
I find your Sig comment interesting, it reads like this:
~~~There is no reality, only perception.~~~
and I do not mean to contradict it as I like it that way too, but I believe that:
~~~Perception is reality.~~~