2024 - Nikki Haley

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
But an inquiry may finally bring to light all of the crap the Biden administration has been doing.
Not going to happen. Why do you think the special counsel was appointed for the Hunter investigation? Not to actually prosecute him but to hide anything in his case that might taint the President from being obtained by Congress. With an active investigation executive privilege will be claimed to protect an ongoing investigation, even if said investigation is designed to go nowhere.


Well-Known Member
Not going to happen. Why do you think the special counsel was appointed for the Hunter investigation? Not to actually prosecute him but to hide anything in his case that might taint the President from being obtained by Congress. With an active investigation executive privilege will be claimed to protect an ongoing investigation, even if said investigation is designed to go nowhere.
IMO you are correct. They will do anything in their power to prosecute Donald trump and anything in their power to protect Joe Biden from prosecution. They will cheat like all hell to keep donald trump out of the White House because they know if they done. Joe Biden and Hunter and perhaps Obama may end up in jail.
They opened the pandora's box with the Trump indictments so it is perfectly all right to indict Biden and Obama, but of course the republican's haven't got the stomach for it.


Well-Known Member
And how. I have no interest in Ukraine. They were a corrupt POS country before and nothing has changed. There's a direct line from the money we hemorrhage at them to political pockets.
There is of course the Budapest Memorandum. I don’t know legally how it fits but the gist of the agreement was - at the time of Ukraine independence they were one of the largest nuclear weapon powers in the world.

In exchange for getting rid of the weapons - we and others agreed to protect them in the event of war. That’s why they got rid of them. Well here we are, almost 30 years later and the nation is being attacked.

And Ukraine is probably thinking “so much for that ‘agreement’ “. Shoulda KEPT them nukes.


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PREMO Member
Hell, five Rep members of the House have stated they will not support the Inquiry, let alone a vote to impeach. I think they need at least three of them to have enough votes. Those five have to represent blue districts and only worried about their reelection.


PREMO Member

Nikki Haley Goes on Defense over Issue of Resettling Palestinians in U.S.

Haley, in response to Tapper’s clip, defended some Palestinians, saying, “There are so many of these people who want to be free from this terrorist rule; they want to be free from all of that, and America has always been sympathetic to the fact that you can separate civilians from terrorists, and that’s what we have to do.”

“You have to realize that whether we’re talking about Gazans and Palestinians, all of them don’t want — half of them at the time that I was [at the UN] — didn’t want to be under Hamas’s rule,” Haley said. “They didn’t want to have terrorists overseeing them. They knew that they were living a terrible life because of Hamas. You have the other half that supported Hamas.”

Haley’s campaign quickly clarified her remarks, telling RealClearPolitics the following day that she “opposes the U.S. taking in Gazans” and supports “Hamas-supporting countries like Iran, Qatar, and Turkey” absorbing Palestinians.

For days, DeSantis’s campaign has used Haley’s comments on CNN to label her a supporter of Palestinian refugee resettlement akin to Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), who has said Americans should “welcome” Palestinians to their communities.


PREMO Member

Haley Does What Others Won't as She Slams Trump in Speech to RJC

Haley and the other Republicans running in the primary have been slow to criticize Trump or draw sharp distinctions between his record and what they pledge to do in office. That’s a problem when the frontrunner, Trump, is so far ahead in the polls. Haley spoke out in Las Vegas on Saturday at the Republican Jewish Coalition annual summit. It’s a gathering for donors so if there is ever a good time to distinguish yourself as a candidate from the others, it is a gathering like that. A candidate has to give donors a reason to support him or her.

So, Nikki Haley took Trump to task for being an agent of chaos. She said his style of “chaos, vendettas and drama” is dangerous. What worked in 2016 no longer works.

“Eight years ago, it was good to have a leader who broke things,” Haley told the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual meeting in Las Vegas, Nevada. “But right now, we need to have a leader who also knows how to put things back together.”


PREMO Member

'If the KKK Were Doing This...' Nikki Haley Exposes Key Point About Campus Responses to Anti-Semitism

When it was former Ambassador Nikki Haley's turn to speak, with co-moderator Lester Holt asking her "what do you say to Americans who are simply afraid right now in this current environment that we’re talking about," she made a telling point about how college campuses have reacted.

Haley said the situation means "the country is all out of sorts," going on to share it made her "so angry," as she listed out examples of anti-semitism students have faced, including at Cooper Union where Jewish students were "barricaded in the library" and another student. threatened to "shoot up the kosher dining hall," as was the case at Cornell University.

She also had a message for those college presidents who have been so to action. "And this is what I would say about our college presidents is if the KKK were doing this, every college president would be up in arms," Haley declared. "This is no different. You should treat it exactly the same. Anti-semitism is just as awful as racism and we’ve got to make sure they’re protected."

Colleges have been so quick to condemn racism and other forms of hatred against students part of other communities. This even includes protecting students from conservative student groups, as was highlighted during a House Judiciary Hearing on Wednesday.

The responses from supposed elite institutions when their students have been faced with anti-semitim, however, such as Harvard and Columbia, have been shameful. When students who had signed onto Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) statements blaming Israel for the October 7 attack had been identified, those schools rushed to protect the identified students. Alumni and donors have thus pulled support from these and other institutions not doing enough to protect Jewish students.


PREMO Member

When It Comes to Her Kids, Nikki Haley Can't Have It Both Ways

Today's world of oversharing on social media brings with it the more difficult question of how to handle the adult children of candidates and politicians. Nikki Haley's daughter, Rena -- the target of Ramaswamy's attack -- is active on X/Twitter and Instagram, but her pages are full of images from her recent wedding and her career as a nurse; it appears her TikTok account has now been deleted or is set to private. It seems like she's all-in on supporting her mom, but not in an overtly political way on her socials.


Haley's son, Nalin, a 22-year-old college student, has most definitely stepped into the ring by consistently posting political content to his social media. For instance:

There's no way of knowing if Nikki Haley approves of her son's posting habits, but considering her "scum" comment at the debate, it was surprising to see a fundraising appeal hit inboxes on Friday from none other than Nalin Haley.



Here's part of the letter:

Here’s the deal: Wednesday night's debate made one thing abundantly clear – my mom is THE front-runner in this race. And every single person up there on stage with her knew it.

That's why they attacked her so much. And that's why they decided to come for my sister Rena, too.

It looks like Nikki Haley is trying to have it both ways, right? You're "scum" if you mention her kids, but it's a-okay to have them sign fundraising solicitations for you? Having family members sign fundraising letters is a tried-and-true tactic that often brings in an uptick in donations for candidates. No shame in that game.


Nikki is out. She came out either today or yesterday saying she wants everyone to have a digital ID to use the internet.

How do you say you are a globalist without coming out and saying you are a globalist???

So, she's a commy.


Well-Known Member
Nikki is out. She came out either today or yesterday saying she wants everyone to have a digital ID to use the internet.

How do you say you are a globalist without coming out and saying you are a globalist???

So, she's a commy.

What in the 1984 is that broad smoking? I think she should share.

Someone should convince the rotund orange POS this is a good idea. His base would be all for it.


Well-Known Member
How come the Palestinians who want peace and want to get away from Hamas are only heard from when the SHTF.
Now here in the US we have quite a few Palestinians, and some Gazan s, and many other Islamics, and what do they do when Hamas invades Israel and Slaughters ----SLAUGHTERS innocent people, burns them alive and cuts the heads off of their babies?

They march and protest against Israel. Even our Muslim Representatives in Congress stand FOR Hamas.
Do not even suggest to me that we take more of them, I don't want to hear it.
If it was up to me I would gather every one we already have and ship them right the hell back.

Call me Islamophobic I don't have a problem with it. We have given them loans to buy our business's We look the other way when they launder money to terrorists, They get tax breaks then sell the business to a cousin so he can get tax breaks, they live here in peace and they are multiplying and they don't hide the fact that they are not being westernized by wearing the slave scarves and wanting Sharia law.
Get rid of them now while we still can before we become Britain.


PREMO Member

Nikki Haley Pushes To Remove Anonymity Online: ‘I Want Everybody’s Name’

Haley said that the reason that there has been a massive uptick in anti-Semitism is because “the misinformation and the dramatic sides of social media are instigating this.” She specifically said that it was being pushed by Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.

“When I get into office, the first thing we have to do, social media accounts, social media companies, they have to show America their algorithms, let us see why they’re pushing what they’re pushing,” she said. “The second thing is, every person on social media should be verified by their name. That’s, first of all, it’s a national security threat.”

“When you do that, all of a sudden, people have to stand by what they say,” she continued. “And it gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots. And then you’re gonna get some civility when people know their name is next to what they say and they know their pastor and their family members gonna see it. It’s going to help our kids and it’s going to help our country.”

Globally unenforceable nonsense


Well-Known Member
Let's face it folks.
Damned few people have the ability to hide their identity from the Government , or even from a hacker.
Every post made on Social media can be tracked by Government
It may not have your name on it , but it can be tracked back to you easily by those who know how.
When you are on Social Media you may not use your name but you damned sure are not anonymous.


PREMO Member

Wall Street Lines Up To Back Nikki Haley’s 2024 Bid

Haley is currently placing third in national polling at 9.5% behind Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida at 14.3% and Trump at 59.7%, according to Real Clear Politics. Despite this, Wall Street is considering Haley as a viable alternative to Trump in the 2024 primaries, with some saying that they are “desperate” to keep the former president from becoming the nominee, according to the WSJ.

“If she passes DeSantis, she’s the backup,” another financier told the WSJ in a statement. “It’s not completely crazy that she could ultimately win.”

Haley is set to meet with other Wall Street executives on Dec. 3 in New York and then attend another meeting with UBS banker Mike Santini, litigator Eric Levine as well as several others who are linked to Elliott Management, a $60 billion hedge fund founded by Republican mega donor and CEO Paul Singer on Dec. 4, according to the Wall Street Journal.


PREMO Member

Oh, and it gets even better. From the article:

Don’t get me wrong. She is an unabashed opportunist who has never fully denounced Trump. She even suggested she might pardon him. She’s enamored of trickle-down economics and more tax cuts for the rich. And her views on abortion are anathema to those who want women to retain first-class citizenship and control over their own lives.
However, the question is not whether Americans strongly inclined to vote for President Biden would vote for her in the general election. The question is whether, if she managed to topple Trump, she would break with the MAGA cult of personality, decline to bow and scrape before Russian President Vladimir Putin, decline to weaponize the Justice Department against her enemies and return to some version of normal Republican politics. All indications suggest that, yes, she would refrain from subverting constitutional democracy if she somehow won the nomination and went on to win the presidency.

So, for instance, Rubin doesn’t want people to bow and scrape before Putin, while it seems like the White House was on sale to China and other foreign powers? She doesn’t want Haley to weaponize the Department of Justice, while Trump is facing one politically-motivated criminal charge after another?

Of course, we have long said that what you have to understand with Rubin (and quite a few other alleged conservatives who flipped to leftism over Trump) is that she is fundamentally tribal in her thinking. We don’t completely get it because we are just not wired that way. We strive to be principled in our politics, always supporting the best candidate that will advance the policies we prefer—the best candidate rarely being the perfect one. But it has become clear in the last few years that for many people, politics is very tribal. So, she decided that she hated Trump so much that she would become a Democrat around 2016 or so, and, therefore, because that is her new tribe, everything they do is pure as newly-fallen snow and everything the other tribe does is the epitome of evil. She can not see the flaws of her new ‘side.’ It's craven, but it’s who she is.

At least that is this author’s opinion, we could be wrong.



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Nikki Haley Says Allowing People to Post on Social Media Anonymously is a 'National Security Threat’ "Every person on social media should be verified by their name...It gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots"

Dagger through her heart if she can't walk this back.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Nikki Haley Says Allowing People to Post on Social Media Anonymously is a 'National Security Threat’ "Every person on social media should be verified by their name...It gets rid of the Russian bots, the Iranian bots, and the Chinese bots"

Dagger through her heart if she can't walk this back.
I guess we are all screwed.