24 hours in Prince Frederick?

Nickel said:
For future reference, the CVS in La Plata is open 24 hours. I know it's a bit of a drive, but it's better than nothing, and the baby may fall asleep on the way there and back if you take him with you. :lol: Also, these are supposed to help reduce gas, if you want to go the bottle route. J had horrible "colic" (read: gas) when he was a little bit, I know how frustrating it can be. It'll pass. :huggy:

We're using the Dr. Brown's bottles. Although with the recent BPA issues, I might have to switch to the drop-ins.


CageKicker Extraordinaire
Speedy70 said:
He's having some sort of tummy trouble, that's for sure. My mom thinks I'm just feeding him too much. :shrug: The directions on the box of Mylicon say it's safe to use at every feeding. :confused:

Last night I caved and gave him the medication that the doctor prescribed to him for reflux. He slept for 5 straight hours!! We've got our fingers crossed that this helps his problem, although I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. I just wish he could tell us what is wrong. :bawl:

It says that, but, I don't suggest using it unless need be. I don't believe any drug is "perfectly safe" and "non habit forming."

Believe me, I've had plenty of those nights with Princess. They cry and scream and you have to guess and run through the list of possibles before finding what helps. The whole time you just want to scream becuase your little one, that you love so much, is miserable and you can't figure out why. It's gets easier with time. You'll figure out what keeps setting him off, and then you'll know what to do the next time. :huggy:

Colic is a blanket term for chronic tummy pain. It's usually gas, but not always. Try the meds the doc gave you the next time first and go from there. :shrug:
nikolasmor said:
For Future reference Food Lion carrys Mylicon drops in the baby aisle and is open 24 hours 99% of the time

Thanks. I forget about Food Lion since I refuse to grocery shop there. :lol:


New Member
Speedy70 said:
Thanks. I forget about Food Lion since I refuse to grocery shop there. :lol:
If you are referring to the Food Lion in Prince Frederick, I agree with you. I don't shop there either unless they have a really good sale on Pepsi. Otherwise, I don't dare...


New Member
any particular reason? oh and I just stopped by to get some lunchables and saw 12packs of canada dry brand sodas for $1.50 with coupon on the packs. got me some rootbeer...woot woot


New Member
nikolasmor said:
any particular reason? oh and I just stopped by to get some lunchables and saw 12packs of canada dry brand sodas for $1.50 with coupon on the packs. got me some rootbeer...woot woot
The store never seems very clean to me - the cashiers are less than friendly and the overall appearance of the store is drab - compared to Safeway and Giant. I realize it is a smaller store but you would think that they would spend a little bit of money in it to make it more appealing. I would never buy my meats there...ever. Of course, I'm primarily buying my meats at Nick's these days anyway because they beat the pants off of Giant and Safeway for prices! :yay:
johnjrval424 said:
The store never seems very clean to me - the cashiers are less than friendly and the overall appearance of the store is drab - compared to Safeway and Giant. I realize it is a smaller store but you would think that they would spend a little bit of money in it to make it more appealing. I would never buy my meats there...ever. Of course, I'm primarily buying my meats at Nick's these days anyway because they beat the pants off of Giant and Safeway for prices! :yay:

Years ago my mom tried shopping there. A lot of their meats were sold after the sell by date. My mom didn't realize it until she got home. Plus the store just seemed dumpy. Neither of us shop there now.

I prefer Giant. :yay:


My Sweetest Boy
Speedy70 said:
Years ago my mom tried shopping there. A lot of their meats were sold after the sell by date. My mom didn't realize it until she got home. Plus the store just seemed dumpy. Neither of us shop there now.

I prefer Giant. :yay:

:lol: Guess you never got crappy, outdated meat at Giant.

I like Food Lion, they've done a lot to improve the store, but it was never really bad...at least not the one in PF. I just don't like the cuts of meat they sell. I buy all of our meats at Nicks and then go to Food Lion for most of the other stuff. Over the summer, I don't really do much "big" grocery shopping, and I pop in at Giant and/or Safeway because of easier access but I still get the majority of the meat at Nicks.
cattitude said:
:lol: Guess you never got crappy, outdated meat at Giant.

I like Food Lion, they've done a lot to improve the store, but it was never really bad...at least not the one in PF. I just don't like the cuts of meat they sell. I buy all of our meats at Nicks and then go to Food Lion for most of the other stuff. Over the summer, I don't really do much "big" grocery shopping, and I pop in at Giant and/or Safeway because of easier access but I still get the majority of the meat at Nicks.

Nope, sure haven't. We get all of our meat at Giant. Once in a blue moon I'll get ground beef at Gene's (aka the IGA in Aquasco). They have the best - never any fat to drain. :yay:


New Member
oh man, check the organic dapiry at safeway. they've got out of dates Several months old .....eghhhhh...right at the front of the store.


Well-Known Member
Giant prices are generally higher then Food Lion, we only buy the sale items from Giant, same with Safeway. Meats come from BJ's or Sams, once in awhile Nick's. But you can't beat Giant's prices on Perdue boneless chicken breast when they have them on sale.
If a item isn't on sale and we need it we go to Food Lion we don't buy meats from FL, we use the Food Lion in Charlotte Hall and have no complaints with that store always clean. :yay:
OldHillcrestGuy said:
Giant prices are generally higher then Food Lion, we only buy the sale items from Giant, same with Safeway. Meats come from BJ's or Sams, once in awhile Nick's. But you can't beat Giant's prices on Perdue boneless chicken breast when they have them on sale.
If a item isn't on sale and we need it we go to Food Lion we don't buy meats from FL, we use the Food Lion in Charlotte Hall and have no complaints with that store always clean. :yay:

I'll pay a little extra as long as the store is clean, the staff are friendly/helfpul, and I don't have to worry about quality. :shrug:


My Sweetest Boy
Speedy70 said:
I'll pay a little extra as long as the store is clean, the staff are friendly/helfpul, and I don't have to worry about quality. :shrug:

Food Lion is clean. Go to Nicks and talk to the meatcutters that left Giant. :yay:

I've shopped at the local Safeway and Giant (since it opened) and both have had outdated food, etc. It happens everywhere. Food Lion got a really bad rep many years ago with that tainted meat scare and Giant/Safeway are just assumed to be better quality and that is not always the case.

Since the Cohens got out of Giant, the stores have had plenty of issues.


New Member
Oh yeah, forgot about that. Def. ask the meat cutters at Nicks about how clean Giant really is. The had some SHAAAAAAAAAADY practice.