24 hours in Prince Frederick?


New Member
To the girl having problems with your "colicy" child. I feel your pain. My youngest daughter, who is now 30 yo was "colicy" for the first six months after she was born. I tried everything under the sun. They didn't have the things on the market today that they did back then. She also had her days and nights mixed up. She slept during the day, sort of, but was up all night. Her sister was 3 at the time. So the only sleep I got was when the two of them were a sleep at the same time, which wasn't very frequent. I even tried rubbing whisky on her gums to see if that would help. Recommended by both grandmothers at the time. The pediatritian said if the child is awake, then you need to be awake with her. I burped, I rocked, I did any and everything and she just would not stop crying or being cranky.
Now for a little paid back karma. Two and a half years ago when my granddaughter was born my daughter went thru the same thing I went thru with her. Only except her pediatritian recommended giving her tylenol and some homeopathic remedy for colic/gas. Plus she was lucky to have me with her during this. One night the poor girl (my daughter) was so tired that she was bumping into walls, so to speak. Her sister was there also. We told her to go to bed and we would take care of little Alizia. I finally got her calmed down by placing her across my lap with her little head hanging over and patting and rubbing her back. I made sure her tummy was placed on one of my legs and this helped tremdously, also. She fell asleep and slept thru the night. After that night we put her to bed on her stomach, the way doctors used to tell mothers to put their children to sleep. I know they aren't recommending this because of SIDs. However, we took extreme precautions and made sure there was no loose blanket, bib, spit up cloth or anything like that that may have gotten bunched up and cut off her breathing.

The only thing that I shop for at Food Lion is their half gallon of 1/2-N-1/2. Even then most times the ones here in Lusby and Solomons very rarely have it. I have to go to California to buy it. They don't carry Snapple or many other things that I use to create meals.

You will learn to make lists of things that you are running out of or to put an item on a shopping list when you open the last bottle/container/box so that you won't run out or have the problem like you did have in the middle of the night.

Unfortunately living here in So. MD you don't have some of the luxuries that you have in the larger cities. However, I don't think we have very long to wait before you start seeing a lot of changes around here. We've only been here two years and things have started changing already. Look at all the construction that is going on. And BRAC (Base Realignment and Closure) claim that ONLY 3000 employees are being relocated to PAX River. My husband, myself, and one of his co-workers had seen an article that 7,000 employees were suppose to be transferred to PAX River. Now, for some odd reason, we can't find that news article. I have gone so far as to write different people about it and they have told me that I must be mistaken and read the article wrong. I would admit to maybe making that mistake if it were only me, however two other people saw the same article.