24 hr vet in Waldorf


New Member
Dr. Fox....he does some of our wildlife.

Dr. Fox is the most uncaring individual i have every brought my animals to...the day i had to put my little doggie down he made me feel like i was doing something wrong...she was 14 had degenerative disc and on pain meds for it ...that day the meds stopped working and she started to paralyze so i knew it was time for her to go...the only place open was dr fox's office...he lectured me for 45 mins about how they could perform a 3,000 dollar surgery that MAY work...i could not see her going thru the pain any longer for something that may work...so i held her when it was time to put her down...and he charged me an extra 45.00 because i held her while it was done...she was only a little pomeranian....so before you take your animal to waldorf animal hospital please make sure you are not seeing dr fox.


Pitty Party
Dr. Fox is the most uncaring individual i have every brought my animals to...the day i had to put my little doggie down he made me feel like i was doing something wrong...she was 14 had degenerative disc and on pain meds for it ...that day the meds stopped working and she started to paralyze so i knew it was time for her to go...the only place open was dr fox's office...he lectured me for 45 mins about how they could perform a 3,000 dollar surgery that MAY work...i could not see her going thru the pain any longer for something that may work...so i held her when it was time to put her down...and he charged me an extra 45.00 because i held her while it was done...she was only a little pomeranian....so before you take your animal to waldorf animal hospital please make sure you are not seeing dr fox.

He was also one of the Dr's that watched over Sash. No complaints.


Help "Invisible Dogs"
I have taken 2 dogs there and my parrot. I don't think either of my dogs were seen by Dr. Fox (which I was extremely glad about). Although they were expensive and one dog benefitted from it, one still died (it wouldn't have mattered which vet she was at, the disease just won). Dr. Fox saw my parrot and I was totally unimpressed with him.

But I heard the same thing from my regular vet, they can't say which is better but their recommendation is to try the Annapolis one first.

But remember now this place is open Alliance Partner Veterinary Emergency Service (APVES): Serving Southern Maryland, Maryland, Washington DC. Virginia in Huntingtown, MD


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I have taken 2 dogs there and my parrot. I don't think either of my dogs were seen by Dr. Fox (which I was extremely glad about). Although they were expensive and one dog benefitted from it, one still died (it wouldn't have mattered which vet she was at, the disease just won). Dr. Fox saw my parrot and I was totally unimpressed with him.

But I heard the same thing from my regular vet, they can't say which is better but their recommendation is to try the Annapolis one first.

But remember now this place is open Alliance Partner Veterinary Emergency Service (APVES): Serving Southern Maryland, Maryland, Washington DC. Virginia in Huntingtown, MD

Where is that place??? I had to take Rudie after running over him to Dunkirk, thank goodness there was a doc there to operate on him right away. Is this place the MASH place??


R.I.P. Bobo, We miss you!
I have taken 2 dogs there and my parrot. I don't think either of my dogs were seen by Dr. Fox (which I was extremely glad about). Although they were expensive and one dog benefitted from it, one still died (it wouldn't have mattered which vet she was at, the disease just won). Dr. Fox saw my parrot and I was totally unimpressed with him.

But I heard the same thing from my regular vet, they can't say which is better but their recommendation is to try the Annapolis one first.

But remember now this place is open Alliance Partner Veterinary Emergency Service (APVES): Serving Southern Maryland, Maryland, Washington DC. Virginia in Huntingtown, MD

OK, it is the MASH place, I didn't realize they were an after hours emergency place, good to know. Thanks.


Pitty Party
Glad she's doing great, same with my girl. She was in there for about one week and I have zero complaints. They really seemed to care about her.

This was Sash when she got out of surgery. Of course this was 2 yrs ago now Dec 19th as you see on her leg. After a year of rehab she is back to running 60 miles around me. :lol:


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New Member
This was Sash when she got out of surgery. Of course this was 2 yrs ago now Dec 19th as you see on her leg. After a year of rehab she is back to running 60 miles around me. :lol:

Aww, poor little girl! I'm glad she is healed up and back to her old self, she looked pitiful w/ the casts on her legs.


We've never had a problem w/ their service. I'm guessing it was because we came, we saw & we conquired our objective.. A bull in the china shop if you will..
Greater than 3K has been dropped there in the past 10 years.. 4 episodes that warrented an "emergency" situation..

No complaints out of me..