"24" show


NOT Politically Correct!!
PsyOps said:
This is the same mentality we had prior to 911. We (particularly our government) pretended we were impervious from any kind of attack. When we know there is an enemy that would love nothing more than to light off a nuke in our largest cities it’s a mistake to downplay any possibility.

And we really don’t need foreign oil. We have the oil assets within the US to sustain us for a very long time. But, with the environmentalists and the liberals in their court there will be no more refineries built or drill off the gulf coast or in the oil shale of the mid-west or in Anwar Alaska. The liberals have completely tied our hands, keeping us dependent on foreign oil.

If ever a nail had to be hit, you hit it right on the head.... :yay:


Anyone else getting irritated by 24 this year?

I watch 24 to see Jack Bauer kill people. I like to see him rip people's throats out with his teeth, I like to see him hacksaw the heads off of scumbags, and to generally turn the bad guys into minced meat. Jack "Full boar, pedal to the metal, do what has to be done, pell-mell, Kill Em All and Let God Sort-em Out" Freaking Bauer, baby!

What I do not watch 24 for is to be preached to.

And it seems the general theme of 24 this year is a politically correct, namby-pamby, mealy-mouthed, turdfaced, anti-profiling, we're all pink on the inside kick. If they're going to turn 24 into a bleeding heart propaganda machine, I'm turning the #### off.

I, personally, don't agree with racial profiling. But I certainly don't need to have this crap shoved down my throat by people that used to bring me such sadistic glee. My patience is wearing thin with this show. I don't like preachy-assed propaganda, even when I agree with it.

I can easily replace 24 with Heroes, where the only politician is a non-partisan flying douche-can.

And Milo irritates me.

No reason - he just does. Maybe its that twerply little beard.


Toxick said:
Anyone else getting irritated by 24 this year?

I watch 24 to see Jack Bauer kill people. I like to see him rip people's throats out with his teeth, I like to see him hacksaw the heads off of scumbags, and to generally turn the bad guys into minced meat. Jack "Full boar, pedal to the metal, do what has to be done, pell-mell, Kill Em All and Let God Sort-em Out" Freaking Bauer, baby!

What I do not watch 24 for is to be preached to.

And it seems the general theme of 24 this year is a politically correct, namby-pamby, mealy-mouthed, turdfaced, anti-profiling, we're all pink on the inside kick. If they're going to turn 24 into a bleeding heart propaganda machine, I'm turning the #### off.

I, personally, don't agree with racial profiling. But I certainly don't need to have this crap shoved down my throat by people that used to bring me such sadistic glee. My patience is wearing thin with this show. I don't like preachy-assed propaganda, even when I agree with it.

I can easily replace 24 with Heroes, where the only politician is a non-partisan flying douche-can.

And Milo irritates me.

No reason - he just does. Maybe its that twerply little beard.
Patience my sadistic friend. There's only been a couple of episodes so far. I mean Jack did already kill a teenager (I think he killed him didn't he?) and tortured his own brother.


PsyOps said:
Patience my sadistic friend. There's only been a couple of episodes so far. I mean Jack did already kill a teenager (I think he killed him didn't he?) and tortured his own brother.

Assad killed him. Jack was working through a difficult mental argument with himself at the time, so he only jammed a pencil or something into the kid's bullet-hole, but ultimately didn't have the stones to finish the job. So Assad came along, shoved a hunting knife into his knee cartilidge, and then after he got the info he needed, he slid the knife between his ribs.

But if I want to listen to some left-wing blubbering about racial profiling and how evil republicans are tearing down the constitution, I'll read the Washington Post or watch CNN.

I really hope they drop this sanctimonious crap, quick, fast and in a hurry.

I'm already at the point where I Fast-Forward through any scene containing Wayne Palmer's sister. What a shrill #### she is. I want to put her in a bag and thump a stick on any part of the bag that's not flat.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
PsyOps said:
Patience my sadistic friend. There's only been a couple of episodes so far. I mean Jack did already kill a teenager (I think he killed him didn't he?) and tortured his own brother.

AND killed his friend.
Toxick said:
Anyone else getting irritated by 24 this year?

I watch 24 to see Jack Bauer kill people. I like to see him rip people's throats out with his teeth, I like to see him hacksaw the heads off of scumbags, and to generally turn the bad guys into minced meat. Jack "Full boar, pedal to the metal, do what has to be done, pell-mell, Kill Em All and Let God Sort-em Out" Freaking Bauer, baby!

What I do not watch 24 for is to be preached to.

And it seems the general theme of 24 this year is a politically correct, namby-pamby, mealy-mouthed, turdfaced, anti-profiling, we're all pink on the inside kick. If they're going to turn 24 into a bleeding heart propaganda machine, I'm turning the #### off.

I, personally, don't agree with racial profiling. But I certainly don't need to have this crap shoved down my throat by people that used to bring me such sadistic glee. My patience is wearing thin with this show. I don't like preachy-assed propaganda, even when I agree with it.

I can easily replace 24 with Heroes, where the only politician is a non-partisan flying douche-can.

And Milo irritates me.

No reason - he just does. Maybe its that twerply little beard.

Trust me, Jacj is just getting started, i guarentee you, it will only get better....been a fan of the show for 5 seasons :howdy:


mehlert74 said:
Trust me, Jacj is just getting started, i guarentee you, it will only get better....been a fan of the show for 5 seasons :howdy:

I've been there since the beginning - don't get me wrong. I'm the biggest 24 fan in here.

Which is why it pains me to see the preachiness that's oozed onto the set this year.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Toxick said:
I've been there since the beginning - don't get me wrong. I'm the biggest 24 fan in here.

Which is why it pains me to see the preachiness that's oozed onto the set this year.

Odd. I always thought it was just a tad right-wing preachy previously. Don't get me wrong there - some of that preachiness I think needed to be said. There are many times in 24 where they are forced to do awful things that if happened for real - nowadays - and the press got hold of it - would be blasted in the press. You as the viewer can see what's going on and think "f*ck due process! there's a nuke going off in an hour!". When you see whiny kids and prima donnas screwing up the works, you reach a point where you want to say "crap - I know wussies JUST like that - they're so concerned about their little ideas, they'd just as soon let people die".


Well-Known Member
Don't throw stones at me, but I've tuned in twice now and have decided I'm done.