
"Typical White Person"
domeglowing said:
See what I mean, just because I do not agree with you then you have to resort to violence. This thread was on the front page and if you do not like people coming in here and speaking their minds then make it a private thread. You are just reaching now.

Where do see any violence in that post?

You are a hypocirte, show me how you aren't.

BTW there is this place a few thousand miles from here that I'll bet you'd love. You should get out of "redneck southern Maryland" and go join the kooks in California whose ideals are more in-line with yours I'm sure they'd welcome you with open arms.
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New Member
domeglowing said:
I think it was a shame to kill the deer. Jesus I still cannot believe people get off shooting animals and eating them.

Ohhh big hunter man shoots animals that cannot defend themselves.

domeglowing said:
wow to know they really exist and then you go and kill it. nice. freaking rednecks.

12-03-2006 07:34 PM I refuse to give red out just because I do not agree with you to me that was just being childish. Dome

You came in here with your Prada fist in the air :drama: begging for the red, so you got it and I signed it.

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New Member
I think all the pesticides from your vegatables has gone to your brain. The next piece of meat I eat I will think of you. Perhaps when you drive your bicycle around town you will hit a deer and have a different outlook on the sport I love, hunting. And if something should ever happen to the world where I am forced to hunt and gather to survive. I take pride in knowing that I will provide for my family. While your eating grass I will be feeding on what God has put on this earth just for us. ANIMALS. And you say 'redneck' like it is an offensive word? I'm no more offended than if you called me sir, Greenneck! I was waiting for a mature buck to shoot but now I will shoot the smallest, tastiest, fawn I can find. Look what YOU have made me do, you murderer. Go to another forum to babble, Hippie.
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Cowgirl Up
I have a question...I was watching something with my hubby last Saturday morning about whitetail. It said that once a deer gets in its prime which they said was 8 yrs old that from that time their antlers become denser as each year passes. I always thought the bigger the rack the older the deer was and was quite surprised by what they were saying. What do you think about this?

Bird Dog

Bird Dog
PREMO Member
mygoldnhorse said:
I have a question...I was watching something with my hubby last Saturday morning about whitetail. It said that once a deer gets in its prime which they said was 8 yrs old that from that time their antlers become denser as each year passes. I always thought the bigger the rack the older the deer was and was quite surprised by what they were saying. What do you think about this?

After a certain point, bucks do not get more points on their racks just bigger mass. So a 2 year old 8 point buck would probably never become a 10 point buck just a larger 8 pointer or may develope brow tines to become a 10 point

As always there are exceptions to all rules.


New Member
Well, if you eat steroids for a year or two you'll get big muscles too!

Your pistol might fall off, or you might get lucky and just lose your bullets but, at least you have the option to still "mount" something.

Now show me a buck like that, that's nature made!

Sorry, not impressed with bag / block fed deer. I am just a real hunter who takes real pride in taking what's offered naturally.

I got a 4 pointer this year, now that's a trophy take, with 0% additives or preservatives.

That's just another problem with some deer farmers these days, too many egos about who can grow the biggest deer, whatever happened to "deer hunting"?


New Member
JustynSayneBand said:
I got a 4 pointer this year, now that's a trophy take, with 0% additives or preservatives.

I've done better than that with the front end of my car. :shrug:


Stubborn and opinionated
domeglowing said:
Where is the sport of hunting an animal that cannot fight back and shooting it?

The sport isn't in the killing of the animal.:banghead: The sport comes from having enough skill to sneak in close enough to touch it. It takes little skill to kill them. Until you have felt the shakes from having gotten that close to said animal, you really haven't a clue what it's all about.

And btw, your stereotyping of all hunters as being drunken rednecks is entirely offensive to those that aren't. Keep your stereotypes to yourself,tyvm.:loser:

I'll hang my gun up the day the state of Maryland says that they deny me the privelege of buying a license to hunt and not a day sooner.:yay:


Hmmm Venison ......... or a 24 oz Ribeye from Longhorn .....


New Member
RadioPatrol said:
Hmmm Venison ......... or a 24 oz Ribeye from Longhorn .....


I got 3 pounds of jerky marinating in the fridge right now, can't wait for that treat to be ready!


New Member
JustynSayneBand said:
Well, if you eat steroids for a year or two you'll get big muscles too!

Your pistol might fall off, or you might get lucky and just lose your bullets but, at least you have the option to still "mount" something.

Now show me a buck like that, that's nature made!

Sorry, not impressed with bag / block fed deer. I am just a real hunter who takes real pride in taking what's offered naturally.

I got a 4 pointer this year, now that's a trophy take, with 0% additives or preservatives.

That's just another problem with some deer farmers these days, too many egos about who can grow the biggest deer, whatever happened to "deer hunting"?

Someone left me some bad karma about my reply to this post, it reads,
"you're an idiot if you are calling this a farm raised deer."

NOTE: brew some coffee, 'cause here I go!

Do I feel this was a "Farm Raised" deer, YES, in every way I do, and I can supply the facts to make my case. It's like any other livestock farmer purposely growing bigger livestock for bigger income. Farmers do it all the time, catfish, chickens, turkeys, cattle, ect. Do you honestly think these animals get as big as they do at this rate in nature? NO!

That's why the livestock farmers use high protein feeds with daily supplements, to make them bigger, better, faster. If they weigh more, they cost more. Heck, chicken farmers even use steroid based feeds to increase the number of eggs that a chicken lays! Go to Southern States and ask what "Rooster Booster" and "XLA" is for.

If this deer was an all natural, 100% additive free animal, then I would have 1200 acres full of them, and so would everyone else. Not even do the salt marshes around the Zekiah Swamp area produce deer like this, and that's an all natural food source! And we all know deer take to salt like flies on...

Here's my challenge to that person who left that comment:

Prove to me, with your hand on the Bible, that this deer was not feed a regular diet of Trace Mineral salt, which probably came from Southern States or Tractor Supply in an 80 pound bag or a 50 pound block, and other high protein greens, which are not native to the area where the deer was shot.

If you can prove to me that I am the idiot you say I am, then I will publicly apologize to everyone who is familiar with this post.

Now, be sure to learn what my past profession was, before you make yourself the idiot here. There are things I know professionally about this subject.

I simply stated that I am a man who prefers to hunt deer in a natural way, I appreciate the offer of what nature has to provide and that is why I hunt. If you do not understand that I simply made my opinion public, then you have not a clue about the subject you are speaking against.

I myself could grow a deer to be as big as I want it to be, I think this 30 point monster buck is pretty awesome to look at, BUT, it's not a freak of nature... it's a freak of man!

If you are jealous of this 30 point monster and wish you had one, contact me, I'll tell you how to grow a whole herd of them, ga-run-dang-teed!

BTW, ever seen those 20 pound rabbits at the county fair that take up the whole cage? Yep, freak of man too!


I bowl overhand
mygoldnhorse said:
I have a question...I was watching something with my hubby last Saturday morning about whitetail. It said that once a deer gets in its prime which they said was 8 yrs old that from that time their antlers become denser as each year passes. I always thought the bigger the rack the older the deer was and was quite surprised by what they were saying. What do you think about this?
I went to a deer farm in PA, and they had recorded antlers on their walls from deer they had in their herd (past and present). After deer reach their prime their racks actually shrink, and will have less tines every year. They may in fact get denser, but they shrink in overall size.


I bowl overhand
domeglowing said:
And again I will say this was on the front page and for anyone to read and provide thought one. Just because mine is not the same as everyone elses does not mean I cannot say it. Period.
Dissenter, Dissenter.. Get thee out of the religous forums...

Oh wait, what forum is this again??


Last I heard was that the guy was offered $750,000.00 for it...I believe from Cabellas. His lawyer was involved because in MD it's not legal to sell deer.
I certainly can't confirm that story, but it's what I heard.


Well-Known Member
oldnavy said:
Last I heard was that the guy was offered $750,000.00 for it...I believe from Cabellas. His lawyer was involved because in MD it's not legal to sell deer.
I certainly can't confirm that story, but it's what I heard.

I'd say that if he can't get some sort of exception to the law, just find out how much the fine would be for breaking that law. If the fine is less than $750K, proceed with the sale. :yay:


bohman said:
I'd say that if he can't get some sort of exception to the law, just find out how much the fine would be for breaking that law. If the fine is less than $750K, proceed with the sale. :yay:

Good thought, but in some cases it goes beyond the fine. Could lead to his weapons being taken and his hunting privledges being revoked.

Homer J

Power Chord
So give it to a trusted friend or relative from out of state as a "gift". Then they can do with it what they wish. Right?


New Member
oldnavy said:
Last I heard was that the guy was offered $750,000.00 for it...I believe from Cabellas. His lawyer was involved because in MD it's not legal to sell deer.
I certainly can't confirm that story, but it's what I heard.

I know it's illegal to sell deer meat, but, I wonder if it is illegal to sell a mounted deer? Good question, got me thinking now. After all I have seen a lot of deer mounts on ebay, so, I'd be curious to know what becomes of the situation.