311 Day 2010!!!


New Member
3/11/2010 in Vegas, 12,000 Fans and 5 hours of 311!!!!! I wanna see some fans give some 311 day shout outs!! LOVE, PEACE, AND THE UNITY!! Anybody in the SOMD going out there besides me and my crew?


New Member
3/11/2010 in Vegas, 12,000 Fans and 5 hours of 311!!!!! I wanna see some fans give some 311 day shout outs!! LOVE, PEACE, AND THE UNITY!! Anybody in the SOMD going out there besides me and my crew?

You're going?! Thats awesome! I have always wanted to go! pNut beat that thang!


New Member
WTF is 311 day?

311 Day is a wonderous gathering of 311 Fans from across the world, Last time it was 15,000 people from 9 different countries came together. 311 DAY started in 2000 in New Orleans, when the city dubbed March 11th as 311 Day!!! every 2 years we have gathered in New Orleans (except for Katrina and this year) to party our asses off while celebrating our love of music and 311!! :yahoo:


New Member
3-11. 11 = K. KKK

It's KKK day. :coffee:

to quote someone awesome
"#### the KKK!"

i'm disappointed in you. and no, we aren't gonna sit around all day playing hackey sack...we are gonna gamble, drink, smoke, and enjoy great music and people who I can say, are way better people then this person futhering messages of hate.


New Member
311 was(is) also the police code in Nebraska for someone streaking in public, for your info, but the real deal, no one knows what 311 stands for except 311


New Member
oh, and hurley, reading your little quotes...so, u "beat it like a cop" huh? Beat what? your wife, your dick, civil liberties, what? in any of the above cases, u must seek therapy:killingme


They're out to get us
to quote someone awesome
"#### the KKK!"

i'm disappointed in you. and no, we aren't gonna sit around all day playing hackey sack...we are gonna gamble, drink, smoke, and enjoy great music and people who I can say, are way better people then this person futhering messages of hate.
Someone had to :elaine: so it might as well be me


311 was(is) also the police code in Nebraska for someone streaking in public, for your info, but the real deal, no one knows what 311 stands for except 311
I thought that's what they named it after (the streaking code). I forget, I know they explained it so they could make sure people wouldn't think it's the KKK explanation


oh, and hurley, reading your little quotes...so, u "beat it like a cop" huh? Beat what? your wife, your dick, civil liberties, what? in any of the above cases, u must seek therapy:killingme

Aw I hurt your feelings because I made fun of your little boy band...I'm sorry! I'm sure you guys can all hug it out and will feel all better!:killingme


They're out to get us
311 day is a celebration of 311

WTF is a 311?

it's a band that was popular in the late 90's and early 00's (if they made it that long). i think there was some other band that had an annual concert for awhile, long after most people really cared. Same kind of thing here.


New Member
Aw I hurt your feelings because I made fun of your little boy band...I'm sorry! I'm sure you guys can all hug it out and will feel all better!:killingme

hurt my feelings, please...I think its hilarious your best retort was the hackey sack line, and you think thats funny as ####. I took a dump with more originallity then you this morning. hackey sack? what is this, Phish? gimme a break. how about you go back to listening to deathmetal, and let the adults talk.


New Member
it's a band that was popular in the late 90's and early 00's (if they made it that long). i think there was some other band that had an annual concert for awhile, long after most people really cared. Same kind of thing here.

yeah, still huge underground, but they were only mainstream for awhile in the 90's, but that's what was so great until a couple years ago when they started building mainstream audience again. people who only listened to stuff that just came out have made the band stop varying up the shows. With over 100 original songs, they have a huge basket of music to choose from, but to keep up they have only been playing the new album and their number 1hits. which brings in the people, but alienates fans like me who have been down since the first album "Music" dropped in i think 92. Nonetheless, 311 Dat however brings out rare songs, crazy covers, and a wild ass stage show which anybody with some soul can get down with