6 West Pointers OD on fentanyl laced coke while on spring break


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
The entire student body will feel the pain from this incident. Piss tests all around once classes resume as the first step. Then take the dogs through the dorms.
One person has been arrested after a group of spring breakers from West Point suffered a mass fentanyl overdose at a vacation rental in Florida, authorities said Friday night. In a statement earlier, the U.S. Military Academy in West Point, N.Y. said it was "aware of the situation involving West Point cadets" that occurred in Wilton Manors on Thursday night.
Four are thought to have used cocaine laced with the powerful synthetic opioid that has a potency dozens of times stronger than morphine, Gollan said, according to the station.

The other two overdosed when they tried to administer CPR and were exposed to the drug, Gollan said.

All six were from West Point, and two were revived using Narcan, the emergency overdose treatment, the station reported.

hello community college

black dog

Free America
One would think piss tests would be the second thing done after returning..
Formation and piss tests...


Mostly settled in...
Ad Free Experience
Heres a question, one buys cocaine and expects cocaine. Is it the buyers fault it had fentanyl in it?
This story hits pretty close to home. One of my 1st cousins, who lived in Florida, got addicted to painkillers due to a bad back injury when he worked as a cable installer. When he could not get enough from the doc, started buying on the street. Fentanyl laced Oxycodone was his demise.

As I understand from what his sister passed on, the street dealer was found, charged and convicted of voluntary manslaughter.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
I wonder if we will hear how many total people OD from this tainted batch of coke. No telling how much dope was cut with it. Doing street drugs today is like having unprotected sex in the mid 1980s. You might have your mind blown or it could be a death sentence.

black dog

Free America
This story hits pretty close to home. One of my 1st cousins, who lived in Florida, got addicted to painkillers due to a bad back injury when he worked as a cable installer. When he could not get enough from the doc, started buying on the street. Fentanyl laced Oxycodone was his demise.

As I understand from what his sister passed on, the street dealer was found, charged and convicted of voluntary manslaughter.
It killed my besties younger brother, he was a lifelong criminal drug addict, he was found from the stink comming from the Balmor row-home.
The only reason they found out who he was, his dna was on file from prison.
Its a killer for sure... Parents dont tolerate your kids being drug addicts...


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member

They busted a drug dealer that admitted to selling the dope to the cadets. His phone had proof that they were in contact. He better hope they all make it otherwise he's looking at serious jail time.


Axel Giovany Casseus, 21

Alleged Florida drug dealer jailed after West Point cadets OD on spring break



Well-Known Member
:lol: Does it really matter that the coke these West Pointers bought was laced with fentanyl?? Isn't coke illegal? These guys/gals(?) are supposedly the best of the best to get into a mil institution but they felt free to buy an illegal substance? I really don't get where this thread got off track.


Well-Known Member
:lol: Does it really matter that the coke these West Pointers bought was laced with fentanyl?? Isn't coke illegal? These guys/gals(?) are supposedly the best of the best to get into a mil institution but they felt free to buy an illegal substance? I really don't get where this thread got off track.
Just following Hunter. He is, probably, painting images of why he was discharged. Not. God bless the USA.

black dog

Free America
Just following Hunter. He is, probably, painting images of why he was discharged. Not. God bless the USA.
He was a massive failure in the service, like so many drug addict convicts here in America.
Bidens sons served.... Thats something you cant say....
.Parents dont tolerate your kids being drug addicts...
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
:lol: Does it really matter that the coke these West Pointers bought was laced with fentanyl?? Isn't coke illegal? These guys/gals(?) are supposedly the best of the best to get into a mil institution but they felt free to buy an illegal substance? I really don't get where this thread got off track.

Well....there's that.....

black dog

Free America
This is a real question: what are they supposed to do about it? Not being snarky, I'm genuinely asking how a parent is supposed to stop their kid who gets addicted to drugs (or alcohol or anything).
Are any of your kids addicts of any kind?
I would say, dont let you kid become an addict to begin with...
If I ever thought mine was drunk or high? He would have been piss tested within the hour.
I love you son, piss in the cup.

We were always involved in raising our son together before and as divorced parents, he always had responsibilities and had a job at Ace in Leonardtown the summer he was 13-14.
He had daily responsibilities at home, he had a mom at home, when she went to work he had a father that then worked at home. He was never allowed to run the streets at will.
I just showed up at school on occasion and watched him through the windows, on the playground, we had lunch sometimes together at school.
He was raised by two people that were and still are involved in his life. Until recently neither of us was his friend, we were parents and we taught our son how to be a very productive citizen.
And not once did either of us put a hand on him....

I have three friends since kindergarten and 1st grade, 25 years or so ago one started having a drug problem. The other two snatched his ass one day and he detoxed the hard way.
He did it with the love of two brothers from other mothers.

We all got throught it. We are still tight as ticks...
Ive seen the drugs and what can happen, I was born in the 50's and in school in the 60's through the middle 70's in a place where kids had money and drugs flowed freely.

In essence im a believer of parents want drug free kids, just be a parent.
He got full custody of both of his children in 1961.

What I know about being a parent, I learned from my father he was always around.
Thanks Master Chief....

If we can do it, it must not be that hard.....
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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Are any of your kids addicts of any kind?

No, but I know people whose kids are. Plus I grew up in AA and pretty much every adult around me was struggling with addiction.

If I ever thought mine was drunk or high? He would have been piss tested within the hour.
I love you son, piss in the cup.

What if he refused? What if he said, "**** you, I'm leaving"?

Don't get me wrong, I am a firm believer in rules and involvement and discipline and consequences, and I do think it goes a long way toward putting your kids on the right path. But then you have those outliers, and what do you do?

This story, for example. These kids got into West Point, so I'ma guess they have some stuff on the ball. Certainly they have good grades and show leadership qualities and good citizenship and had parental involvement......and yet there they are, majoring in Poor Choices.

Can you imagine that? Here's your son, great kid, bright future, got accepted to freaking West Point, bitches :dude: And next thing you know he's ODing in some Florida flop house and that's that. Life comes at you fast.