

Princess of Mean
Cat bites are nasty and notorious for absessing. Your uh...."pussy" cat is gonna get shaved so they can see the wounds. Poor thing, just hope the humiliation from a bad haircut isn't as bad as that azz whoopin he got.
:huggy: from my feline INDOOR (too bad if they don't like it) crew.


Hello6 said:
Cat bites are nasty and notorious for absessing. Your uh...."pussy" cat is gonna get shaved so they can see the wounds. Poor thing, just hope the humiliation from a bad haircut isn't as bad as that azz whoopin he got.
:huggy: from my feline INDOOR (too bad if they don't like it) crew.
I have a feeling he is going to be an indoor cat soon. He so loves hanging around in the yard. He rarely wanders far, he is always around, it is those other nasty effers that come here and jump him.

He got bit on the ass last time. They had to shave his butt, the neighbor kid with 10,000 questions came over and without hesitation asked what happened to Choppers butt? I told him we were trying to make him look like you, we got his butt shaved butt, but the training him to walk backwards was hard.


Right Where I Belong
Pete said:
They had to shave his butt, the neighbor kid with 10,000 questions came over and without hesitation asked what happened to Choppers butt? I told him we were trying to make him look like you, we got his butt shaved butt, but the training him to walk backwards was hard.
:jet: Oh, you didn't tell him that did you. :lmao:


Poor chopper. One thing that helped me when my cats were on those dreaded antibotics was using less than a half a teaspoon of fish flavored wetfood and mixing it in the fish flavored food took the smell of the antibotics away because its stronger smelling. The vet I use gave me that trick and it works well you might want to try it and see if chopper will go for it as most cats love fish. Or ask for pills that way all you have to do is pry his mouth open and put the pill at the back of the throat and be done with it.


I know Chopper is accustomed to going outside and it would be hard to keep him confined indoors, but until that feral cat population is taken care of, it might be a good idea to keep him inside.

JMO has a very good idea there with the fish flavoring.


kizzy when this thing allows me more good juju is coming your way. Pete how did kitty make out at the vet?

The Jackoholic

thinning out the tards
here's a quick question chopper still have his marbles? if so you might want to get them yanked then he might stop wondering around outside. also some of those cat that are jacking him up might be his own offspring getting revenge on thier dead-beat-dad:boxing:


Princess of Mean
One of my cats, Angus McDingus, was neutered at about 4 months old and he has wanderlust in his puss boots. He's always trying to get out the back door, just to sit in the back yard under the grill. I try to tell him he's an indoor kitty, but he won't listen. :shutup:


Chopper has a fever 103.9 and two puncture marks on his now bare back. $90 and a bottle of antibiotics and he will be good as new.


Pete said:
Chopper has a fever 103.9 and two puncture marks on his now bare back. $90 and a bottle of antibiotics and he will be good as new.

Good to hear :yay:


New Member
Pete said:
Chopper has a fever 103.9 and two puncture marks on his now bare back. $90 and a bottle of antibiotics and he will be good as new.
You got off cheap. Oscar cost my dear mom $190 for his. Oscar was a pain killer and antibiotic junkie, he never ran from me and sat there like a good kitty while I gave him his meds.


Lovin' being Texican
Dymphna said:
Someone actually too offense at this post. Maybe I should've included a link for the newbies. :shrug:

This link is the most entertaining thing I have seen in weeks! Thanks for the lead. :popcorn: