
Pete said:
I can't do that, my stupid cat would drink it. He is indoor/outdoor. He stays around here though and doesn't roam much.

He is like a freaking dog, when we come home he comes out of the garage to the truck and rolls on the ground. :rolleyes:
Sounds like our black cat. Annoyingly friendly.
Pete said:
Chopper the wondercat got mugged again tonight right out on my deck. After we got him in the house and calmed down, he looked rough but no bites found.

The neighbors has a colony of ferel cats under their shed. Animal control gave them traps and they got 14 over a 4 week stretch. Looks like one eluded the traps. :mad:
.17HMR more neighborhood friendly and oh so fun to shoot.


My Sweetest Boy
Pete said:
rolls on the ground.
All of my cats do that. It's a sign they love you and are very comfortable with you. Cats only show their bellies to their bestest friends.



I held him down and looked further and he did have a scratch on his back. It is not a puncture woung like last time, more of a scratch that didn't make it through the hide.


pvineswinger said:
Maybe you should get a dog buddy for your cat-dog; and then the dog buddy will protect the cat-dog from the cat-cats. :howdy:
I fear Chopper would not tollerate a real dog-dog trying to horn in on his cat-dog territory.

Sometimes I wouldn't mind getting another pet but I am sure it would pizz him off royal.


New Member
Pete said:
I held him down and looked further and he did have a scratch on his back. It is not a puncture woung like last time, more of a scratch that didn't make it through the hide.

My Oscar had one of those nasty abscessed bites on his paw from a disagreement with another cat. It was so gross and smelly when it busted open at the vets office. I have seen some nasty abscesses with the horses, but Oscar's was disgusting. :yikes:


barncat said:
My Oscar had one of those nasty abscessed bites on his paw from a disagreement with another cat. It was so gross and smelly when it busted open at the vets office. I have seen some nasty abscesses with the horses, but Oscar's was disgusting. :yikes:
Mine did too about 3 months ago. It was pretty gross, especially since it burst on night while he was sleeping on the bed. :barf:


pete I would recommend keeping kitty in the house then you dont have to worry about his being eaten by one of those meamie kitties that are hanging out at the neighbors house that refuses to be trapped. My cats don't go outside at all and they are just happy being in the house lounging around and they do the same thing your cat does (rollover for belly rubs) one of mine thinks hes a mouser he runs after anything in site including his own tail half the time its kind of funny to watch


jmo2276 said:
pete I would recommend keeping kitty in the house then you dont have to worry about his being eaten by one of those meamie kitties that are hanging out at the neighbors house that refuses to be trapped. My cats don't go outside at all and they are just happy being in the house lounging around and they do the same thing your cat does (rollover for belly rubs) one of mine thinks hes a mouser he runs after anything in site including his own tail half the time its kind of funny to watch
Chopper is the king of his domain. He has been an inside/outside cat his entire 6 year life. He is not "our pet" we are "his". Keeping him in the house would be an imposibility at this point.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Pete said:
Keeping him in the house would be an imposibility at this point.
Yeah, we've got cats like that. Even our baby, who isn't allowed outside because he's too dumb, tries to make a break for it every chance he gets.

You need to make your neighbor get rid of his feral cat nest. Our now deceased combat kitty died of feline AIDS from fighting with an infected feral.


Well Chopper is hurting. He has been hiding form us since last night. Tonight I found him in the spare room and tried to pet him softly and felt a lump and he hissed at me twice. He is in pain and going to the vet tomorrow.

The trigger lock is coming off the Browning and I am going on a cat hunt. This will be the second time we have had to do vet trips over abscesses due to cat fights with strays.


Right Where I Belong
Pete said:
Well Chopper is hurting. He has been hiding form us since last night. Tonight I found him in the spare room and tried to pet him softly and felt a lump and he hissed at me twice. He is in pain and going to the vet tomorrow.

The trigger lock is coming off the Browning and I am going on a cat hunt. This will be the second time we have had to do vet trips over abscesses due to cat fights with strays.
Your poor cat Pete. I hope he is going to be okay.:frown:


He will be ok, I am the one who has to write the check then chase his furry ass around the house trying to shoot bubblegum flavored amoxicilin down his throat twice a day.