$85 BILLION to Ukraine and Israel


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
That's what the regime is asking Congress for in the budget.

Think what we could do with $85 BILLION right here in the USofA.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure...... Well, I mean we *can* but we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it. You see, our priority is to send *$85 BILLION* to foreign countries to help with their problems....."

And to anyone (Dembots, I'm looking at you) insisting that foreign countries, not to mention illegal aliens, are more important than US citizens - come over here so I can slap you right in the mouth.


PREMO Member
"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure......

NO Progressives will COME BACK and ask for MORE money for those programs .....

Look at Denver, budget shortfalls cutting DMV and Parks budgets instead of SENDING ILLEGALS BACK HOME


Well-Known Member
That's what the regime is asking Congress for in the budget.

Think what we could do with $85 BILLION right here in the USofA.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure...... Well, I mean we *can* but we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it. You see, our priority is to send *$85 BILLION* to foreign countries to help with their problems....."

And to anyone (Dembots, I'm looking at you) insisting that foreign countries, not to mention illegal aliens, are more important than US citizens - come over here so I can slap you right in the mouth.
I don't hear you complaining about the billions of dollars other countries tax from their citizens just to send to the US. Oh wait, nevermind.


Well-Known Member
NO Progressives will COME BACK and ask for MORE money for those programs .....

Look at Denver, budget shortfalls cutting DMV and Parks budgets instead of SENDING ILLEGALS BACK HOME
Hey, shutting down the DMV could kinda-sorta help the situation (making it harder for illegals).
The Colorado Road and Community Safety Act, Senate Bill 13‑251, allows the state to issue a driver license, minor's instruction permit, or identification card to a noncitizen resident of Colorado who cannot provide proof of lawful presence in the United States.
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Well-Known Member
That's what the regime is asking Congress for in the budget.

Think what we could do with $85 BILLION right here in the USofA.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure...... Well, I mean we *can* but we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it. You see, our priority is to send *$85 BILLION* to foreign countries to help with their problems....."

And to anyone (Dembots, I'm looking at you) insisting that foreign countries, not to mention illegal aliens, are more important than US citizens - come over here so I can slap you right in the mouth.
Is it still riding on the ass end of the Immigration Bill or whatever they're calling it now?
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Well-Known Member
That's what the regime is asking Congress for in the budget.

Think what we could do with $85 BILLION right here in the USofA.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure...... Well, I mean we *can* but we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it. You see, our priority is to send *$85 BILLION* to foreign countries to help with their problems....."

And to anyone (Dembots, I'm looking at you) insisting that foreign countries, not to mention illegal aliens, are more important than US citizens - come over here so I can slap you right in the mouth.

We can afford both.

But republicans keep voting all those things down.

Heck they voted down children's summer feeding programs.

These foreign countries are called Alies and it is our duty to help defend them against our sworn enemies you know like Russian and Putin . That is what being part of NATO is all about.

Republican governors in 15 states are rejecting a new federally funded program to give food assistance to hungry children during the summer months, denying benefits to 8 million children across the country.

The program is expected to serve 21 million youngsters starting around June, providing $2.5 billion in relief across the country.

The governors have given varying reasons for refusing to take part, from the price tag to the fact that the final details of the plan have yet to be worked out. Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds (R) said she saw no need to add money to a program that helps food-insecure youths “when childhood obesity has become an epidemic.” Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen (R) said bluntly, “I don’t believe in welfare.”

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Well-Known Member
What is it? $60 Billion for the Ukraine.
Now that isn't for the year you know. That is just this month's payment.
When that is spent, they will be back for more.
When does it end? Will it ever end?
It makes Biden holding the check for a $ Billion dollars until they fired their attorney General look like peanuts.
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PREMO Member
That is what being aprt of NATO is all about.


You stupid Mewling Quim

These foreign countries are called Allies and it is our duty to help defend them against our sworn enemies

NATO Countries HAVE NOT BEEN KEEPING UP THEIR END .... Trump called them out during his presidency

Ukraine is a EUROPEAN Problem, not a NATO Problem .... Ukraine is a Kleptocracy, Supporting Ukraine is a coverup for Western Business Interests

Why do you support secret Biolabs and Big Business interests in Ukraine.

Why are you supporting billions of dollars for Ukriane to cover Corrupt Corporations making Zelensky rich

you know like Russian and Putin

Why is Russia an Enemy, Russia has been Trying TO JOIN NATO for decades ....


Well-Known Member

You stupid Mewling Quim

NATO Countries HAVE NOT BEEN KEEPING UP THEIR END .... Trump called them out during his presidency

Ukraine is a EUROPEAN Problem, not a NATO Problem .... Ukraine is a Kleptocracy, Supporting Ukraine is a coverup for Western Business Interests

Why do you support secret Biolabs and Big Business interests in Ukraine.

Why are you supporting billions of dollars for Ukriane to cover Corrupt Corporations making Zelensky rich

Why is Russia an Enemy, Russia has been Trying TO JOIN NATO for decades ....

At the 2023 Vilnius Summit, Allies reaffirmed their commitment that Ukraine will become a member of NATO. Recognising Ukraine's increased interoperability and substantial progress with reforms, they decided that Ukraine's path to full Euro-Atlantic integration has moved beyond the need for the Membership Action Plan.
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PREMO Member



be·come bi-ˈkəm

became bi-ˈkām
; become; becoming
Synonyms of become
intransitive verb
: to come into existence
: to come to be
become sick

They both became teachers.

: to undergo change or development
The pain was becoming more intense.

transitive verb
: to be suitable to
seriousness becoming the occasion

especially : to be becoming to
her clothes become her

Are you this stupid or just intentionally obtuse

THAT DOES NOT MAKE UKRAINE A MEMBER OF NATO ..... by the rules and regulations UKRAINE cannot Join NATO because of the WAR

Putin INVADED Ukraine to stop Ukraine from Joining NATO


Well-Known Member
IIRC the Reps want accounting/auditing of where the money is going before cutting another check to Ukraine. Is that still their stance?

Why did the Senate do this. What part of you want money for these countries we need a border bill don't they understand.


Well-Known Member
That's what the regime is asking Congress for in the budget.

Think what we could do with $85 BILLION right here in the USofA.

"Oh, I'm sorry, we *can't afford* homeless shelters. We *can't afford* better VA care. We *can't afford* quality schooling for children. We *can't afford* infrastructure...... Well, I mean we *can* but we'll have to raise your taxes to pay for it. You see, our priority is to send *$85 BILLION* to foreign countries to help with their problems....."

And to anyone (Dembots, I'm looking at you) insisting that foreign countries, not to mention illegal aliens, are more important than US citizens - come over here so I can slap you right in the mouth.
Right about now, there are a bunch of congress critters (especially the RINOs) beating off at the thought of spending all their glorious money, that they managed to wrest away from those ungrateful taxpayers, on foreign influence. Or something. Ukrainian hookers and unstepped-on blow. I mean, it's not like Ukraine is a garden paradise for tourism, especially these days.

You know, "wrest" isn't a word you get to use every day. I think we ought to bring it back. As in: "we need to wrest control away from the anti-American a*holes who are running it into the ground."