What are they doing with that money?
Infantry arms and equipment
Air defense
10,000 Javelin anti-armor systems
1 Patriot air defense battery and munitions
90,000 other anti-armor systems and munitions
12 NASAM systems
2,000 Stinger anti-aircraft systems
Avenger air defense systems
8,000 TOW missiles
HAWK air defense systems and munitions
35,000 grenade launchers and small arms, with ammunition
Laser-guided rocket systems
AIM-7 missiles
100,000 sets of body armor and helmets
RIM-7 missiles
Night-vision devices, surveillance systems, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders
AIM-9M missiles
Antiaircraft guns and ammunition
Equipment to integrate with and sustain Ukraine’s systems and to protect critical infrastructure
C-4 and other explosives
Explosive-ordnance-disposal equipment
VAMPIRE anti-drone systems and munitions
M18A1 Claymore mines
Anti-drone gun trucks and ammunition
Anti-tank mines
Anti-drone laser-guided rocket systems
Mine-clearing equipment
Other anti-drone equipment
Obstacle-emplacement equipment
Medical supplies
Field equipment, cold-weather gear, generators,
and spare parts
Air-to-ground missiles
High-speed anti-radiation missiles (HARMs)
Chemical, biological, radiological, and
nuclear protective equipment
Precision aerial munitions
6,000 Zuni aircraft rockets (could function
as air defense)
18 armored bridging systems
Rocket launchers and ammunition
20,000 Hydra-70 aircraft rockets
25mm ammunition
Counter air defense capability
Manned aircraft
20 Mi-17 helicopters
198 155mm Howitzers and ammunition
72 105mm Howitzers and ammunition
Explosive and combat drones
47 120mm mortar systems
Switchblade drones
10 82mm mortar systems
Phoenix Ghost drones
112 81mm mortar systems
ALTIUS-600 drones (can also be used for
58 60mm mortar systems
203mm, 152mm, 130mm, 122mm
39 HIMAR systems
60,000 122mm Grad rockets
Precision-guided rockets
Surveillance drones
Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb
launchers and ammunition
ScanEagle drones
Puma drones
JUMP 20 drones
Tanks and armored carriers
CyberLux K8 drones
Penguin drones (can also be used as
combat drone)
186 Bradley infantry fighting vehicles
4 Bradley Fire Support Team vehicles
Black Hornet drones
31 Abrams tanks
45 T-72B tanks (via the Czech Republic)
189 Stryker armored personnel carriers
Coastal defense
300 M113 armored personnel carriers
2 Harpoon coastal defense systems
250 M1117 armored security vehicles
62 coastal and riverine patrol boats
300 armored medical-treatment vehicles
Unmanned coastal defense vessels
500 MRAP vehicles
Port and harbor security equipment
125mm, 120mm, and 105mm tank ammunition
Radar and communications
Ground support vehicles
2,000 Humvees
4 satellite communications antennas
931 tactical vehicles
2 radars for drones
200 light tactical vehicles
21 air surveillance radars
80 trucks
70 counter-artillery and counter-
mortar radars
124 trailers
20 multi-mission radars
10 command post vehicles
Tactical secure communications systems
30 ammunition support vehicles
Electronic warfare and counter–electronic
warfare equipment
6 armored utility trucks
8 logistics support vehicles
4 SATCOM antennas
239 fuel tankers and 105 fuel trailers
SATCOM terminals and services
58 water trailers
Satellite services
Note: Some numbers are approximations.
Commercial satellite imagery services
And that's just us. Granted, our contribution is only slightly less than the EU - but the EU as a whole is comparable to the United States both population wise and economically. And while 75-80 billion isn't chump change - and far exceeds the aid we're providing other nations - it's the equivalent of Virginia's state budget for one year.
It is not all being poured down some rabbit hole, although I don't doubt that there's a lot of waste.
With Putin - I don't see it as some kind of strategic grabbing of resources. I see it as him testing the resolve of other nations, because I think if he succeeds in grabbing Ukraine, he won't hesitate to take any non-NATO nation still in its orbit, and will eventually test NATO by going into nations like Poland or the Baltic states. He will almost certainly try to "free" nations like Sebia. He wants a damned empire, and he may live long enough to attempt it.
We've all read history and wondered - why didn't people stand up to Hitler? Couldn't they see what he was doing? When he annexed regions, he claimed he was just taking lands that were already GERMAN - and they belonged with a greater Germany. That right now is exactly what Putin claims. He took Crimea because "it was mostly Russians". He took Abkhazia and South Ossetia because they were Russian anyway. He invaded the Donetsk and Luhansk - because he, they were Russians. And the same case can be made for all of the Baltic states.
I think allowing him to win gives the green light to the rest of the world's despots.