Jeessssuuss HHHh Krebs...
Latest pearl from you:
Whatever got us here, whatever we believed in in the past, doesn't really matter now. What is the right thing to do today?
So we can get "here", again and again? A critical component for one to figure out what to do about a given predicament is to analyze how one got there. To leave this key thought process out invites going nowhere or getting in deeper trouble. Success without planning is called "luck".
You are an unabashed supporter of the person who could have done 2nd most to avert this: Clinton (#1 is Saddam)
Clinton failed to supply the necessary backbone to the UN to make Hussein comply with what the UN demanded and what he, Saddam, agreed to in order to grasp peace.
The UN decided that Iraq should not posses certain weapons based on their, Iraq’s, past actions. The UN needs participation from its members, ESPECIALLY the biggest and strongest, to enact it's policies. Clinton FAILED to do his duty, the UN trued and blued and agreed to by all DUTY.
Now, today, W is helping the UN do it's damn job. If he does not then Iraq will reach a critical mass where they can obliterate a neighbor in order to take over, causing worldwide instability in the energy markets thereby threatening our, the US, peace and prosperity (NATIONAL INTEREST), something they attempted against Iran and Kuwait most recently.
Now, IF Clinton had done his job, all would be well. IF W does his, all will be well. IF people like you would simply support YOUR President, like I'm sure you did for 8 recent years, instead of some demonstrably bad person like Hussein THEN Saddam WILL comply like he did the last time someone MADE him comply and this will all be over sooner and for the better.
As long as Hussein has people like you to appeal to then the whole situation is more dangerous for everybody inlcuding the hapless Iraqi people.
Now, please, what part of this don't you get or don't you agree with?
You can argue, if you want, that Hussein is an ally against terror.
You always seem to feel our President is not working for the best interests of our nation, so, how far of a stretch can that be, really?