Dancing Up A Storm
Re: MG...
Larry, I am catching on to the fact that MGKrebs, while steeped in sheepdip, is hopelessly liberal; but that, in itself
dosen't disqualify him. I'm learning he is thoughtful and will listen to reason if a case is made. He's got my respect, whether or not that means anything.
Advice to Demsformd: Prick up your ears and listen to what this guy has to say. I don't know if you're similar in age, but he wouldn't be a bad mentor to take heed from
Originally posted by Larry Gude
All this inconsistency because we have a regular, steady, peaceful turnover of power in our country. We not only survive this but we prosper with this because, while it ain't perfect, it is by far the best political system going.
Our current situation has been criticized as going way to fast...or dragging until the election or this or that. Iraq has simply been an issue to this President since the campaign.
The point I'm trying to get around to is that I just don't understand the reluctance on your part to support, enthusiastically, either neutering Hussein or getting rid of him.
Your buddy dems4 thinks that the war will keep W in power forever and it is giving him hives. Well, facts are never part of his worries so, reminding him what happened the last time a Bush was riding high after a war is a waste of time; He lost his ### to some nobody from Arkansas, if anybody cares.
Hell, that alone should get y'all to throw in your support!
Colin Powell is a great leader. He makes sure we crept along in 1991 as well as now before launching any war. He exhausts all prudent avenues of diplomacy and reason, all the while allowing time for the building of force, in '91 and now, in order to, if it comes to that, put our boys and girls in a position to not fight but to WIN. The case can be made that he is the biggest hawk of them all because if you end up with him wanting to take action against you, well, he’s bringing the WHOLE can. With my boy in Korea, I love this guy.
Our current Prez is doing a good job because he does not have to do what his Sec State says. W is doing well because he is leading, IE, actually making the best possible choices based on what his people are giving him. You guys object to tone apparently because y'all finish every sentence with "BUT I do support the war on terror and Iraq if..."
If what?
Some in here claim the UN is all that and a bag of Fritos but then decry Bush for doing the very thing you want. We simply are working with the UN and the world while retaining our right to independent action if WE (US) deem it necessary. None of your side argues against that, only that somehow Bushing is up to no good WHILE doing what you want. It comes off to me just like it sounds.
Are you all gonna be disappointed if there is no actual fighting? Can you not see Iraqis, in droves, choosing their own life and welfare of their families over Hussein? They are being given plenty of time to think about it and every day we grow stronger the outcome more certain, they weaker as we assemble.
You guys constantly come off as seeming to think that Hussein, with his record, is somehow a reasonable person who we could deal with peaceably if not for OUR leadership, all the while, savaging that leadership and being as unreasonable as possible.
Maybe it's just me?
dosen't disqualify him. I'm learning he is thoughtful and will listen to reason if a case is made. He's got my respect, whether or not that means anything.
Advice to Demsformd: Prick up your ears and listen to what this guy has to say. I don't know if you're similar in age, but he wouldn't be a bad mentor to take heed from