92-year-old woman kicked out of church for not tithing


And I think I shared my personal experience where we had a "Jesus Celebration" every year. One year David and the Giants played. During their intermission they passed the plate around to pay for their appearance. So the Giant's income was dependent on peoples' own level of giving. The plates were returned and the people running the celebration got on stage and chastised everyone for not giving enough, and had the nerve to pass the plate around, guilting people into giving more. I was pretty upset about this; as this is NOT the purpose for giving/tithing; guilting/punishing people for not giving from the heart.

Just another reason I refuse to go to a 'church'.


Bead mumbler
In PG County, Ebeneezer AME church is one of the largest churches around--stadium type seating. I attended a funeral there one time. On the way there I passed another much much smaller brick church called Ebeneezer II about a mile away from the larger one. I asked when I got there if it was the same church. I was told with no shame that the smaller church was for those who tithed smaller amounts. Was completely blown away...


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Once I found a bible on a bench in a park. It had a name in it plus references to a local mega church in PG county. I returned the bible to the church and was shocked to see that the church had a commercial coffee shop built into it's lobby. I never heard of that before.


And I think I shared my personal experience where we had a "Jesus Celebration" every year. One year David and the Giants played. During their intermission they passed the plate around to pay for their appearance. So the Giant's income was dependent on peoples' own level of giving. The plates were returned and the people running the celebration got on stage and chastised everyone for not giving enough, and had the nerve to pass the plate around, guilting people into giving more. I was pretty upset about this; as this is NOT the purpose for giving/tithing; guilting/punishing people for not giving from the heart.

Just another reason I refuse to go to a 'church'.

God isn't poor and doesn't need people's money.

God cares more about you than your money.

All denominations had hospitals and started what you know as the hospitals in this world.

I believe that giving is a form of worship so no non-Christian should ever be asked to give.

The understanding of tithing today isn't Biblically correct and you wouldn't know this unless you studied the Bible because few people are going to tell you the truth on anything Biblically related today. Anyone that doesn't believe me can try me.

I know of a Church that requires you to fork over your 1040 Form in order to be a member and it is legalism.

Having said that, it does require money to turn on the lights, air conditioning, heat, water, etc. It does require money for upkeep and repairs of buildings. Freewill giving is a concept taught and I am thankful that some do give or a lot of people wouldn't have help.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
it does require money to turn on the lights, air conditioning, heat, water, etc. It does require money for upkeep and repairs of buildings.

Not to mention how much money is required to pay those pesky child sexual abuse settlements.


Bead mumbler
Was kind of shocked to find out that a lot of Protestant Churches around here don't keep track of how much each member of their respective flock give. How do they handle this at tax time?


Was kind of shocked to find out that a lot of Protestant Churches around here don't keep track of how much each member of their respective flock give. How do they handle this at tax time?

I don't believe collection plate donations qualify, unless you normally get a receipt (needed to legally deduct any "cash" donations). For large donations / regular tithing, I suspect the church would provide a receipt even if they don't keep internal records. Like goodwill does.

But in the end it likely doesn't matter as most people I have discussed charitable donations with just ballparks what they think they gave and claim it as a deduction, then crosses their fingers that they don't get audited.


Well-Known Member
Was kind of shocked to find out that a lot of Protestant Churches around here don't keep track of how much each member of their respective flock give. How do they handle this at tax time?

That's sort of a two edged sword. All the non-denoms that I know of do not use any kind of "envelope" to write your name on and get the amount credited for tax purposes. They probably take a collection during all of their services. Nothing wrong with that.

Our Brethren assemblies locally never pass the plate except at the communion service, which only believers should be participating of, anyway. Cash is up to the donor to keep track of for their own tax purposes. Only checks are logged in and a yearly amount is reported to the donor.

Don't worry about the IRS - If your cash/check donations to churches do not exceed 10% of your line 38 on form 1040, no questions asked. Over 10% raises a "flag", and that 10% IS based on the biblical principle of the one-tenths first fruits offering. Even if you do exceed the 10% threshold, your chances of being questioned are very slim, unless you are selected for an audit.

Any church that demeans anyone publicly for "not giving enough" needs to rethink and repent of faulty biblical doctrine.


That's sort of a two edged sword. All the non-denoms that I know of do not use any kind of "envelope" to write your name on and get the amount credited for tax purposes. They probably take a collection during all of their services. Nothing wrong with that.

There was an interesting pastor named Dr. Gene Scott who was educated at Stanford. He went through the definitions in the old testament and how they changed over time. He taught that we shouldn't get something back from the government or tell them what we were giving.

Is giving worship? I believe it is. What does the Bible teach on worship? Giving is also called "alms" and it should be done in secret so if you are giving and then getting a tax write off then it isn't secret anymore. And then the government knows you have too much money and they can decide to tax you because you have money to be taxed. Is giving really sacred when you share what you gave God to the government? The rest I can't teach or share with you because Melissa Scott took allegedly took down Pastor Gene Scott's teachings from the internet but there is a case for it and if I had more money, I would have more resources to teach from but it would take time for me to figure it out and re-create it from scratch from just reading the Bible.

Matthew 6:3 But when thou doest alms (g1654 ἐλεημοσύνη eleēmosynē), let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:
Matthew 6:4 That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly.

Strong's G1654 - eleēmosynē

mercy, pity

esp. as exhibited in giving alms, charity

the benefaction itself, a donation to the poor, alms



#*! boat!
PREMO Member
Was kind of shocked to find out that a lot of Protestant Churches around here don't keep track of how much each member of their respective flock give. How do they handle this at tax time?

? That's funny..I've never given money to any church ever in my entire life that wasn't simply cash put in the collection plate as it went by.


Long Haired Country Boy
Ad Free Experience
In our church, if we pledge a regular amount, we receive serialized "pledge envelopes". An accounting is performed in January and a receipts sent out.


Thought pirate
I read this article, this is the exact reason that churches need that have tax exempt status need to lose it. This is the side of organized religion that could turn people away and probably does. These "christians" will have their reckoning. Plus, Satan digs stories like this.


I read this article, this is the exact reason that churches need that have tax exempt status need to lose it. This is the side of organized religion that could turn people away and probably does. These "christians" will have their reckoning. Plus, Satan digs stories like this.

It was the church that bought our friend a mattress and a lamp.
Our church has bags of groceries for people in need.
The deacons have brought meals to our family when we needed help.
People take advantage of the church as they want volunteers to pick up their medicine every week.
Our church had a tractor trailer deliver supplies from volunteer contributions when hurricane Katrina hit and they also sent a feeding truck to feed people.
When you are sick and flat on your back, someone from the church is willing to mow your grass.
Without the church, our family would be in a lot of trouble and they have helped out a lot in emergencies.
I have even see the Catholic church help people.


Bead mumbler
I have even see the Catholic church help people.
You are an asshat. Catholic Charities has done more for the poor than ANY other religious or aid organization in the world. And you are guilty of intellectual dishonesty. Look that up in your room full of books. Further, any of your brethren that don't call you out for that are guilty of the same.
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You are an asshat. Catholic Charities has done more for the poor than ANY other religious or aid organization in the world. And you are guilty of intellectual dishonesty. Look that up in your room full of books. Further, any of your brethren that don't call you out for that are guilty of the same.

I said something good about your church and you call me dishonest?


Bead mumbler
I said something good about your church and you call me dishonest?

The Catholic Church does not need you to say ANYTHING good about it. Move on, you have failed at what you set out to do on this forum. I almost didn't bite last night and respond. But I wanted to make sure you know what you are. This will only empower you I realize. You need to do some soul searching and ask why you post what you do. It is not from the Holy Spirit.


Having said that, it does require money to turn on the lights, air conditioning, heat, water, etc. It does require money for upkeep and repairs of buildings. Freewill giving is a concept taught and I am thankful that some do give or a lot of people wouldn't have help.

If this church is suffering because one person didn't give, then I'd say it's the church that has a problem. Given she was a member for over 50 years, I'm certain she gave her fair share over the years; this church has a big problem. Kicking her out of the church... I'd say the church has a problem. This is indicative of what I've found in our churches where they have lost their way of the scriptures and found their way to wealth.