Hi Ken.
Well, some of it is just a matter of degree. For example, everybody is in favor of a smaller government in principle. We just disagree on HOW SMALL is right. Here's where we are;
"The final budget figures for fiscal year 2003 were released on October 20 by the Treasury Department._ They indicate that income tax receipts (including receipts from both the individual and corporate income tax) equaled just 8.6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product._ This is the lowest level of income tax collections, as a share of the economy, since 1942"
And also:
Total Tax Revenue as a Percentage of Gross Domestic Product
_ _ _ _ _ _ in Individual OECD Countries, 1992
Country _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1992
Australia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _28.5
Austria _ _ _43.5
Belgium _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _45.4
Canada _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __36.5
Denmark _ _ __ _ _ _ _49.3
Finland __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _47.0
France _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _43.6
Germany _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _39.6
Greece _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _40.5
Iceland _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _33.4
Ireland _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _36.6
Italy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _42.4
Japan _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _29.4
Luxembourg _ _ _ _ _ _ _48.4
Netherlands _ _ _ _ _ _ _46.9
New Zealand_ _ _ _ _ _ _35.9
Norway _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _48.6
Portugal _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _33.0
Spain _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _35.8
Sweden _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _50.0
Switzerland _ _ _ _ _ _ _32.0
Turkey _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _23.1
United Kingdom _ _ _ _35.2
United States _ _ _ _ _ _29.4
(I can't find more recent data at the moment, but I have seen it, and the point remains that we have the lowest taxation rate among developed countries, with on or two possible exceptions.)
So, most of these countries have national health care, lower infant mortality rates, more education spending and therefore lower incarceration rates, stricter pollution standards, and less crime. And they are, for the most part, thriving economies that are fairly competitive with the USA. The point is, slightly higher taxes don't kill an economy. Taxes can pay for things that help our society thrive, that wouldn't get paid for any other way.