A friend told me join.....


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
imritch said:
Hello. Thank you for your nice welcome. To answer all of your questions. I am a woman and my 40th birthday is the last day of this month!! So I can still officially say I am 39. I sucessfully completed my "list of things to do before I turn 40" last night!! If I had to choose a barnyard animal I'd say chicken. Poop doesn't scare me cause I do the SSDD. My inner person is heard. I talk to myself and answer and we are happy as one. I am separated from my husband of 17 years because he decided that a bottle of Wild Turkey and other things were more important than his family. I put up with it for 12 years and decided my life needed to change. He is going to therapy so that's a good thing! I'm wearning jeans and a shirt, it's dress down FRIDAY! I don't own a motorcycle, just a car and a truck. As far as "What are my feelings about Michael Jackson"..... He is a freak and I'm still wondering why people are talking about him.

I think I answered all of the questions.

'Nuff Said :peace:


The Hard Way
imritch said:
then she told me to watch out for the hazing?? I'll be watching. Be nice to me, please!! I'm newly separated from my spouse and just looking to make a few new friends.

Welcome... :roflmao: