A friend told me join.....


I wanna be a SMIB
cattitude said:
In order to plan a proper hazi..uh...welcome, would you mind answering just a few general questions?

Are you a boy or a girl?

Which barnyard animal do you most resemble? A chicken or a cow?

Does dog poop scare you?

Do you sometimes feel like you have an inner person that would like to be heard?

Thank you for your time. Hope you enjoy your stay.

Welcome newbie. Now answer the questions, please.

Speshel Ed

Guld Metal Winer
i red about this intrnet sight on a form in Cnada for people with speshel needs. i am verry hippy too be here.


New Member
Hello. Thank you for your nice welcome. To answer all of your questions. I am a woman and my 40th birthday is the last day of this month!! So I can still officially say I am 39. I sucessfully completed my "list of things to do before I turn 40" last night!! If I had to choose a barnyard animal I'd say chicken. Poop doesn't scare me cause I do the SSDD. My inner person is heard. I talk to myself and answer and we are happy as one. I am separated from my husband of 17 years because he decided that a bottle of Wild Turkey and other things were more important than his family. I put up with it for 12 years and decided my life needed to change. He is going to therapy so that's a good thing! I'm wearning jeans and a shirt, it's dress down FRIDAY! I don't own a motorcycle, just a car and a truck. As far as "What are my feelings about Michael Jackson"..... He is a freak and I'm still wondering why people are talking about him.

I think I answered all of the questions.