A Pearl of Wisdom from Mark Twain



My point was not annexation of the Phillipines per se, but rather to demonstrate that while Clemens may have changed his opinions on a variety of issues as we all do, he remained consistent in his views on imperialism.


This Space for Rent
wharfrat2 said:
My point was not annexation of the Phillipines per se, but rather to demonstrate that while Clemens may have changed his opinions on a variety of issues as we all do, he remained consistent in his views on imperialism.

How is it consistent to have a view that was only outed during the Phillipine-American War which began in 1899 and Samuel Clemens didn't really pronounce on until 1900-1901 when he then died 9 years later?

This was not a lifetime position of Sam Clemens. It was only related to one war and one context. That same war and context has no basis in the contexts of today.


FromTexas said:
Are you going to keep throwing out quotes from Samuel Clemens that have no contextual relationship or even basis in the spirit of the times?

or even any relationship to my argument?

I think many of the quotes I threw out ring true today. Did Twain make them in reference to the war in Iraq? Obviously not. That doesn't mean that the sentiment behind them can not be applied to the current war.


wharfrat2 said:
I think many of the quotes I threw out ring true today. Did Twain make them in reference to the war in Iraq? Obviously not. That doesn't mean that the sentiment behind them can not be applied to the current war.
Samuel Clemens was a massive manic depressive. You may want to find a new mentor. :ohwell:


Kain99 said:
Samuel Clemens was a massive manic depressive. You may want to find a new mentor. :ohwell:

Obviously you're correct since being opposed to a war that is built upon a foundation of lies: that continues to result in many deaths each day even after that pillar of virtue, George Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" two years ago is clear evidence of my instability.


New Member
wharfrat2 said:
Obviously you're correct since being opposed to a war that is built upon a foundation of lies: that continues to result in many deaths each day even after that pillar of virtue, George Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" two years ago is clear evidence of my instability.
You got one part of that right. You're clearly unstable.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
For the love of God...

wharfrat2 said:
Your point? It is difficult to argue that the current war in Iraq is just. It was built upon a premise of lies and distortions. Please don't misinterpret my comments, I support our troops 100% and I hope each and every one of them comes home alive and unharmed. I have been opposed to this war before permission was ever granted by Congress.

...do people like you really sleep at night? Do you just accept your emotions as fact and that's it? Have you so much arrogance and ego that you've, not once, questioned your own beliefs or searched for the facts?

Here. Just try. A little. You won't feel so ignorant of the subject. You still may sound ignorant. but at least you'll know you know.


If you have any trouble understanding this, as you seem to have accepting it, I'll help you a much as I can. If you have not read it, I'm sorry for coming down so hard on you, but you SHOULD have already read it.

Good luck!


Larry Gude said:
...do people like you really sleep at night? Do you just accept your emotions as fact and that's it? Have you so much arrogance and ego that you've, not once, questioned your own beliefs or searched for the facts?

Here. Just try. A little. You won't feel so ignorant of the subject. You still may sound ignorant. but at least you'll know you know.


If you have any trouble understanding this, as you seem to have accepting it, I'll help you a much as I can. If you have not read it, I'm sorry for coming down so hard on you, but you SHOULD have already read it.

Good luck!

No I hadn't read it before now, however just because the Republican controlled Congress said these things doesn't make them true.


Nothing to see here
wharfrat2 said:
No I hadn't read it before now, however just because the Republican controlled Congress said these things doesn't make them true.

So your answer is "just because"?


New Member
wharfrat2 said:
No I hadn't read it before now, however just because the Republican controlled Congress said these things doesn't make them true.
And that, as they say, is that. "No I haven't read it and I don't know anything about it. But I will venture my opinion anyway and blame the Republican controlled Congress for anything that might cause me to feel ignorant."

I writing to those bands whose music you pirated and I'm telling them where to find you.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
While you're at it...

wharfrat2 said:
No I hadn't read it before now, however just because the Republican controlled Congress said these things doesn't make them true.

...check who voted for it. You will, saddly for you, be very surprised.

PS: You are in for a shock when you find there ain't one damn lie in it.

Fear not! Knowledge this way lies!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...check who voted for it. You will, saddly for you, be very surprised.

PS: You are in for a shock when you find there ain't one damn lie in it.

Fear not! Knowledge this way lies!
What did I tell you about trying to get these people to read the IWR??? I told you they don't want to read that because it goes against everything they think is true and they don't want any facts getting in their way.

So stop it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

vraiblonde said:
What did I tell you about trying to get these people to read the IWR??? I told you they don't want to read that because it goes against everything they think is true and they don't want any facts getting in their way.

So stop it.

...you can't stop me. I can do what I what. Whatevvah. Whatevvah.


Obviously we are not going to convince each other of our views. We'll just have to go on disagreeing.


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
wharfrat2 said:
Obviously you're correct since being opposed to a war that is built upon a foundation of lies: that continues to result in many deaths each day even after that pillar of virtue, George Bush declared "Mission Accomplished" two years ago is clear evidence of my instability.
Actually neither George Bush nor anyone connected with the White House put up that sign, or made such a statement. They said as much.

The men of the Abraham Lincoln put up that sign. Do you know why? They were going home. Mission Accomplished. Do you know where they are now? They're still home. THEY put up the sign. They said as much.

Maybe you ARE unstable. You keep parroting old worn-out cliched arguments.

You won't find such animosity amongst the Iraqi people over this war.


This Space for Rent
wharfrat2 said:
Obviously we are not going to convince each other of our views. We'll just have to go on disagreeing.

Or you could read it and see who signed it before you disagree with something you don't know anything about. :shrug:

I read the DU, DNC sites, and I even get DNC email I signed up for... I love their mailing lists. I get it all from the RNC side, too.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
It has nothing to do with...

wharfrat2 said:
Obviously we are not going to convince each other of our views. We'll just have to go on disagreeing.

...convincing. You just won't sound like such a flying Deaniac moron if you can at least say you've actually read the document that YOUR congress passed and YOUR President endorsed. And why.

Christ, it's only a page or two. You have to feel like a little bit of an ass not knowing anything at all about it, right? I admire that you at least admit you have not read it but just follow that that simply means that you do NOT know what you're talking about.



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
wharfrat2 said:
Obviously we are not going to convince each other of our views. We'll just have to go on disagreeing.
Doesn't it embarrass you to say things like this on a public forum - state an opinion, then admit that you don't know any information to back up that opinion?

If you haven't read the Iraq War Resolution that was voted on by the Senate and passed, how can you have any opinion at all about "lies and distortions"? What lies? What distortions?

You say you were against the war before Congress voted on it - why? Do you think Saddam should still be in Iraq feeding people into the paper shredder? Do you think his sons should still have their rape rooms so they can snatch young girls from their homes and gang rape them? Do you think Saddam shouldn't have to pay a penalty for invading Kuwait? Or for using the money meant to feed his people for mansions and missiles?

Explain your views. WHY are you against the war?


New Member
SamSpade said:
My POINT? You're trying to pass off a remark made by a Mark Twain character as if it were Mark Twain making the comment himself. It isn't.

Somehow, I thought THAT point was obvious

EVEN IF *THAT* was true - it wouldn't obviate the "justness" of a war.

I say "even", because if you actually read the Iraqi War Resolution that Congress passed, you'd know why we went to war.

Really? Well, I support YOU, too; I just happen to be against the things you're risking life and limb over.

Here's a link you should consider:


Those on the left should be honest, and say the truth.
You can be patriotic, and still be against the war -
but you CAN'T "support the troops" and be against the war. War is what these men are trained for, and they risk life and limb for something they volunteered for.

(I thought it hysterical that men like John Kerry said it was the wrong war in the wrong place at the wrong time - and then wanted to get our *allies* to get in there and fight TOO.)
Who is suppose to risk life and limb for the war? The poor and middle class who have been convinced by people like our President that it is the patriotic thing to do for your country? Do you see the President's daughters over there fighting the war? Name a senator's son or daughter who is fighting in the war? Do you ever hear of any rich Republican's son or daughter being killed or even injured in the war? Yet some of our young people are being sent over there 3 and 4 times. And every time they go over the chance that they come back alive is less.