A Pearl of Wisdom from Mark Twain


Super Genius
I'm curious wharfrat (and now terpfan as well), do you believe that Gore won the 2000 election?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
terpfan said:
And every time they go over the chance that they come back alive is less.
Stop right there, hoss. My son AND daughter-in-law just got back from Iraq and they say you're full of ####. They also say thanks but no thanks to your patronizing "concern" for their welfare.

In case you hadn't heard, we have a volunteer military. That means people sign up of their own free will and not because someone makes them. Now you might be so stupid that someone could talk you into something you didn't want to do, but my son is not.

Rich Republican Dr. Laura's son is over there right now.

And I'll tell you something else: my daughter-in-law enlisted the day after 9-11. She was working in a daycare when the WTC and Pentagon got hit. She looked at her young charges and felt that they shouldn't have to live in a world where terrorism goes unanswered and deaths are unavenged, so she signed up to do her part.

So while YOU may not feel that freedom and democracy are worth fighting for, others do. And I'll thank you not to "concern" yourself for those who stand for something and aren't just some sniveling crybaby #####ing and moaning while they stuff their faces with Cheetos and beer at a computer.


This Space for Rent
Wanna bite the hand that feeds me
Wanna turn the tides
Set the demons free and watch 'em fly

Strike down the one who leads me
I'm gonna take his place
Gonna vindicate the human race

Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine
Better watch out 'cause I'm a war machine

That is Gene Simmons who very much supports the war in Iraq... Therefore, its more in context than yours which makes mine > yours.


New Member
Who is Dr. Laura?

Obviously you are Republican because you totally misinterpreted my whole comment. Since it is a free country I guess I can have "patronizing concern" for whoever and whenever I want.

How did you know I was stuffing my face with Cheetos? Wow, you Republicans are really something!


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
terpfan said:
Since it is a free country I guess I can have "patronizing concern" for whoever and whenever I want.
And kindly remember that the only reason you have that freedom is because of the soldier.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And to all following this thread, Wharfrat has not been banned - he has been deleted at his request.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
And to all following this thread, Wharfrat has not been banned - he has been deleted at his request.
What a surprise...a liberal who, when faced with questions and facts, turns tail and runs :sarcasm:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
What a surprise...a liberal who, when faced with questions and facts, turns tail and runs :sarcasm:
RRaley and Dixie are liberals and they actually discuss and debate. They don't turn tail and run.


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
RRaley and Dixie are liberals and they actually discuss and debate. They don't turn tail and run.
Ultra-liberal then. Rraley is moderate. I've never seen Dixie discuss/debate anything. :shrug: Sparx and Spoiled maybe, but they do a fair amount of drive-by comments.

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
wharfrat2 said:
There was/is no proof of any connection between Iraq and the attacks on 9/11. I have no problem with the operations in Afghanistan, however Iraq is another story. There have been no WMD's found, nor any proof they existed.
I made no implication to connect Iraq to 9/11 (though I believe that there is enough evidence to do so). I take it you forgot about that little conflict that started back in 1991 and the continued hostile actions taken by Iraq against our forces and those of the coalition in direct violation of the “cease-fire” agreement.

No proof that WMDs ever existed? :bs: They have/had weapons with range capabilities beyond what the UN had said they could have, artillery rounds constructed for biological/chemical warheads, and they did have “programs” for continued WMD development to include nuclear. The fact that during a 12 year period they were able to move, hide, dismantle the weapons is in all likelihood why they have yet to be found in abundance. But be assured, if you bother to check the facts, that those types of “banned” weapons have been found during the current operations.
When that unraveled this administration turned the war into unseating Saddam. Now it is about spreading democracy to the middle east. How arrogant of us to assume that all the peoples of the world are just chomping at the bit to become just like America.
You really ought to check the facts before you speak. Are you aware that it has been the law of this nation to have a regime change in Iraq since 1998? Google the “Iraq Liberation Act of 1998” and see what you discover (i.e. President Bush was just doing what the law directed).
In the 1950's Eisenhower spoke of the domino theory. It has crossed my mind more than once that in the minds of the insurgents perhaps they are concerned about a domino theory. That is that if Iraq is to fall to the West then the rest of the Middle East will follow. I can't prove that statement, it's just a thought that has crossed my mind.
If you uncross your legs you won’t have future thoughts like this, you must let that gas escape. Me thinks your brain is starting to rot. :biggrin:


Methodically disorganized
Ken King said:
I made no implication to connect Iraq to 9/11 (though I believe that there is enough evidence to do so). I take it you forgot about that little conflict that started back in 1991 and the continued hostile actions taken by Iraq against our forces and those of the coalition in direct violation of the “cease-fire” agreement. {snip...}
Today's winning number is SEVENTEEN. That's how many resolutions Saddam violated... and how many times the U.N. merely said, "C'mon, stop it". Bush (and the sensible allies) were the only ones willing to do the right and necessary thing. They were the ones Saddam had not bought-off with billions in kickbacks. They were the ones that were clear-headed enough to realize that Saddam would never reform himself. The leniency of the U.N. and bleeding hearts only emboldened him.

The funny thing though is that Bush never made a 'connection' between Iraq or Saddam and 9/11. A group or country does not have to have that tie to be part of the war on terror. Saddam was a terrorist himself and he lent aid and comfort to enemies of the U.S. (See also, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi)