A question about emergency services in St.Mary's

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Wow..you guys ask who am I talking about specifically,then when I say whom it is,I am a pig. Hmm..makes me wonder who really is drinking too much in the middle of the day. As for Brad,sure I know him. How else would I know how he spends his time?

Do I see a libel suit in the making here?


New Member
Do I see a libel suit in the making here?

You tell me. Is it libel to coomment on another person? Is it libel when I say "so and so who works at WalMart is a rude cashier"? No. I am commenting on what I see. And so long as it is true,how is it libel?
Dictionary: libel (lī'bəl)

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Libel Definition
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A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
The act of presenting such material to the public.
The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v., -beled or -belled, -bel·ing or -bel·ling, -bels or -bels.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
You tell me. Is it libel to coomment on another person? Is it libel when I say "so and so who works at WalMart is a rude cashier"? No. I am commenting on what I see. And so long as it is true,how is it libel?
Dictionary: libel (lī'bəl)

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Libel Definition
What Is Libel? Find Out w/the Dictionary Toolbar


A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
The act of presenting such material to the public.
The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v., -beled or -belled, -bel·ing or -bel·ling, -bels or -bels.

Yep, you got the definition right.


loving life

I have a good idea. Why don't you got train to be a medic, put in the hours training that they do, spend the time away from your family, miss the parties and holiday dinners.

Go out there and respond to a call and see what they have to see and clean up. I bet you don't even pull over to let emergency vehicles pass.

Don't start name calling, until you have walked in their shoes.


Crazy Child
To AngieandEric

Don't know who you are and don't really care. What I care about is you bad mouthing someone I know. Get you facts straight before you run off the mouth about someone who is a dedicated volunteer. Obviously you regret what you said or you wouldn't of deleted all of your comments, thanks to that. :blahblah::lalala:


New Member
You tell me. Is it libel to coomment on another person? Is it libel when I say "so and so who works at WalMart is a rude cashier"? No. I am commenting on what I see. And so long as it is true,how is it libel?
Dictionary: libel (lī'bəl)

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Libel Definition
What Is Libel? Find Out w/the Dictionary Toolbar


A false publication, as in writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation.
The act of presenting such material to the public.
The written claims presented by a plaintiff in an action at admiralty law or to an ecclesiastical court.
tr.v., -beled or -belled, -bel·ing or -bel·ling, -bels or -bels.

I have a few questions for you...Did you not just see that horrific accident in Acokeek from the drag racing? By chance do you have any clue who picked up the many body parts? Who gave it their all to save a persons' life? Who cleaned up all the blood? Who dealt with the family members that showed up at the scene? I will pray for your pathetic soul to sit here and judge the VOLUNTEERS. Where the hell would Southern Maryland be without them? And any member on a firehouse knows that the Department they belong to is their family. So where the hell do you get off to come on here and slander a person? And I hope they find out who you are!!! I don't care if I do tick anyone off about this post. It's people like you that just tick me off to no end to run your mouth the way you did.


New Member
Wow..you guys ask who am I talking about specifically,then when I say whom it is,I am a pig. Hmm..makes me wonder who really is drinking too much in the middle of the day. As for Brad,sure I know him. How else would I know how he spends his time?

Your sign ->:stupid: because you clearly don't know what you're talking about!

To assume that people who live in the county and especially in your town aren’t going to read your false accusations towards the rescue squad is completely ignorant on your part. Those people give up time with their families, personal time, to help people in need and it’s never a chore for them, they love to do it and no matter the call they’re up and running. 25 minutes? No you're wrong.

Most of us responding to this actually do know Brad Cooper and members of the rescue squad which is how we know that everything you’re writing is inaccurate (which has been pointed out numerous times). :liar:

I was wondering if you ever contacted the rescue squad after your problem? No you didn't. If it was my family you bet I’d have someone’s butt for that but because it's false you're posting a pile of lies on SOMD and bashing a great person and company. My guess is that this never happened and you have nothing better to do than stir up trouble. From your previous comments though we can all tell what level of intelligence you have.

To all the volunteers throughout the county I thank you for everything you do for those in need. You don’t hear it enough. My heroes!



NOT Politically Correct!!
I don't believe we have "paid" ems. We have dedicated ems and volunteer fire fighters, but I for one wouldn't mind a bump in my taxes to have a full time, 24/7 paid ems.

I'm sure the Governor will accommodate you on the tax increase... :coffee:


I am so very blessed



Thank you so much for what you do. Despite a few negative comments, the vast majority of people are deeply appreciative of what you do, and the dedication it takes to help the community at large.

Again, thank you for spending YOUR time doing good for others. :yay:


Your sign ->:stupid: because you clearly don't know what you're talking about!

To assume that people who live in the county and especially in your town aren’t going to read your false accusations towards the rescue squad is completely ignorant on your part. Those people give up time with their families, personal time, to help people in need and it’s never a chore for them, they love to do it and no matter the call they’re up and running. 25 minutes? No you're wrong.

Most of us responding to this actually do know Brad Cooper and members of the rescue squad which is how we know that everything you’re writing is inaccurate (which has been pointed out numerous times). :liar:

I was wondering if you ever contacted the rescue squad after your problem? No you didn't. If it was my family you bet I’d have someone’s butt for that but because it's false you're posting a pile of lies on SOMD and bashing a great person and company. My guess is that this never happened and you have nothing better to do than stir up trouble. From your previous comments though we can all tell what level of intelligence you have.

To all the volunteers throughout the county I thank you for everything you do for those in need. You don’t hear it enough. My heroes!




In My Opinion
even those that publicly spew hate and discontent about the volunteers or the paid Emergency workers, will one day be very grateful that they are there.

sooner or later you, or someone you know is going to be depending on these people to keep you alive long enough to get to the hospital.


Certified P.I.A.
even those that publicly spew hate and discontent about the volunteers or the paid Emergency workers, will one day be very grateful that they are there.

sooner or later you, or someone you know is going to be depending on these people to keep you alive long enough to get to the hospital.


New Member
Just Another Day in EMS...

For those who are critical about us volunteers, I had this sent to me in an e-mail awhile back and thought it would provide a little insight to those who don't see what we do as VOLUNTEERS...while all of us may not have experienced every single item in this list, we have experienced MOST of them:

Just Another Day...

I delivered a baby on the ambulance stretcher.
I baptized a newborn whose life ended before it began.
I hugged a frightened child.
I was kissed by an intoxicated old man.
I held the hand of a teenage girl while she delivered a 3 pound baby.
I listened to the mournful squeak of a stretcher being wheeled to the morgue.
I gently stroked the fragile hand of a 102 year old woman.
I hesitated at the outreached hand of a 300 pound prisoner in handcuffs.
I trudged for ten hours in my boots.
I had a teenager vomit on those same boots.
I rubbed the feverish body of a 14-year old cancer patient.
I cradled the ice-cold hand of a child hit by a car.
I was referred to as "an angel of mercy".
I was called every four-letter word in the book.
I always see fear in people's eyes.
I never see joy or relief.
I listened to a tormented voice pleading for the preservation of life.
I heard the threatening words of one bent on self destruction.
I spoke with a girl who was hoping she had the flu, not a pregnancy.
I see innocent people hurt by a drunk driver, and the drunk driver is never hurt.
I marveled at the genius of a cardiologist.
I saw a 12-year old boy who shot himself in the head, and the gun was still loaded at his feet.
I talked in circles with a schizophrenic person.
I was horrified at the battered body of a child whose parents were incapable of love.
I gazed at a horribly burned body.
I shuddered at a cold water drowning.
I see women beaten up by their spouses, but they never press charges.
I walk into houses and do CPR with family watching over my shoulder in tears.
I arrive at serious auto acidents, and the first words I heard are, "Am I going to die?"
I find out hours later they did die.
I listen to the repeated question "Why?" from a family devastated by death.
I search my soul for the answers to their question.
This is just another day in EMS.

A LOT TO TAKE IN ISN'T IT. And several of us volunteers go through this ALL THE TIME...so the real question at hand is how can a person possibly go through all this AND THEN SOME and stay sane, not break down in tears and continue to go on with their life, family and friends? I don't know, most of us make it and you should be glad that we do. It's definitely not for everyone.:nono: So why don't you take into consideration the amount of time, passion and heart a volunteer puts into what they do for STRANGERS!!!


New Member
While I am not a volunteer currently (never have been, but trying to get healthy enough to do it) my best friend is a paid paramedic / volunteer FF in charles county. Before meeting him, I never thought twice about what the emergency crews do. Now I have the upmost respect and gratatuide for the men and women that do this FOR FUN! Ya'll are a bunch of crazy ass fools! And I say that in the nicest way possible!!
Thankfully I have never had to call 911 for my family, but when / if I do, you can be sure I will be very thankful for whom ever shows up to help.

VOLUNTEERS: THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Should be said more than it is, but for my 0.02$, thank you. :notworthy:thewave:


New Member
For those who are critical about us volunteers, I had this sent to me in an e-mail awhile back and thought it would provide a little insight to those who don't see what we do as VOLUNTEERS...while all of us may not have experienced every single item in this list, we have experienced MOST of them:

Just Another Day...

I delivered a baby on the ambulance stretcher.
I baptized a newborn whose life ended before it began.
I hugged a frightened child.
I was kissed by an intoxicated old man.
I held the hand of a teenage girl while she delivered a 3 pound baby.
I listened to the mournful squeak of a stretcher being wheeled to the morgue.
I gently stroked the fragile hand of a 102 year old woman.
I hesitated at the outreached hand of a 300 pound prisoner in handcuffs.
I trudged for ten hours in my boots.
I had a teenager vomit on those same boots.
I rubbed the feverish body of a 14-year old cancer patient.
I cradled the ice-cold hand of a child hit by a car.
I was referred to as "an angel of mercy".
I was called every four-letter word in the book.
I always see fear in people's eyes.
I never see joy or relief.
I listened to a tormented voice pleading for the preservation of life.
I heard the threatening words of one bent on self destruction.
I spoke with a girl who was hoping she had the flu, not a pregnancy.
I see innocent people hurt by a drunk driver, and the drunk driver is never hurt.
I marveled at the genius of a cardiologist.
I saw a 12-year old boy who shot himself in the head, and the gun was still loaded at his feet.
I talked in circles with a schizophrenic person.
I was horrified at the battered body of a child whose parents were incapable of love.
I gazed at a horribly burned body.
I shuddered at a cold water drowning.
I see women beaten up by their spouses, but they never press charges.
I walk into houses and do CPR with family watching over my shoulder in tears.
I arrive at serious auto acidents, and the first words I heard are, "Am I going to die?"
I find out hours later they did die.
I listen to the repeated question "Why?" from a family devastated by death.
I search my soul for the answers to their question.
This is just another day in EMS.

A LOT TO TAKE IN ISN'T IT. And several of us volunteers go through this ALL THE TIME...so the real question at hand is how can a person possibly go through all this AND THEN SOME and stay sane, not break down in tears and continue to go on with their life, family and friends? I don't know, most of us make it and you should be glad that we do. It's definitely not for everyone.:nono: So why don't you take into consideration the amount of time, passion and heart a volunteer puts into what they do for STRANGERS!!!

Oh geez... sing me a song... I bet you have a emt sticker, a EMS sticker, and prolly a front tag on your vehicle dont you?

You want to know who the real heros are? They are not the ones that brag, they are not the ones with stickers, they might not even where fd shirts. In fact, there is a good chance you could be standing right next to them and never know it, because the real heros dont talk about what they have done, and they dont brag. Just my 2 cents.