

Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Originally posted by MDindef
... There are (I believe) at least a basic set of moral standards everyone should follow.
And one of them should be never allowing the slaughter of the innocent! :rolleyes:


Cleopatra Jones
What the pro life people should be doing is working at reducing the number of abortions by working on educating people on how to prevent unwanted pregnancy, provide birthcontrol to those that are going to have sex anyway, etc.

And how do you suppose we do this? There are plenty of options available. People just chose not to use them. It's easier to take one day out of your life and get an abortion then actually take a pill every day, get a shot every 3 months, use a condom every time, etc, etc, etc. It all comes down to personal responsibility and people just don't have any.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Heretic
Pass out free rubbers? Heck Id show up for that.

They have them and other forms of free birth control at the Charles County Health Dept and Planned Parenthood.


Dancing Up A Storm
Still harping on education.......

Originally posted by pixiegirl
And how do you suppose we do this? It all comes down to personal responsibility and people just don't have any.
I have to agree with pixie. I'm having a hard time :frown: with all the communications options, ie., The Internet, telephone, TV, radio, 12 years of schooling(at minimum) , newspapers, (have I left any other form of media out?) that people still don't know how to prevent pregnancies.
I don't think education is the problem. Seems like this calls for an intellectual statement; but what's the bottom line? People just don't give a damn when it comes to having sex
and preventing an unwanted child. Simple!
I can agree to raising the level of consciousness/awareness , but the education process just isn't cutting it.
I'm not saying we should discontinue sex education, no, that's not what I mean. Suggestions?
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New Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
True.. If he wants a big dose of corruptions, read history about the catholic church.. You will get more corruption than you ever dreamed of.
Took it last year...o jeez haha


New Member
As a woman, I want the right to control my own body. No man can dictate what I can or cannot do with it. I saw the display at St. Alyosius as well. It is contrary to their movement because well it just pissed me off more when I saw it. Stay out of women's bodies.


Football season!
Ahh, American logic..

You're walking down the street and some thug jumps out, cuts your arm with a knife and steals your money.. The cops catch the guy and you file charges for assault and robbery..

You go to the doctor because you have a place on your arm.. He cuts you with a knife and takes all of your money.. And we thank him.

Abortion, in my opinion, is a medical procedure which falls under this same notion.. It is not illegal for the doctor to cut you with a knife like it would be if I were to cut you, so I don't think it is illegal for the doctor to perform the operation.

I am glad that I don't have to make such a decision, but more power to the ones who can.. Give them the choice. Hopefully they will choose life. If not, they have to deal with the consequences, not you.

Last I recall, there needs to be a medical professional present to give the so called "lethal injection" to a death row inmate. Regardless of why the person was there, I don't see how a person can look at one doctor and say "it is ok to kill", then look at another doctor and say "How can you kill?"


Cleopatra Jones
ST, are you really that big of an idiot? Yet again we come back to the issue of personal responsibility. If some jacka$$ runns around killing people and gets the death penalty it's a direct result of his actions. What has an unborn child do to deserve the death penalty?

If you go to the doctor to get an operation he's doing it specifically to benefit you. Not like some moron on the street who just wants your wallet.

You really are a tool.


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl

If you go to the doctor to get an operation he's doing it specifically to benefit you. Not like some moron on the street who just wants your wallet.

The physical act is still the same.. All the doctor wants is your money..

Apparantly we as Americans don't really care that the doctors are doing it for "our good".. If so, how do you explain the MANY lawsuits against doctors because something happened, they had no control over it, yet they get sued.


Football season!
Originally posted by bluto
I thought we were talking about killing, not a scratch on the arm? Your analogy is illogical, it ignores the third organism of the equation. By the logic of the abortionist the embryo, fetus, whatever is reduced to the role of a parasite that it is okay to kill because the host doesn't want it feeding from it's body. If you are going to say abortion is okay, why not call post-birth killing of the fetus abortion also and make that legal. What difference does six inches of birth canal make? Just jam the ice pick into the base of the baby's skull after it is born and suck all the brains out as if it were just another lipo procedure.

just wondering out loud, that's all

Ok, you go in for surgery and your body doesn't respond well to the incisions, and you die.. Does the doctor get charged with murder? His staff that helped? (or as we seen with the Malvo vase, does the maker of the knife get sued as well).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
something happened, they had no control over it, yet they get sued.
I beg to differ, young sir. Frequently, a mishap occurs because the doctor was indeed negligent. Also, many patients sue simply because it's so easy to get a favorable judgement.


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by SmallTown
The physical act is still the same.. All the doctor wants is your money..

Apparantly we as Americans don't really care that the doctors are doing it for "our good".. If so, how do you explain the MANY lawsuits against doctors because something happened, they had no control over it, yet they get sued.

Really they have no control over it? I thought when you sued a doctor it was called malpractice meaning they did something wrong.

True all a doctor wants is your money but they're doing you a service that will benefit you. You're willingly paying for a service. How in the hell can you even try to compare that to being robbed and assaulted at knifepoint? :rolleyes:

You argue just to argue I've learned but if this is really how you see the world you should just off yourself now and get it over with.


Football season!
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I beg to differ, young sir. Frequently, a mishap occurs because the doctor was indeed negligent. Also, many patients sue simply because it's so easy to get a favorable judgement.

negligent? Sometimes. They are people.. But most are people looking to make a quick buck, and they know doctors have HUGE insurance policies.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by SmallTown
Ok, you go in for surgery and your body doesn't respond well to the incisions, and you die.. Does the doctor get charged with murder? His staff that helped? (or as we seen with the Malvo vase, does the maker of the knife get sued as well).
You're just being a duh now. The doctor certainly goes before a board to see if there was negligence. He also might be sued, whether he was negligent or not. However, the doctor's intent was to help you, not do you harm. So I don't think your charge of murder would stick.


Football season!
Originally posted by pixiegirl
Really they have no control over it? I thought when you sued a doctor it was called malpractice meaning they did something wrong.

Ahh pixie.. If it were only the case.

When we have people suing McDonalds because they spill hot coffee on themsevles, do you really think malpractice suits are all about doing something wrong.. Innocent or not, that kind of publicity is killer (to keep with the theme of this thread) for a doctor.. People know they will settle just to keep it out of the courts and out of the papers.


I agree with Smalltown. Why is it not okay to kill an embyro but it is okay to kill a criminal? If you are going to start talking morals and commandments then "Thou shalt not kill" applies in ALL cases not just selective cases.

Also, if there were federal adoption laws instead of each state having their own maybe there would be less abortions. Laws that set limits on adoption fees and procedures that do not require a lawyer. Right now some states won't even let their children be adopted by out of state parents.

Also, get Social Services to stop spouting that nonsense about the birth mother being the best parent for a child.

I am still paying off the loans to adopt my son from a foreign country because I don't trust the courts in this country when it comes to adoption. Right after we came home with him there was that big adoption fiasco in the midwest with two states fighting over who has custody of a child.

The church does have the right to put up the crosses just like I have the right not to go there until they take them down.


Football season!
Originally posted by alex
I agree with Smalltown. Why is it not okay to kill an embyro but it is okay to kill a criminal? If you are going to start talking morals and commandments then "Thou shalt not kill" applies in ALL cases not just selective cases.

I dunno, I think I read somewhere in there that we should judge others.. Let me get out the book and find it..