What do lefties think people - and corporations - do with their money? That's a real question because I see them all the time insisting that "rich" people and "corporations" hoard money and stick it in a mattress or something. How do they not understand why layoffs and downsizing happen? Why don't they understand belt-tightening?
Those are real questions.
Not that I think I can speak for lefties (or righties), but I think I have an honest partial answer if you are willing to listen.
You both are arguing the opposite margins of the same issue.
The left is arguing to tax corporations with record profits that will always pay employees the absolute minimum they can (fiduciary responsibility to investors et. al) regardless of how much profit they currently make. Would replace employees in a heartbeat with automation or outsource jobs to third world countries even if it only saves 1%.
Righties is arguing to ease taxes on the struggling businesses. The ones that have a product that rides the line of profitability in the face of growing overhead costs driven by taxes, healthcare requirements, etc. They cant afford to automate (or automation doesn't make sense), but they also cant afford to grow their workforce because it would tip the scales from barely profitable to unprofitable. They may also argue that even those large profitable corporations that save every nickel do not put that money to work back in our economy because they are busy hiding it overseas in tax shelters, something they wouldn't have to do if they were taxed less.
I think both sides of the argument have some merit, and there should be a way compromise. I thought this tax reform might be a good first step, but it does seem to very heavily favor one side to the (hopefully minor) expense of the other.