Lenny said:Hmmmmmm. Let me see here. Oil refinery burns down. It'll cost millions to rebuild it (even if I can get the environ-nuts to not oppose all the permits necessary to rebuild). It'll take six years to pay all the permits and taxes to get permission to rebuild. I'll need to pay millions for the engineers to design the refinery that can meet all the gubment standards. Then I have to convince the state of Texas to let me rebuild the refinery. It'll take ten years to rebuild the refinery all the while I have to service the debt and miss out on income from the oil I might have bought and refined. Then I have to sweat out the possibility the Japs might produce a practical electric or hybrid car that eliminates the need for all that gasoline in the fifteen years it take to reconstruct the refinery.
Yeah, you're absolutely correct. The oil barons just keep getting richer.
You stupid cluck!
Good luck rebuilding your refinery