Absolutely the worst drivers by license plate

The worst drivers are from (Not counting So. MD):

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New Member
Virginia Drivers Weren't Always that Bad

Lived in Reston, VA for 15 years before NAVAIR moved me here in 1997.

I watched VA drivers steadily devolve after about 1990 after the state DMV made it so easy for our little brothers from "South of the Border" to get VA licenses---

Then, they just started pouring in, and the rest is history.
Plus, it's well known that learning to drive on paved roads in a new country is just plain easier after you've had a few :buddies:


New Member
Sorry morningbell, I had to vote for Jersey. Fortunately, there aren't many Jersey drivers around here.

Yes, but the ones that are here are enough for me. I have tons of stories about bad drivers from some of the other states mentioned.

However, the one that is the worst was when I was actually cursed out at a light on Great Mills, with my kids in the car by some woman. I was going a little above the speed limit not much because Willows rd. always had cops. (of course never when you needed them) She was on my a** swerving from lane to lane like she was trying to see in front of me, there were other cars a little further ahead of me. I think she was mad because I turned onto the road before her. (I was turning right so I had the right of way) Anyway, she passed me in a no pass zone, cut me off and slammed on her brakes. When we got to the light she rolled down her window with cell phone and was screaming profanities at me. I was speechless at first I couldn't believe it. I am not one to take crap so I yelled back if you're in such a hurry why don't you get off the phone and step on the d*** gas! (the light was green) I am sure I probably called her a b**** which I'm not proud of since my kids were in the car. That was my way of saying HA HA!

So that is my story, I am convinced all the bad drivers in so. MD are just transplants from NJ, FL, and VA.


New Member
I used to think NY, but Maryland drivers have them and Va. beat by a long shot. MD drivers will cut you off, tailgate, pull out in front of you, etc. etc. and not think twice about any of it.

All while not using a single turn signal! It drives me CRAZY! If I were to hit someone for cutting in front of me and not having time to react, it would be MY FAULT! I think they know that and just want a new car. You can tell they don't emissions test, some of those cars/trucks should be illegal. Another issue...I know.


All while not using a single turn signal! It drives me CRAZY! If I were to hit someone for cutting in front of me and not having time to react, it would be MY FAULT! I think they know that and just want a new car. You can tell they don't emissions test, some of those cars/trucks should be illegal. Another issue...I know.

:yeahthat: What is with not using the turn signal????

What about CA drivers? They're nuts :crazy: and rude.


New Member
:yeahthat: What is with not using the turn signal????

What about CA drivers? They're nuts :crazy: and rude.

I've never really had experience with CA drivers. I think people just assume that if they start to go in the other lane then the person behind them will just know that they are getting over. Also, if they slam on their brakes the other drivers should know they are turning.

Uh...it's a battle that will never be won...:shrug:


New Member
Pennsylvania is by far the worst. Yesturday the speed limit clearly stated 50mph but yet this PA driver chose to drive 35 from Rt. 4 of St. Marys to Calvert. Go back to PA.


New Member
Pennsylvania is by far the worst. Yesturday the speed limit clearly stated 50mph but yet this PA driver chose to drive 35 from Rt. 4 of St. Marys to Calvert. Go back to PA.

:howdy: I'm from PA and a lot of people I know including me don't drive that slow. As a matter of fact I come from a family of lead foots so we have to remind ourselves to drive a little slower. The person was probably on a frickin cell phone totally oblivious to what was going on. I have to admit, a lot of people from PA have issues merging! Drives me nuts!!!!