Accident coming out of Gate 1


New Member
I used to have a wind-up Evil Kenieval (sp) stunt motorcycle that would flip over if I wound it up to much. Then I broke the winder-up thingy, and it was all push power after that. Then it would fall over, not flip over. I dunno if that helps anybody out or not.


professional daydreamer
Ponytail said:
I used to have a wind-up Evil Kenieval (sp) stunt motorcycle that would flip over if I wound it up to much. Then I broke the winder-up thingy, and it was all push power after that. Then it would fall over, not flip over. I dunno if that helps anybody out or not.

Helps me. If I have a wind up toy, don't wind it too much. :yay:
Ponytail said:
I used to have a wind-up Evil Kenieval (sp) stunt motorcycle that would flip over if I wound it up to much. Then I broke the winder-up thingy, and it was all push power after that. Then it would fall over, not flip over. I dunno if that helps anybody out or not.
It does. :yay:


desertrat said:
Maybe he accidentally shifted into 4L, everything locked up and the front wheel collapsed while making pretty good time around the corner.

I was sitting at the light when the guy pulled out of Gate 1 and hit a slick spot and his tail end spun around. When he hit the curb, he flipped on the side. The state trooper almost spun out in the intersection when he got there. There and the intersection just inside the gate are always dangerous when it rains. I'm just glad he was ok.
odonnellfamily said:
I was sitting at the light when the guy pulled out of Gate 1 and hit a slick spot and his tail end spun around. When he hit the curb, he flipped on the side. The state trooper almost spun out in the intersection when he got there. There and the intersection just inside the gate are always dangerous when it rains. I'm just glad he was ok.


Well-Known Member
nitwhit3286 said:
Older man driving toyota winds up breaking down and flipping over...hubby saw it all...the gentleman was okay I believe...scary eh?
What do you mean spirited people call "older"?


I know nothing
Ponytail said:
I used to have a wind-up Evil Kenieval (sp) stunt motorcycle that would flip over if I wound it up to much. Then I broke the winder-up thingy, and it was all push power after that. Then it would fall over, not flip over. I dunno if that helps anybody out or not.

Man I used to have one of those... Came with a plastic ramp....

That plastic rip cord thing was a piece of crap.


New Member
LordStanley said:
Man I used to have one of those... Came with a plastic ramp....

That plastic rip cord thing was a piece of crap.

Mine didn't have aplastic rip cord. It had a crank that you had to turn to get the back wheel of the bike spinning, and then you had to launch it at your optimum peak power stroke while keeping careful aim at the dog or someones unsuspecting shins. :lol:


I know nothing
Ponytail said:
Mine didn't have aplastic rip cord. It had a crank that you had to turn to get the back wheel of the bike spinning, and then you had to launch it at your optimum peak power stroke while keeping careful aim at the dog or someones unsuspecting shins. :lol:

Ahh, you had the expensive one.... My cousin had that one.

My mom was too cheap back then...

Man those suckers were fast


I bowl overhand
LordStanley said:
Man I used to have one of those... Came with a plastic ramp....

That plastic rip cord thing was a piece of crap.
That was an STP!!

We used to have STP races in the road through our housing area..


BMW almost flips over .. insane

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
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Well-Known Member
SeaRide said:
BMW almost flips over .. insane

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
I dunno how he got into that mess but he sure knew how to turn that wheel to get out of it.