

Jack Russells RULE!
No. I met her when she volunteered with the dog thing at Peppers a couple of weekends ago.

I won't reduce myself to her level, where I will air the dirty laundry. She is a very pretty, very bright, intelligent woman who has a lot going for her. And I do care and love her very much.


Nice lady!
I won't reduce myself to her level, where I will air the dirty laundry. She is a very pretty, very bright, intelligent woman who has a lot going for her. And I do care and love her very much.

You just posted that she has like 6 DWI's. That isn't airing dirty laundry?? :jameo:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I won't reduce myself to her level, where I will air the dirty laundry. She is a very pretty, very bright, intelligent woman who has a lot going for her. And I do care and love her very much.

You're a good sister. I hope she turns her life around. She was a very vibrant person when I met her.

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I hope so too, I love her, but I don't think she realizes it. Oh well. How was the dog meet at Peppers?

It was great. We brought Rassie over to look about. She cowered between Desertrats legs. She's not very social. :lol: Guess we're sticking to one dog, though I wanted to take them all home.


Jack Russells RULE!
It was great. We brought Rassie over to look about. She cowered between Desertrats legs. She's not very social. :lol: Guess we're sticking to one dog, though I wanted to take them all home.

What kind of dog is Rassie? and Desertrat?

I own a Jack Russell, which is every dog species, rolled up into one super hyperactive, super intelligent dog . He is very bored tonight because it's raining, and I'm his only source of << sigh >> entertainment.


Nice lady!
Meh. I'm harsh when it comes to that sort of stuff. If my wife or kid got addicted to coke, they'd either get help willingly or I'd make sure they were locked up until they learned. would NOT call the cops on them. Really. You'd get them help, take..force their keys from them...but not the cops. Honestly.


Football addict would NOT call the cops on them. Really. You'd get them help, take..force their keys from them...but not the cops. Honestly.
Sure I would. Of course, that wouldn't be my first solution or reaction but I would do it without regret if it came to that.

My brother who is a few years younger than I was addicted to several items. For five years he was a living Hell for our family. Picking him up in several unsavory locations, being inebriated beyond comprehension of his surroundings almost every day, wrecking a new car and leaving it in the middle of the road just to go back to a party, and so on.

He left my mother with high anxiety for over a year and a half of which she is just now starting to get over. I've never seen such a strong-willed woman collapse emotionally and physically over one person. She tried 'everything', almost.

Last year he was actually caught by the police and was sent in lock-up for a month. After a harsh reality of lock-up, forced rehab, and community service he is truly a changed man that I'm glad to call my brother again.


Well-Known Member
beachcat said:
mmm, yeah my office got a kick out of you calling one morning drunk off your ass - it wasn't even my desk! We replayed it quite a few times you were slurring your words so bad. you sounded so sexy and HOT. Your lucky - states attorney told me i couldn't file phone misuse (which you're good at being charged with) charges since it was out of their jurisdiction. no wonder you lost custody of your kid. get a life.
