Affordable Housing



bcp said:
allow me to share my insight into this situation, since it is obvious that you are without a clue.
My insight comes from living in a small town in North Carolina that was over run with "affordable" housing for the very same reasons that you bring up in your post.
here is the deal, in the first place you talk about there being no trees and parks and open space in the city,, why do you think that is? let me answer. It is because every open space was built on. so do the same where you live.
next, those that move from the "high crime" areas will be the same ones that made that area high crime. They will bring it with them.

open up the door for the over development and you will never get it closed again. Your actions could leave your legacy as the person that destroyed the good life in Southern Maryland.

You want to make an area a good place to live? raise the property values by restricting growth. what you will end up with is a higher class area to live in, and a place that is much better for the development of children.

sounds to me like you just may need to do some research into the effects of overbuilding an area.

What small town in North Carolina do you come from? Where do you get the idea that I would allow Calvert County to become a city? What... are you French? You sound French....

Oh... and my dad is from Lexington, North Carolina.... I am also the oldest Grandfather of Curley and Elsie Nance. My uncle is the Reverend Donald C. Nance....

Just what exactly is it that you think I said.... [Oh and if I said it.. it's probably in writing somewhere].... that would lead anyone to think I would allow my home to be overrun by a city.... :coffee:

Are you one of those people that would rather grow a power plant or an Liquid gas straw through the county?


Wenchy said:
Different wording might have been appropriate here, or work on sterilizing these "good" mothers. :barf:

I'm totally grossed out now.



Wenchy said:
Different wording might have been appropriate here, or work on sterilizing these "good" mothers. :barf:

I'm totally grossed out now.

You know... some people have lived in the District and east for all of their lives.... their family was either from Southern Maryland or moved to Southern Maryland over the generations... they got trapped... they didn't move the family soon enough....

We also have nurses, teachers, fire fighters, daycare workers, secretaries, bookkeepers, bakers, butchers, dog groomers.... all kinds of good people who work here every day.... why can't they live here....

No I don't want a city... buy I do want smart growth.... Use the land we have already developed in a better way....

got it...

I don't have any idea what you think I was saying...


New Member
residentofcre said:
You know, ... my family has lived within 3 hours of this house for 13 generations..well back then it would have taken longer that 3 hours but they were around Port Tobacco for a while...My great great whatever grandfather came here from Galway... Captain George Athey....Indentured to Sir Thomas Dent. That's how they did it back then.... The Athenry was my family home ....... do you really think for one minute that I am going to let my home become an overbuilt city?


You know .... we need to look at this from two sides... We need to look at it as keeping Calvert County safe for children and we need to look at the fiscal side...infrastructure and taxes.

In DC the other day a child was shot....

Life in the city is not good for anyone.... When good mothers are afraid of loosing their babies to thugs they need to have a safe place.... there are good kids and good families that need our help.... Affordable housing... a second chance.... These are good neighbors....

You say you don't want to see crime raise... then if you don't want them in your back yard maybe you would like to suggest where the affordable home for a mother and her children will be.... because if you elect me.... I am going to work to make this county a safe place for a child to play.....

There's no grass or trees in the city... no water to play in.... you know water is part of the human body... we need our children to be able to play in the sunshine around the trees... fresh air and exercise....

Now if these children want to come into our neighborhood... relative on not... and want to start causing a ruckus and throwing their shoes over the wires... well then they can move elsewhere or pay dearly for the expense of it all.

I like the idea of people paying it forward.

We also have a problem with city pets coming to the county... these are guard animals.... they are out of their teritory and they don't like it... Now a hungry dog can be really nice to you if you have food.... but don't run out of food... right?? Maybe these hungry dogs could be trained for police work.

So pulling the tennis shoes off the overhead wires would be expensive, maybe we can allow the children to clean up their own mess and pay it forward....Affordable Housing does not have to be a bad place.... Affordable housing is a second chance...

We have to have a safe place to raise children.... That's what I am working for....

Oh... and one more thing... my resume is up on my website.... it's crewd ... I had to email it to myself and cut & paste.... but I thought maybe some of you might want to look at it....

It is nice to think that Affordable housing will help the single moms. But their are way too many people that do not use they abuse the system. In order to have good hard working people who is a lawful citizen live in these houses you will have to screen people and end up discriminate against some. Which from what I understand is breaking our civil rights. There are always going to be the poor. This has been going on since the bible time. The issues should not be about how do we get people into our county that can not afford it but what can we do to keep our county safe and clean for the ones that can. Bring in affordable housing, you and the rest of the county will regret it...


New Member
residentofcre said:
You know... some people have lived in the District and east for all of their lives.... their family was either from Southern Maryland or moved to Southern Maryland over the generations... they got trapped... they didn't move the family soon enough....

We also have nurses, teachers, fire fighters, daycare workers, secretaries, bookkeepers, bakers, butchers, dog groomers.... all kinds of good people who work here every day.... why can't they live here....

No I don't want a city... buy I do want smart growth.... Use the land we have already developed in a better way....

got it...

I don't have any idea what you think I was saying...

There are people that can not afford to live here just as well as other areas in Maryland.Whats the difference??


cdsulhoff said:
There are people that can not afford to live here just as well as other areas in Maryland.Whats the difference??

What do you think affordable housing is?

It's almost impossible for the average worker in Calvert County to afford a mortgage in Calvert County.... interest rates are going sky high.. Do you expect the people who pours your coffee in Starbucks to drive here from another county and pay for all the gas.... not to mention the wear and tear on their car....the life they're giving up to come pour your coffee... to make a few bucks... and you won't let them live here....

Wow... some world... I say pour your own coffee then.. hope you don't need a mechanic... or firefighter....wait... they're volunteers... they can't live here.....


residentofcre said:
You know... some people have lived in the District and east for all of their lives.... their family was either from Southern Maryland or moved to Southern Maryland over the generations... they got trapped... they didn't move the family soon enough....

We also have nurses, teachers, fire fighters, daycare workers, secretaries, bookkeepers, bakers, butchers, dog groomers.... all kinds of good people who work here every day.... why can't they live here....

No I don't want a city... buy I do want smart growth.... Use the land we have already developed in a better way....

got it...

I don't have any idea what you think I was saying...

You mentioned "mothers" which to me means females with no males to help support their children, and "afford" housing.

I think it would have been wise to have left that out of there.

If you did mean that, then those "mothers" need to learn the basics of birth control.

I agree with your other point with teachers, firefighters, and whatnot. Do not bring the "poor" misunderstood mothers with crappy bebe's daddy's into it. They spread their legs, and they can do their time.


Wenchy said:
You mentioned "mothers" which to me means females with no males to help support their children, and "afford" housing.

I think it would have been wise to have left that out of there.

If you did mean that, then those "mothers" need to learn the basics of birth control.

I agree with your other point with teachers, firefighters, and whatnot. Do not bring the "poor" misunderstood mothers with crappy bebe's daddy's into it. They spread their legs, and they can do their time.

Yep... and maybe he went off to Iraq to fight for your right to say something like this in a forum.... but because I said there are mothers instead of there are parents you had to write that mean garbage....


residentofcre said:
What do you think affordable housing is?

It's almost impossible for the average worker in Calvert County to afford a mortgage in Calvert County.... interest rates are going sky high.. Do you expect the people who pours your coffee in Starbucks to drive here from another county and pay for all the gas.... not to mention the wear and tear on their car....the life they're giving up to come pour your coffee... to make a few bucks... and you won't let them live here....

Wow... some world... I say pour your own coffee then.. hope you don't need a mechanic... or firefighter....wait... they're volunteers... they can't live here.....

Guess what?


Are you saying that people who can afford the mortgages do not volunteer?

Get out of town.

I know mechanics who live on the water...that was a poor example.


residentofcre said:
Yep... and maybe he went off to Iraq to fight for your right to say something like this in a forum.... but because I said there are mothers instead of there are parents you had to write that mean garbage....

YOU are the politician, and YOU need to watch what YOU type.


Wenchy said:
Guess what?


Are you saying that people who can afford the mortgages do not volunteer?

Get out of town.

I know mechanics who live on the water...that was a poor example.

Are you saying you are better than the poor?

I'm not moving anywhere.... Like I said... my family has been around this area for 13 generations.... and we came here because we felt our faith was worth fighting for.... I don't believe I am any better than anyone... but sometimes I run into people with the smallest attitudes.... My heart goes out to you...


residentofcre said:
Are you saying you are better than the poor?

I'm not moving anywhere.... Like I said... my family has been around this area for 13 generations.... and we came here because we felt our faith was worth fighting for.... I don't believe I am any better than anyone... but sometimes I run into people with the smallest attitudes.... My heart goes out to you...

I'm saying that people who can not afford it don't need to move where the prices are steeper than they can afford.

Go teach, volunteer and run for office where you can afford a home.

That is plain and simple. Live within your means.

I live in a small home, and I am quite happy where I am.

I am certainly not rich, and I am not poor.

I get an attitude when I run into people like you.


New Member
Wenchy said:
Guess what?


Are you saying that people who can afford the mortgages do not volunteer?

Get out of town.

I know mechanics who live on the water...that was a poor example.

I have to agree with Wenchy!!!!

Plus, what makes you think a person who works at Starbucks can not live here?? A person job is yes a factor in what type of house or area that they can live in . But most important it is how that person manages their money.. Poor management of your money will get you no-where. Now a person who can budget and is not in debt can afford a house on what you call a coffee pouring wage. They can afford a house, YES here in Calvert. Not in Dunkirk, but here in CRE. And the one thing I like about those type is that they work hard for a living and not sitting waiting for the government to give them everything.
I know people who are Volunteers and they have full time jobs!!


In My Opinion
Oh... and my dad is from Lexington, North Carolina....
Oh... and my dad is from Lexington, North Carolina..
my family has been around this area for 13 generations...

I keep trying to do the math, but unless your dad is really really old, the numbers just dont crunch.

you better remember one thing while running for office, elected office at that.
The people that are going to be voting are the ones that live there now, not the welfare mommas from DC that you seem to have such a love for.
And once those welfare mommas move into your area, do you think they will vote for you or will they vote for a Rev Sharpton sound alike?

those that live in an area should have more say than those that hope to move there one day.

you make me sick to be a republican.


Methodically disorganized
residentofcre (Mrs. Tice), I must say my opinion of you has dropped during the course of following this thread. At times you have rambled and stumbled and generally said things that seem un-Republican.

Areas that bring in the 'affordable housing' inevitably see crime rates increase and property values decrease. Certainly, not everyone that lives in such housing is "bad" or crime-prone, but that atmosphere does exist. And claiming that some mothers may be single because the father is overseas military is a point to be argued, but, at best, the women in this category are a small minority.

I don't believe there is anything inherently wrong with city life. Many people grow up in that environment and end up happy and healthy. On the other hand, the people that have moved into Calvert in recent years want a more rural lifestyle. Calvert has, historically, maintained a reputation for being quiet, clean and stable. People are seeking a move up, to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Allowing lower income housing erodes that higher standard of living. You're essentially saying, "Everything you tried to get away from is right across town... again."

In my opinion, that's a very Democrat-esque thing to say. "Let's equalize everyone." The Republican thing to do -- again, IMO -- would be to say, "If lower income people really want to upgrade their lives they will engage action to do so." As Commissioner you could provide them the means to help -- respectable higher education facilities, strong economy and certain financial grants. The opportunities are there, but the individual still must make wise use of them. If the lower income folks can't figure that out, is it not for the better?

I have lived in Charles Co. for 10 years and my grandmother has lived here for 15. I have seen this county transform greatly in that timeframe. Waldorf has turned from a straggly mess of a strip into a bigger straggly mess. La Plata, as well, has begun to stress its boundaries. Calvert has a chance to prevent such bloating... because once it's gone you can't get it back. Restricting (or preventing) low income housing is one way to protect the environment that your current residents (a.k.a., voters) enjoy.


residentofcre said:
Oh... and one more thing... my resume is up on my website.... it's crewd ... I had to email it to myself and cut & paste.... but I thought maybe some of you might want to look at it....
You are the one who pointed this out. :jameo:
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hvp05 said:
residentofcre (Mrs. Tice), I must say my opinion of you has dropped during the course of following this thread. At times you have rambled and stumbled and generally said things that seem un-Republican.

Areas that bring in the 'affordable housing' inevitably see crime rates increase and property values decrease. Certainly, not everyone that lives in such housing is "bad" or crime-prone, but that atmosphere does exist. And claiming that some mothers may be single because the father is overseas military is a point to be argued, but, at best, the women in this category are a small minority.

I don't believe there is anything inherently wrong with city life. Many people grow up in that environment and end up happy and healthy. On the other hand, the people that have moved into Calvert in recent years want a more rural lifestyle. Calvert has, historically, maintained a reputation for being quiet, clean and stable. People are seeking a move up, to enjoy the fruit of their labor. Allowing lower income housing erodes that higher standard of living. You're essentially saying, "Everything you tried to get away from is right across town... again."

In my opinion, that's a very Democrat-esque thing to say. "Let's equalize everyone." The Republican thing to do -- again, IMO -- would be to say, "If lower income people really want to upgrade their lives they will engage action to do so." As Commissioner you could provide them the means to help -- respectable higher education facilities, strong economy and certain financial grants. The opportunities are there, but the individual still must make wise use of them. If the lower income folks can't figure that out, is it not for the better?

I have lived in Charles Co. for 10 years and my grandmother has lived here for 15. I have seen this county transform greatly in that timeframe. Waldorf has turned from a straggly mess of a strip into a bigger straggly mess. La Plata, as well, has begun to stress its boundaries. Calvert has a chance to prevent such bloating... because once it's gone you can't get it back. Restricting (or preventing) low income housing is one way to protect the environment that your current residents (a.k.a., voters) enjoy.
