bcp said:allow me to share my insight into this situation, since it is obvious that you are without a clue.
My insight comes from living in a small town in North Carolina that was over run with "affordable" housing for the very same reasons that you bring up in your post.
here is the deal, in the first place you talk about there being no trees and parks and open space in the city,, why do you think that is? let me answer. It is because every open space was built on. so do the same where you live.
next, those that move from the "high crime" areas will be the same ones that made that area high crime. They will bring it with them.
open up the door for the over development and you will never get it closed again. Your actions could leave your legacy as the person that destroyed the good life in Southern Maryland.
You want to make an area a good place to live? raise the property values by restricting growth. what you will end up with is a higher class area to live in, and a place that is much better for the development of children.
sounds to me like you just may need to do some research into the effects of overbuilding an area.
What small town in North Carolina do you come from? Where do you get the idea that I would allow Calvert County to become a city? What... are you French? You sound French....
Oh... and my dad is from Lexington, North Carolina.... I am also the oldest Grandfather of Curley and Elsie Nance. My uncle is the Reverend Donald C. Nance....
Just what exactly is it that you think I said.... [Oh and if I said it.. it's probably in writing somewhere].... that would lead anyone to think I would allow my home to be overrun by a city....

Are you one of those people that would rather grow a power plant or an Liquid gas straw through the county?