Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


PREMO Member

Me and my Trans Wife are 100% Totally Not Gay​

Gheez that broads fuc king ugly .... and yeah the dudes gay


PREMO Member

NBC Announces Documentary On ‘Full Spectrum’ Of Animal ‘LGBTQ+ Behaviors’

“We’ve all heard of gay penguins, but this film really opened my eyes to the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ behaviors across the natural world,” Rannells said, according to IndieWire. “And what could be more natural than being who you are? I’m excited to be part of ‘Queer Planet,’ especially during Pride Month, and on Peacock, surely the most colorful and glamorous of all the streaming services.”

Produced by Martha Holmes, the documentary promises to cover a variety of species and behaviors, ranging from “pansexual” primates to “sex-changing” clownfish to “multi-gendered” mushrooms, IndieWire reported. It reportedly seeks not only to entertain but also to “educate” viewers about the complex diversity of animal sexuality and challenge traditional notions of what is considered natural in terms of sex and gender.



PREMO Member

OUTRAGED Parents BOO Trans Athlete DESTROYING Girls In Oregon High School Championship Track Race!​
