Ah Yes ... Acceptance of Gays - Next Pedo's or Incest


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Man's SOUL LEAVES HIS BODY After Being Told THE TRUTH About Random 'Woman' He Kissed At Bar!​



Well-Known Member
We all knew it was only a matter of time.
At least since 2021, when this tread was started. Before then, really, but that's when we began talking about it.

And that's despite the gheys saying "there's no Pudding People* agenda! Y'all are cray-cray!"

*H/t for the term from Dr. Sidney Watson


Well-Known Member

Babies are only important to the left as leverage; as political capital. Why do you think so many modern women (who vote 80% Demonrat) want babies, but not motherhood? And that abortion "rights" is the keystone of the left? It's all about power and control.


PREMO Member
At least since 2021, when this tread was started. Before then, really, but that's when we began talking about it.

And that's despite the gheys saying "there's no Pudding People* agenda! Y'all are cray-cray!"

*H/t for the term from Dr. Sidney Watson

I knew when Gay Marriage was forced down everyone's throat, the next step was normalizing Lolita .....

Male Teachers are crucified and women mostly get away with sex with teen's male or lesbian ...

Although the 1st articles I came across were about incest .....

Thinking back SF has been in the gutter for years, queer males want to visually rape others walking around naked everywhere they go ... nude in front of children, blue haired feminists want to free the nipple and be topless ANYWHERE they go, but don't you dare stare at these attention whores, and objectify them ...

I figured poly relationships would be next, cucks, wife swapping ...

Trans Exploded recently, I didn't see that coming .... and as Vrai posted pedos are now trying to normalize children
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Lesbian Couple Kicked Out of CA Restaurant, Stalked for Confronting 'Trans Woman' in Ladies Restroom

This started a chain of events that not only saw a video of the incident go viral, but allegations a cyberstalker started abusing the couple.

More from ThePublica:

A lesbian couple in California is expressing concern for their safety after a viral TikTok video showed them being removed from a family-friendly brewery for questioning the presence of a male in the women’s restroom. Alexis, whose last name is being withheld, said she and her partner are now being pursued by internet stalkers attempting to bring harm to her family.
Alexis says their ordeal began on Father’s Day after she and her family went to a brewery following a Dodger’s game in Los Angeles. After researching local options, they opted for Angel City Brewery, a popular spot in the arts district that offers craft beers and food.
“Everything was fine as we ordered food,” Alexis says, noting she had her 4-year-old nephew with her. But when she and her partner went to the restroom, they were shocked to find a trans-identified male in the women’s facilities.
“We went to the restroom … and the trans was in there just looking at us. Mind you, there was another family up the stairs with 3 little children so we weren’t the only ones there [with kids],” Alexis described the transgender individual as an obvious male who was wearing a skirt.

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Islamic - 10 pts

I don't think ANYONE . THING beats Muslims ...
NOBODY On the Left Dares to say ANYTHING about Islam's treatment of queers and women ... not out points but they are AFRAID of being murdered

TransFemales - 4 pts
BIPOC - 3 pts
Lesbian - 2 pts
Progressive White Women aka Karen 1 pts