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“Sex is not confined to being a biological concept” rules Australian Court

  • Biological male “Roxanne Tickle,” who identifies as a woman, sued “Giggle for Girls” app and founder Sall Grover over female-only membership policy
  • Federal Court of Australia holds that Tickle was unlawfully discriminated against when rejected for membership on the women’s app; ADF International supported Giggle’s defence

SYDNEY (23 August 2024) – The Federal Court of Australia has ruled in Roxanne Tickle v. Giggle for Girls (“Tickle v. Giggle”) that “Roxanne Tickle,” a biological male who identifies as a woman, experienced unlawful discrimination when prevented from joining female-only networking app “Giggle.”

The court found that Tickle experienced “indirect discrimination,” ordering $10,000 AUD in compensation and the covering of legal costs for Tickle.

Tickle sued on the basis that, being “legally permitted to identify as female” and having had his birth certificate amended, he should be permitted into spaces reserved for biological women. The defence maintained that women have a right to single-sex spaces, both online and offline.

The Court rejected Giggle’s defence that Tickle was not unlawfully discriminated against, but instead disqualified from joining the app due to his male sex.

In the judgment, the court stated “…sex is not confined to being a biological concept referring to whether a person at birth had male or female physical traits, nor confined to being a binary concept, limited to the male or female sex…”

ADF International supported Giggle’s defence on the basis that Australian law must uphold the truth of biological reality and in line with the protections for women enshrined in international human rights law.

At the time of the hearing, Katherine Deves of Alexander Rashidi Lawyers, legal representatives for the Respondent, said: “The stakes are high in this case. Women’s international human rights will be lost if “woman” now includes any male who identifies as such. This decision matters not just in Australia but also to the watching world.”

Sall Grover, CEO of Giggle and respondent in the law suit, also commented at the time of the hearing:

“For decades, women’s movements have fought for the right to have female spaces in society. Yet today, the clock is being wound back.

“I designed my app to give women their own space to network. It is a legal fiction that Tickle is a woman. His birth certificate has been altered from male to female, but he is a biological man, and always will be. A woman’s-only app isn’t about discrimination. It’s about freedom of speech, belief and association.

“We are taking a stand for the safety of all women’s only spaces, but also for basic reality and truth, which the law should reflect.”

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Well-Known Member
For your consideration ...

What does one with a herding dog that kills and eats some of the herd regardless of the amount training against such things?
Years ago when most everyone raised their own chickens it was a known fact that you could not cure a chicken killing dog.
One of the cure was supposed to be tying a dead chicken around their necks.
Haven't heard the chicken killing dog thing for years now as most people buy their chicken at the store, but the tale still holds true. You cannot cure a chicken killing dog, or a sick, child molesting human. Take them out and shoot them is still the best remedy.


Well-Known Member
Years ago when most everyone raised their own chickens it was a known fact that you could not cure a chicken killing dog.
One of the cure was supposed to be tying a dead chicken around their necks.
Haven't heard the chicken killing dog thing for years now as most people buy their chicken at the store, but the tale still holds true. You cannot cure a chicken killing dog, or a sick, child molesting human. Take them out and shoot them is still the best remedy.
Oh thank God, for a moment I thought you were going to suggest doing the hanging around the neck thing for the pedos.