Al and Jesse

Do you think Al and Jesse are helping or hurting?

  • The DO help black people and are wonderful good people.

    Votes: 5 5.9%
  • They are nothing but trouble. They are in it for the money and cause more racial tension

    Votes: 80 94.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Highlander's MPD
Do you think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are part of the solution or part of the problem?


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
They're definitely part of the proble, not the solution. But I blame the media who gives them credence rather than they themselves. You can't blame the guys for wanting to make a buck - if people are going to be stupid, someone should be able to make money off it.


Highlander's MPD
QUOTE=Geek;2462924]I do know Dork gets whiter with every post.[/QUOTE]


I'm not sure what that means but I am happy to see you are still thinking about me. :huggy::flowers:

You are slipping a little. I posted something earlier today that I thought you'd find by now. Let's see how long it takes for you to find it.
Last edited:


Highlander's MPD
Do you think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are part of the solution or part of the problem?

Wow,three votes for the idiots. I'm guessing one from Al, one from Jesse and one from Qurious.


New Member
Dork said:
I'm not sure what that means but I am happy to see you are still thinking about me. :huggy::flowers:

You are slipping a little. I posted something earlier today that I thought you'd find by now. Let's see how long it takes for you to find it.

You want to play hide and go seek? :lmao: Figures


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Do you think Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson are part of the solution or part of the problem?

Whoa, definitely a part of the problem. Anyone of "power" that continues to intervene between races, collect a following for prideful purposes then capitalize on such actions cannot be a "solution"... Just a thought.


Adding Diversity to SOMD
I think that actually server a good purpose. If Blacks didn't have them, who would speak out on the behalf of the Black people???


I think that actually server a good purpose.

Just because they claim to serve a good purpose doesn't mean they are effective at serving that purpose, and don't exacerbate the problem.

If Blacks didn't have them, who would speak out on the behalf of the Black people???

I dunno - ANYONE?

Dr. King was effective and part of the solution.

How about Bill Cosby?

How about anyone who actually CARES to solve problems instead of being media whores that thrive on the continued schism between the races.

Think of it this way - if there was peace and harmony between the races, Sharpton and Jackson would both be out of a job. Do you think they're going to allow that to happen? They do nothing but incite conflict and stir up controversy, and whip people into a frenzy about the cause célèbre du jour.


It's a Jeep thang!
They're definitely part of the proble, not the solution. But I blame the media who gives them credence rather than they themselves. You can't blame the guys for wanting to make a buck - if people are going to be stupid, someone should be able to make money off it.


The media creates so much out of so little just to make a story.

My personal opinion, if they really wanted to help the black people, they should start by helping all people, no matter what their skin color is. That would add to the "we are all one happy family" theory. But instead, they pick and choose based on opportunity for media exposure.

As far as the money goes, if they are silly enough to give them the money, then only a fool would turn it away. If it was me, I would be doing Freedom of Information requests and ask for finanicial records.


It's a Jeep thang!
Dr. King was effective and part of the solution.

How about Bill Cosby?

I think Dr. King was on the right track. But that is based on history books and media reports, I wasn't alive.

Bill Cosby is wonderful but the blacks do not care for him because he blames the black community first and holds them accountable. They do not like that.


I could go on forever on this subject - but my 0.2 they are the racists. But not to contradict myself why didnt they jump on the Dog issue?


I could go on forever on this subject - but my 0.2 they are the racists. But not to contradict myself why didnt they jump on the Dog issue?

Because Dog made himself look more like an ass on his own than he ever would have if they jumped into the mix.


New Member
Al and Jesse perpetuate all the things that African Americans are trying to get away from and ultimately harm their future of being treated as equals....

Until programs such as affirmitive action are gone and Television Channels like BET are cancelled there will always be a great divide between the races. I believe African Americans are just as intelligent as Caucasions as I'm sure most Americans do... It's time we have a level playing field for all Americans and we ditch the old "that companies racist because they don't have enough minorities working there" attitude. This is the attitude perpetuated by organizations like the Rainbow Coalition. The most qualified individual will get the job in today's society as long as the person applying is the most qualified plain and simple.


Well-Known Member
Just because they claim to serve a good purpose doesn't mean they are effective at serving that purpose, and don't exacerbate the problem.

I dunno - ANYONE?

Dr. King was effective and part of the solution.

How about Bill Cosby?

How about anyone who actually CARES to solve problems instead of being media whores that thrive on the continued schism between the races.

Think of it this way - if there was peace and harmony between the races, Sharpton and Jackson would both be out of a job. Do you think they're going to allow that to happen? They do nothing but incite conflict and stir up controversy, and whip people into a frenzy about the cause célèbre du jour.


I'm reading a book now entitled "Is Bill Cosby Right (or has the Black Middle Class Lost Its Mind)" by Michael Eric Dyson. So far, Mr. Dyson has made a pretty good argument against his "correctness." I think that's usually the case when folks make absolute statements about a complex issue. I'll keep reading. Check it out if you get a chance. :yay:

Is Bill Cosby Right?: Or Has the ... - Google Book Search


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

He didn't even get through a whole paragraph before he used the dreaded conversation killer: black community. That phrase always makes me roll my eyes and go, whatever.

What exactly is that? And is there a "white community" that encompasses all whites? Like some sort of racial fraternity, whether we like it or not? Whether or not we have anything in common with these people, besides skin color?

Rhetorical questions, because I already know how you're going to answer. :razz: :lol: