Al Gore Is a Greenhouse Gasbag


Super Genius
This article ROCKS! :larry:
“What I’m going to try to do the rest of today and also probably on Tuesday is bring you up to date on this. I’ll try to avoid editorializing or politicking. I’ll just tell you some stuff. Give you information. There’s lot’s of stuff, and it’s very complicated.”

Gieg gazes upward toward his young charges. “Every single one of you knows more about this than Al Gore,” he tells the undergrads. “And vastly more than anyone in this present administration.”
There’s no way to watch An Inconvenient Truth without getting worried — at least a little worried.

Not Bob Giegengack. He has described Al Gore’s documentary as “a political statement timed to present him as a presidential candidate in 2008.” And he added, “The glossy production is replete with inaccuracies and misrepresentations, and appeals to public fear as shamelessly as any other political statement that hopes to unite the public behind a particular ideology.” This from a guy who voted for Gore in 2000 and says he’d probably vote for him again.
...and the best part...
Giegengack may have a personal 50-year perspective on global warming, but the time range he prefers to consult is more on the geologists’ scale. The Earth has been warming, he says, for about 20,000 years. We’ve only been collecting data on that trend for about 200 years. “For most of Earth history,” he says, “the globe has been warmer than it has been for the last 200 years. It has only rarely been cooler.” Those cooler periods have meant things like two miles of ice piled over much of what is now North America. Nothing to be nostalgic for.

The professor hits a button on his computer, and the really long-term view appears — the past 650,000 years. In that time, the Earth’s temperature has gone through regular cycles of rise and fall. The best explanation of those cycles was conceived by a Serbian amateur scientist named Milutin Milankovi´c. Very basically, Milankovi´c said this: The Earth’s orbit around the sun is more or less circular, but when other planets align in certain ways and their gravitational forces tug at the Earth, the orbit stretches into a more elliptical shape. Combined with the tilt of the Earth on its axis as it spins, that greater or lesser distance from the sun, plus the consequent difference in solar radiation that reaches our planet, is responsible for long-term climate change.

NOW TO THE CRUX OF THE Al Gore argument — the idea that rising carbon dioxide levels are causing an increase in temperature.

To determine temperatures and carbon dioxide levels in the distant past, scientists rely on what they call the “proxy record.” There weren’t thermometers. So researchers drill deep down into the Antarctic ice sheet and the ocean floor and pull up core samples, whose varying chemical elements let them gauge both the CO2 levels and the temperatures of the distant past.

Gieg clicks a button, and three charts come together. The peaks and valleys of the Milankovi´c cycles for planetary temperature align well with the ocean-floor estimates, and those match closely the records of carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature indications from ice cores. So, the professor maintains, these core samples from the polar ice and ocean floor help show that the Earth’s temperature and the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere have been in lockstep for tens of thousands of years.

Of course, that was long before anybody was burning fossil fuels. So Giegengack tells his students they might want to consider that “natural” climatic temperature cycles control carbon dioxide levels, not the other way around. That’s the crux of his argument with Gore’s view of global warming — he says carbon dioxide doesn’t control global temperature, and certainly not in a direct, linear way.
Hmmmm...I think I stated proposed something very similar not too long ago :diva:


Super Genius
Al Gore Is a Greenhouse... 02-01-2007 09:24 PM dee dee dee dumbazz
I always find these karmas to be ironic. After all, if the karma-giver were more intelligent than I, they would be able to present scientific data to refute the presented claims. Yet, they call me a dumbazz... :shrug:


New Member
ylexot said:
I always find these karmas to be ironic. After all, if the karma-giver were more intelligent than I, they would be able to present scientific data to refute the presented claims. Yet, they call me a dumbazz... :shrug:

Global Warming Man-Made, Will Continue

PARIS (AP) - Scientists from 113 countries issued a landmark report Friday saying they have little doubt global warming is caused by man, and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.

A top U.S. government scientist, Susan Solomon, said "there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities."

Environmental campaigners urged the United States and other industrial nations to significantly cut their emissions of greenhouse gases in response to the long-awaited report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

(Oslo) Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.

"A prerequisite for winning the Nobel Peace Prize is making a difference, and Al Gore has made a difference," Conservative Member of Parliament Boerge Brende, a former minister of environment and then of trade, told The Associated Press.

Brende said he joined political opponent Heidi Soerensen of the Socialist Left Party to nominate Gore as well as Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier before the nomination deadline expired Thursday.


Super Genius
Ok, I have looked through the report (for those that want to read it) and am unconvinced. The report is "here are our conclusions...what? You want data to go with it?" It is surprising that there are ZERO references to technical reports. As I was reading through it, there were footnotes. I thought, "oh, they must be references...let's see what the references are." Nope. The footnotes are definitions of things like "very likely". :ohwell: Then I thought, "maybe there is a list of reference documentation at the end." Nope. :ohwell: It is nothing but conclusions with no supporting details or references to supporting details. It is purely "here are the answers, trust us". :boo:

The funniest parts were the plots of CO2 that go back 100,000 years. Ok, but they mention in the report that the last CO2 peak was 125,000 years ago. I guess that upturn we are in now wouldn't look so scary if they included the very-similarly-shaped upturn that happened 125,000 years ago. :ohwell:


Methodically disorganized
ylexot said:
Because garbage in (this climate report) = garbage out (France Tells U.S. to Sign Climate Pacts or Face Tax)
... a carbon tax across Europe on imports from nations that have not signed the Kyoto treaty...
If we stopped trading with countries who support the idea wouldn't that hurt them more than us? Or, if they tax, say, 5% we raise prices accordingly.

I wonder how the rest of Europe feels about Chirac speaking for them.


I bowl overhand
Racingwolf said:
Global Warming Man-Made, Will Continue

PARIS (AP) - Scientists from 113 countries issued a landmark report Friday saying they have little doubt global warming is caused by man, and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.

A top U.S. government scientist, Susan Solomon, said "there can be no question that the increase in greenhouse gases are dominated by human activities."

Environmental campaigners urged the United States and other industrial nations to significantly cut their emissions of greenhouse gases in response to the long-awaited report by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


Al Gore Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

(Oslo) Former Vice President Al Gore was nominated for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize for his wide-reaching efforts to draw the world's attention to the dangers of global warming, a Norwegian lawmaker said Thursday.

"A prerequisite for winning the Nobel Peace Prize is making a difference, and Al Gore has made a difference," Conservative Member of Parliament Boerge Brende, a former minister of environment and then of trade, told The Associated Press.

Brende said he joined political opponent Heidi Soerensen of the Socialist Left Party to nominate Gore as well as Canadian Inuit activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier before the nomination deadline expired Thursday.
113 countries.. how do these same scientists (using their graph chart) explain the cooling off in the 30 and 40's while the human race was polluting more then, then any other time in history, throwing off more carbon types then now.. ?? Hmmm??

A leading scientist? I've never heard of her.. what kind of scientist is she??

I'm a scientist, and I can tell you there is more truth and fact in what YLEXOT posted then what you posted.. and I AM a scientist so you should believe me.. matter of fact, I'm a LEADING scientist... ooooh, AND I'm a GOVERNMENT scientist too!!

and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.

So what would be the point of cutting down green house gasses?

If you want to do your part, you should shut off your computer, and uplug it forever.. we all need to make sacrifices, you should be the one to show us the way.


I bowl overhand
ANd I especially like how they are getting the word out.. no opposing views allowed!!!

EVERY time I see a story on this, it's always the doomsayers.. with never a counterpoint, or other "leading scientist" that disagrees.

Today show yesterday had the producer of "AL Gore's movie" on their show.. and they let her rant, and the interviewer joined in the fray... "I don't believe...", "What does our future hold?" "What can we do to help??" Nothing ever said that dissenters even existed!! They way they talked EVERY scientist in EVERY country was in agreement.. we are DOOMED!!

Of course, all these people probably drove their SUV's to the interview too..
PARIS (AP) - Scientists from 113 countries issued a landmark report Friday saying they have little doubt global warming is caused by man, and predicting that hotter temperatures and rises in sea level will "continue for centuries" no matter how much humans control their pollution.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So they say man is causing Global Warming.

They also say it will go on for centuries,no matter what we do.

How come if we are causing it we cant stop it?

Because we arent causing it and they know it.

That one paragraph completely negates itself.


Super Genius
Another article that ROCKS! :larry:
Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
Global Warming, as we think we know it, doesn't exist. And I am not the only one trying to make people open up their eyes and see the truth. But few listen, despite the fact that I was the first Canadian Ph.D. in Climatology and I have an extensive background in climatology, especially the reconstruction of past climates and the impact of climate change on human history and the human condition. Few listen, even though I have a Ph.D, (Doctor of Science) from the University of London, England and that for 32 years I was a Professor of Climatology at the University of Winnipeg. For some reason (actually for many), the World is not listening. Here is why.
Believe it or not, Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide (CO2). This in fact is the greatest deception in the history of science. We are wasting time, energy and trillions of dollars while creating unnecessary fear and consternation over an issue with no scientific justification. For example, Environment Canada brags about spending $3.7 billion in the last five years dealing with climate change almost all on propaganda trying to defend an indefensible scientific position while at the same time closing weather stations and failing to meet legislated pollution targets.


Super Genius
Al Gore Is a Greenhouse... 02-06-2007 11:25 AM I guess Racingwolf shut you up! Where's your evidence?
:killingme Yeah, Racingwolf shut me up in post #3. That's why I posted in posts 4, 5, 6, and 11 and Racingwolf hasn't posted a response. :dork:


Super Genius
Al Gore Is a Greenhouse... 02-06-2007 12:45 PM your an idiot why don't you and Al Gore go sword fight with each other
You have to love karma that starts off with "your an idiot" :lmao:

I'm guessing that this one came from kjosx...


I bowl overhand
113 scientists from around the world.. how does that work out as a percentage of ALL scientists?? Out of a few hundred thousand scientists in the world they could only find 113?? What's that.. .003% agree with Al Gore?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
This article ROCKS! :larry: :yay:...and the best part...Hmmmm...I think I stated proposed something very similar not too long ago :diva:

I remember reading an article called "Cargo Cult Science" by Richard Feynmann. It's one of the best articles on science I've ever read.

In part of it, he related about a researcher who is doing an experiment with mice. He arranges a setup where a mouse enters a long corridor from a side door, and he wants to teach the mouse to look for the food at the door precisely two doors down from wherever he starts. But no matter how often he runs the experiment, the mouse always goes to the door where he found the food PREVIOUSLY. *Somehow*, no matter how he tries to make sure the corridor is indistinct - the mouse is able to tell.

So the researcher masks the odor - muffles the floor sound - disguises the overhead lights - paints all the doors the same - each time elimnating a possible "clue" - until he finally achieves the result. Feynmann describes this effort as "first-rate".

Because good science doesn't just observe correlations - good science ELIMINATES alternatives by experimentation and observation. You don't just declare that "this causes this". You say "this causes this - and NOTHING ELSE does".

What has always disturbed me about the global warming debate is that this kind of good science doesn't happen - there's a race to conclude the very hypothesis first proposed. THAT is extremely bad science, but very politically correct science. To PROVE something without a shadow of a doubt, you have to completely eliminate all of the likely alternatives.

To convince me of the correlation of C02 with man-made gases, they'd have to prove addition of CO2 to the atmosphere - determine how much is scrubbed from the atmosphere - determine how much increase comes from man-made sources - and so on. There would have to be proof showing this from this. I've yet to see it. It's all very dramatic, but nothing I've seen is convincing.

The only thing I have seen that is convincing, is that it is OCCURRING. Everything else is just politics.


Global Warming or not here is the real hypocrisy. Does Al gore really believe what he is preaching? Or does he have another, underlying agenda? If so, what is it?

Gore isn't quite as green as he's led the world to believe

For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.)

Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself.


I bowl overhand
Green house gasses.. pollution.. carbon dumping.. CO2.. Isn't the answer the same thing the liberals killed about 20 years ago. Liberal protesters causing YEARS in delays of construction, causing many not to be built, and those that were are less powerful, less efficient, making less of a dent in the daily amounts of pollution relaesed into the atmosphere?

Why don't they present this as a possible solution?

How many coal powered electric generating plants can be shut down for every nuclear power station with 3 reactors??
I think Al is a guy who just cant believe that his 15 minutes are up.

He is working like a dog to extend the length of his time in the spotlight.