Al Gore Is a Greenhouse Gasbag


Nucklesack said:

Just goes to show that Liberals are elitist snobs who think they know how the world should work, but would never lower themselves to actually living their lives according to the rules they hope to set for everyone else
Yeah, I heard about this. And no one in the mainstream media is talking about it. Go figure.


Super Genius
Sweet 16 said:
God they are arrogant! I don't care where his energy comes from, the fact remains that HE STILL CONSUMES *TWENTY* TIMES THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY AS THE AVERAGE AMERICAN FAMILY!!!
...but he offsets that by paying someone else to cut back :rolleyes:


Oregan .........

Nucklesack said:

that wonderful state that was whining about losing state highway funds because of fuel efficient cars wanted to put in place GPS trackers and hit you @ the pump on gas bought and miles driven .......... :whistle:


now now

ylexot said:

i heard gore on the tv set , he buys carbon offsets :jameo: , so he can be the pig he wants to be, while we should all be in the dark @ this time of night or web surfing by candle light ..... :killingme but since he is a fat cat Pol / Lawyer EX-VP he can buy his way out and still claim to be green .......



he can pay me

Nucklesack said:
Anyone ever read about Carbon Offsets?

they are no different than the "indulgences" used by the Church in medival times.

The scam works like this: Al Gore (used in a purely hypothetical way :sarcasm:) determines that he has a specific CO2 footprint (there are calculators to determine your footprint). he then pays some schlep (through an entity) a specific amount, for them to maintain their CO2 reduced lifestyle (typically this is someone in a thirdworld country). or for someone else to cut their own CO2 footprint.

If we compare the planet to a running bath, full almost to the brim with CO2, CO2 offsets are like saying “Al Gore won’t turn off his tap. He'll pay someone else to pay someone else to turn off their own tap.”

If offset companies really can engage with their customers, help them to reduce emissions at source as much as possible, and then offset the rest while they seek even larger reductions, then they are probably providing a true service. However, the only thing they are doing is helping Al Gore alleviate guilt about polluting, and can therefore act to prolong damaging behaviors. The idea of offsetting a private jet flight, or a SUV used to speak at a conference about Gobal Warming is just absurd

All that happens is lets Al Gore pay someone else to allow him to continue to pollute instead of fixing the problem, and in the case of the Third World supplier of Offsets, keeps them at a lifestyle that is below standard of those buying the offsets.

I'll put the full $50 k rig in what ever it takes to maximize production and sell electricity back to PEPCO - get me off the Grid ...... of course those lead acid batteries need recycled ever so often



Ethanol too

Nucklesack said:
Anyone interested in Carbon Offsets should do a Google for Carbon Offset Myth and/or Carbon Neutral Myth

there is a big debate about real energy savings and ethanol in your gas as well ....

Car and Driver did a big test last year when the Flexible Fuel Tahoe?s can out last year ........ they got like a 33% less fuel economy running running E85 than on regular gas.

Actually, the picture is not this bright, because fossil fuels are used in the production of ethanol. In fact, some studies have concluded that making ethanol from agricultural crops requires more energy than is contained in the finished product. There is no academic agreement on this point, and small differences in assumptions can profoundly alter the conclusions. For example, will the corn yield be 125 bushels per acre, or 127, or 140? Will you get 2.5 gallons of ethanol per bushel, or 2.68, or 2.80?

A recent study published by the University of California Berkeley looks at six different ethanol studies, brings the assumptions up to date, and makes other adjustments the authors think are appropriate. It concludes that only 5 to 26 percent of the energy in today’s corn-based ethanol is “new.” The other 74-to-95 percent represents the recycling of fossil-fuel energy to produce ethanol. Compared with historical assessments, this study represents a relatively optimistic outlook for ethanol.

I know for years since Oxygenated Fuels in the winter came out, my 37 MPG Saturn gets 33 MPG in those winter months so where is the carbon emissions savings if i am burning 4 mpg in the winter months driving 42 miles one way to work every day ....... Avg 500 miles a week ....


Lovin' being Texican
RadioPatrol said:
there is a big debate about real energy savings and ethanol in your gas as well ....

Another of those pesky unintended consequences of the Ethanol-as-the-savior movements is the fact that corn from Mexican provinces is being diverted from the food-chain to the fuel-chain. Poor Mexican families are paying premium prices for scarce tortillas because there is less corn available.

The Ethanol movement doesn't really care if less fossil fuels are used. This program was instituted to partially eliminate the agricultural surplus and pay the agri-business industry (in the name of the family farmers).


Super Genius
The firm invests the money in solar, wind and other projects that reduce energy consumption around the globe…
I'd just like to point out that using solar and wind DOES NOT reduce energy consumption.