Alan Keyes' attacks


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Because you always think when someone's angry, they're going to start beating people up. I've been ferociously angry a zillion times in my life and can count on one hand the number of times I've actually hit someone.
I wish I were that lucky :ohwell:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by vraiblonde
I've been ferociously angry a zillion times in my life and can count on one hand the number of times I've actually hit someone.

But didn't you WANT to hit them?


Originally posted by Tonio
But didn't you WANT to hit them?
:duh: I WANT to bang Charlize Theron but that doesn't mean that if she stopped in to visit I would be unable to control myself and start humping her.....but then again....
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Speaking of self control, Keyes himself has an answer to your question.

form the article;

"We as human beings cannot assert that our sexual desires cannot be controlled," Keyes said. He said such a claim would "consign us to the real of instinctual animal nature-- and we are not there."


Asperger's Poster Child
So when you get angry at someone, you don't hate them and you're not judging them as worthless?


Enjoying life!
Re: Alan Keyes is...

Originally posted by Larry Gude
Politics is about WHAT you compromise.

It is impossible to listen to Alan Keyes in debate or a speech and not be totally impressed with how great an American he is.

I agree. I love to listen to Keyes debate issues whenever I can. The guy is well spoken, understands the issues, and definitely commands attention when he speaks. Did I mention that I agree with him on almost every issue? What I am saying is that his level of conviction and resolve could lead to stalemates in Senatorial debates. I fear that he will not know when to compromise, and I don't mean compromise as in selling out. I mean compromise to reach an agreeable way forward. That's why I think a supporting role would be a better starting point. Maybe he does reach workable solutions, I can't say for certain. I stopped following his career in 2000. But I'll be watching again, now. This is an Illinois issue now anyway.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
So when you get angry at someone, you don't hate them and you're not judging them as worthless?
No. I'm just angry, that's all. I get angry at Larry and the kids all the time but I don't hate them nor do I think they're worthless.

Anger is a sign you care - if Keyes didn't care so much, he wouldn't get so angry. That's why it's important to watch what candidates get angry about. Some politicians get angry over being caught lying and cheating. And some get angry about the state of the world today. That tells you what they care about and what's important to them.


Originally posted by Tonio
So when you get angry at someone, you don't hate them and you're not judging them as worthless?

Good God, man.

I am angry at my kids a full 12 hours per day or more.

But I NEVER hate them, and I NEVER judge them as worthless. It is possible to be angry at someone, or passionate about an issue without hating and without striking out physically.

I am passionately opposed to abortion. The very idea of legalizing the practice of butchering children into cole slaw boggles my mind to this very day.

But I don't HATE anyone for it. I'm not about to start punching faces over it.

Although those idiots who shoot doctors and blow up clinics... I can't speak for the insane.

Anyway, my point is: Passion != Violence


Originally posted by Steve
Are you sure people will understand logic shorthand? :twitch:

They'll read that as "Passion! Equals violence!" :)

Never thought of that.

Ok - for the logic shorthand impaired: "!=" means NOT EQUAL...

So: "Passion != Violence" means "Passion is not the same as violence."

Just in case there was any ( confusion || complaints || issues ).


Originally posted by Tonio
So when you get angry at someone, you don't hate them and you're not judging them as worthless?
Just like vrai and Toxic just because some one makes me angry does not mean that they are worthless and I hate them. Conversly I judge some people worthless without them ever making me mad. :shrug:


Asperger's Poster Child
Originally posted by Toxick
It is possible to be angry at someone, or passionate about an issue without hating and without striking out physically.

I understand that on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level it has never made sense to me. For some reason, it doesn't feel true for me.

On a related topic, someone I know well told me recently that they thought I might have Asperger's Syndrome. As in the inability to read social cues and body language. Maybe that's why I feel physically threatened by other people's anger.


Originally posted by Tonio
I understand that on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level it has never made sense to me. For some reason, it doesn't feel true for me.

On a related topic, someone I know well told me recently that they thought I might have Asperger's Syndrome. As in the inability to read social cues and body language. Maybe that's why I feel physically threatened by other people's anger.
Or you are a wuss. :shrug:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Tonio
I understand that on an intellectual level, but on an emotional level it has never made sense to me. For some reason, it doesn't feel true for me.
Then maybe you're the one with the problem, since most people can separate anger and violence.

Paging Lucy! Come in, Lucy!

Anyway, I like Keyes' passion and conviction. I think it's a sign of good character and good leadership. But since he's a bit much for most people, he probably won't get elected.


Originally posted by vraiblonde
Then maybe you're the one with the problem, since most people can separate anger and violence.

Paging Lucy! Come in, Lucy!

Anyway, I like Keyes' passion and conviction. I think it's a sign of good character and good leadership. But since he's a bit much for most people, he probably won't get elected.
Wouldn't that be a huge kick in the sack to the DNC though. :lol: If Keyes came in and snatched the election right away from their "Golden Boy". Gain a seat in the Senate, embarass the Keynote speaker of the Dem Convention and it just may make MacKaulife jump out the window of a tall building in shame. Oh dreams.........