I was thinking you'd like that one!!!
Variety of life. As I wrote it I did so pondering the fact that some folks, many folks, absolutely love it. I mean, I get fishing, taking a little john boat out at 5 am, the quiet, the solitude, being IN nature, the relaxing part, being away from most everything, the excitement and satisfaction of getting the right bait, catching a good fish. But, man 'sport' fishing???
We pulled out of Ocean City at 5:30, 6am, so, we'd already been in the car for 3 hours. It's exciting, this big, bad ass boat, gearing up, heading out, nice and slow, out the bay, out the jetty, then, cap'n firewalls it and for TWO ####ing hours THRRRUUUUMMMMMMM...that got old real quick. Nothing, just THRUMMMMMMM, the wind, the smell, the open water as OC disappears into the distance, then JUST the water. Then, suddenly, he cuts it to idle, the boat settles, your sense awake and....all of a sudden, there are boats everywhere!! It was like being in the Millennium Falcon coming out of hyper space or something!
So, you take turns in the chair, all these lines go out, the mate does everything, the eating of sammitchs and beers at 8am kicks in and...that's it...for endless hours. The first rush of excitement as a sail from a fish pops the surface, the cat and mouse as the, seemingly, bored fish simply strikes at the bait to kill it for entertainment, not to eat it. That got old, quick. A fish is on, yeah! For awhile...slow day. Been up in the flying bridge with the captain, in the galley, nap, all around the boat. Boring as hell, stuck, trapped. We move and, suddenly, there are tuna everywhere so, we call get the 'thrill' of 'catching' a fish, 30-40 pound tuna, whatever. That got old QUICK, too. the long, numbing return to the dock, the fish cleaning, the mate does even that. Back in the freaking car for three more hours.
I know damn well someone loved that, loves that. A bunch of business buddies do. They won the White Marlin open 2 years ago. They do this all over the world. I was invited to start coming along like 15 years ago, different part of the world, every year and the ONLY reason I even considered it was to go dive in a new spot every year. The mere thought of another minute on a sport fishing boat, yikes!
In any event, I do get it, different strokes, different folks and certainly things I do that are just IT for me, all the details, that others would rather be ANYWHERE else.
Even if it means 12 hours on a sport fishing boat.