Allergic to Red Meat due to a tick bite!!


Adopt me please !
I hope yours fades, too. I feel lucky I know what it was, what caused it, and that it has gone away.

But even after all these months being reaction free, I still get a little anxious when eating beef and check for hives for hours afterwards. :smile:

I'm happy you know what the problem is. I think this being on the forum will help others who may have the same issue. Thanks to all of you for sharing.


New Member
Going undiagnosed for those 8 months was the worst feeling in the world. I lost 25 lbs and thought I was going to die. When I didn't get hives, it would cause terrible chest pains and GI problems. If there is anything I can do to help you get the word out, I would be glad to help!

thank you! I have written to the local paper and copied a few articles to give to the local allergists..if I hear of anything else we can do, I will put it on the forum so we can help each other!

It's a shame that most doctors immediately think they know everything and can make us feel stupid..luckily my doctor was more puzzled than anything, but she was definitely willing to hear me out and learn all about it once I showed her my info!

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
I'm happy you know what the problem is. I think this being on the forum will help others who may have the same issue. Thanks to all of you for sharing.

Unfortunately, I had a tick bite last month from one that my cat brought in the house and am back to reacting. Last night I had baby back ribs and woke at 2 in the morning with hives breaking out over my arms and stomach. This sucks. :-/


Adopt me please !
Unfortunately, I had a tick bite last month from one that my cat brought in the house and am back to reacting. Last night I had baby back ribs and woke at 2 in the morning with hives breaking out over my arms and stomach. This sucks. :-/

yikes - one thing I find is people also bring in ticks. They can drop from the trees and land on you. We have several huge trees next to the house, and we always end up with ticks and ants falling from the trees. I think we all need to start disrobing at the back door before entering the house, leaving most of the ticks outside.