Infinite Impetus
I feel that if the law states you have to wait until you're 21, you better wait until you're 21. . Why teach them that the law doesn't matter in some situations?
I was forbidden to drink and feared getting in trouble if I ever did. I didn't touch a drop until my second year of college.. even then I was underage, but I was no longer under my parents supervision.
This isn't meant to go into the drinking age (which most people feel it should be 18) but to get some insight from parents, and your own experiences.
I was forbidden to drink and feared getting in trouble if I ever did. I didn't touch a drop until my second year of college.. even then I was underage, but I was no longer under my parents supervision.
This isn't meant to go into the drinking age (which most people feel it should be 18) but to get some insight from parents, and your own experiences.
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