Am I A Bad Person??


Silence!!! I Kill You!!!
I try to keep things as mild as possible...but If one acts like a mean SOB then I will do whatever it takes. If it takes a be it. My safety comes first, then I can modify the horses behavoir. I chain mares all the time, not mean about it, just protecting my own interest. A chain only causes problems in hands that don't know how to use one, You are fine!!!!


Animal Poor!
i don't think you are a bad person. i certainly at least would have been Thinking that. though i do try to Hide any thing like that when i go look at someone else's horse....definitely have self preservation, but i try to be polite and then once i get in the car to leave "geez did you see how awful that horse was!!" haha. in case the people who own the horse are sensitive to that stuff and you want to be invited back for whatever subtle.

Damn, I don't even want to know what you tell Pepper in the car after leaving my farm.... :lalala::lalala:


New Member
Thanks guys! You guys are awesome! I was very good at keeping my thoughts to myself the first time out, it was the second time out that the mare acted like an ass. I did everything I could to not be to abtrusive, but once she started dropping her shoulder and coming at me and then kicking out, I corrected her and then backed off. It was when she pushed me with her head for the 2 or 3 time that I threatened the chain.
For those of you who know me personally, I do have a hard time not telling people how it is. So I thought I did have way decent. :)
Thanks again guys!! Now I feel normal again! I know where I belong!


Hunter/Eq. Trainer :-)
Please dont be mean to me on this? I know I was taught differently than other people, and I just got reamed out for venting on COTH because I corrected a horse that a friend of mine was looking at and because I said to the horse "dont make me put a chain on your nose" for throwing her head in my face and pushing me backwards. I didnt even have a chain or really intend on using one. I just wanted her to behave. But now I feel like I am a horrible horse person for correcting a horse that was extremely pushy and did kick out 2 or 3 times. Am I a bad person? I certainly feel like one!

I always like to use a lead with a chain. Don't always use it, but you never know when you will be in a situation and won't have time to run to find one. With OTTB or any other type of race horse they almost feel more comfortable with a chain on. They settle right down. Without it many like to dance on your head. I've had horses and ponies that think it is funny to bolt on you without notice, but if you have a chain on (and used correctly) they will probably only try it once.

Sounds like the horse had very questionable ground manners, but if it was a horse for sale you were looking at I normally keep my comments to myself. However, inside I'm thinking someone needs to have some R-E-S-P-E-C-T for there owner or that horse is going to hurt someone. Horses and ponies are to big and powerful to get away with bad behavior. It sounds like you were just suggesting correcting the behavior not being abusive about it.


New Member
Thanks guys! You guys are awesome! I was very good at keeping my thoughts to myself the first time out, it was the second time out that the mare acted like an ass. I did everything I could to not be to abtrusive, but once she started dropping her shoulder and coming at me and then kicking out, I corrected her and then backed off. It was when she pushed me with her head for the 2 or 3 time that I threatened the chain.
For those of you who know me personally, I do have a hard time not telling people how it is. So I thought I did have way decent. :)
Thanks again guys!! Now I feel normal again! I know where I belong!
You're not bad at all! I don't know what COTH is but people want to kick your ass for SAYING you'd use a stud chain on a horse that challenged you?Holy crap- I'd be shot and pissed on- I'm a self admitted puz%$y about riding ( the splat factor) but not ground work. Not fun being dragged thru a gate( oh it's just the way Schmoopie goes out hehehehe)knocked down mule kicked squashed in a stall etc....
Everyone needs manners and you helped remind the horse 'bout her manners.


Horse Poor
I think there were some people that didn't agree with you and others that did. COTH can have a mob mentality sometimes...but take it all w/a grain of salt. Most of the posters are more brave b/c you don't know who they are.

Most posters are being brave because we have been knocked down, drug, kicked, and bitten by unrespectfull horses. If a owner wants to say oh bad boy after thier horse runs them down, shame on them. I personally will knock the hell out of a horse that even tries it. There is one thing I have learned in my many years of working horses and that is to be the BOSS Mare of the herd...:lmao:


Most posters are being brave because we have been knocked down, drug, kicked, and bitten by unrespectfull horses. If a owner wants to say oh bad boy after thier horse runs them down, shame on them. I personally will knock the hell out of a horse that even tries it. There is one thing I have learned in my many years of working horses and that is to be the BOSS Mare of the herd...:lmao:

Pack Leader.



New Member
Thats right I always tell humans when dealing with horses, You need to be the boss, otherwise you will not be respected.


New Member
Sounds like the horse had very questionable ground manners, but if it was a horse for sale you were looking at I normally keep my comments to myself.

Bingo! Saying you're going to put a chain on someone else's horse is like going to someone's home and saying you intend to discipline their children. They might need it and you may desperately want to do it but it's not your place. :biggrin: COTH is best for lurking. There's a lot of great info but not worth the drama to participate.


New Member
Professionalism goes a long way in all forms of business :wink:. If the horse was a danger to you then you should have politely asked the owner to show you how they handle the horse.

I’m not against using a chain (when required) but I think the issue at hand was the way you conducted yourself, which to me does not scream professional. I’d hate to think that any persons business that you come across has the possibility to show up on the internet being scrutinized.


Active Member
For goodness sake, a simple snaffle in the wrong hands can be a torture device to a horse. Equipment, be it chain, bit, spurs, whatever, when used properly, can be an asset to both horse and rider and when used improperly can make things worse. It's all in the hands and expertise of the human using it.


New Member
Professionalism goes a long way in all forms of business :wink:. If the horse was a danger to you then you should have politely asked the owner to show you how they handle the horse.

I’m not against using a chain (when required) but I think the issue at hand was the way you conducted yourself, which to me does not scream professional. I’d hate to think that any persons business that you come across has the possibility to show up on the internet being scrutinized.

I completely agree! But, I did ask her the first time we looked at the mare how she normally does things and asked her to lead the horse and so on. When the mare would walk on top of her, she would laugh and say she just wants to be loved. I told her that I understand that I am not her trainer but I wanted to warn her that she shouldnt let the horse walk on her like that, its a dominance and respect issue and if she continues to let it happen then someone may get hurt. She said her trainer said the same thing but she cant bring herself to believe that this mare would hurt her ever.

The first day I said nothing, which we all know for me is a very hard thing to do. The second time looking at her she was a complete idiot and #1 I wasnt about to not correct her and risk getting hurt and #2 I am not about to hand over a horse that is walking all over people and kicking out to someone who thinks its cute and watch her get kicked and then feel bad for not correcting her. (Yes I know, not my horse, not my call)

I know I know. Some of you may not agree. And I am totally ok with that. But when you have horses, and I think we all know and understand this, you have to accept that not everyone does things your way and sometimes it is good to take a little piece of advice especially when it involves the safetly of the owner and the horse.

Now I am not here to argue or anything, just replying to things that are said. And I thank everyone for your input and kind words of advice.

In my opinion, and this is just my opinion and how I was taught, when you go to look at a horse, you are looking at them to see if their personality will fit, thier confirmation is good, and that they have the athletism, build and mind to do what you want to do. If you go out and look at an unbroke baby and he is spinning around you and carrying on, do you ask him to stand still for 2 seconds or do you give him to the owner and say "Nope. He wont stand still." and walk away. Same thing applies here, IMO. When I go to look at a horse I want to know that I can handle the horse. Every horse out there will try someone at one point and time in thier lives. Maybe its just me and if so, then maybe I am wrong in everyone elses eyes. But this is how I was taught and I respect my trainer with all my heart.

Do I regret going out to see the horse? No. Do I regret making her behave so I didnt get hurt? No. Do I regret saying what I said? Maybe a little. But how many of us have said things we dont mean??

I am not perfect, no one is. I made a mistake by saying that OUTLOUD. Your right, I should have kept it to myself (I find myself wanting to correct other peoples kids as well!) and maybe it wasnt very professional. But I have heard alot of Trainers say Way Worse stuff than that looking at horses.

I consider myself to be half way decent with horses and I will continue to learn everyday. I learned from this experience. And I will remember it.


New Member
i totally agree with your last statement. professionalism vs. safety AND keeping others (who are seemingly ignorant?) safe. gotta watch the words you say, but i think i would have totally, calmly done what i needed to do to get the horse out of my space had i been in your situation, but probably without words...but i'm not wordy anyway. the swinging end of a lead rope can be a powerful thing.


New Member
But I have heard alot of Trainers say Way Worse stuff than that looking at horses.

I don’t know of any successful trainers who go on a public internet site and criticize the owner of a horse.

My point is that your post on COTH wasn’t very professional and neither is this thread.


Chevy Is Da BOMB!!!!
:howdy: i dont think any1 who is trying to dissiplin a horse 4 being in your space or pushing you around is a bad person...