Am I Being Shallow?



*Vrai* Ya know, I can always count on you to get right to the point! :roflmao:


Livin' Large
Vicos would not understand that, He awiats for the days of a good cigar and stupid interns. Taking care of this country and its true patriots are not on his agenda. He would rather have 3000+ die than get off his Political Correctness Ways and actually earn his position in society.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Biscuit, normally I might agree with you but Vicos' previous posts indicate he's not much of a politically correct liberal. He typically is quite moderate, leaning right. I'd more believe he just doesn't like the idea of racial/religious stereotyping.

Kain, you should ask the guy where he's from if you want to know. Why would that make him uncomfortable? I guess I'm just a nosy type - I ask everybody everything. :lol:


You're all F'in Mad...
Originally posted by vicos
...asks you where you have been, do you answer - "I was just at the grocery store and a Pakistani checked me out at the register"? Of course not, unless the fact that the person was Pakistani has some importance in relationship to what you were saying.

That is exactly how I would answer... Details are always important if you're being completely honest with your spouse. Makes them feel more secure than saying "this HOT Blonde checked me out at the grocery store..."

Or were you talking about the cashier... :confused:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
One does not mention a person's race or nationality in conversation unless it has a direct bearing on the subject of their statement.
That's actually a good point - I was wondering that myself when Kain mentioned it. I think we're all a little touchy when it comes to Arab-looking folks. They haven't exactly been the best neighbors these days.

Racial profiling is a double-edged sword. As thinking beings, we can't just ignore the fact that most of our woes in the last (at least) two years have been at the hands of Muslims. But should we indict an entire religion/ethcnicity because of this? It's a dilemma. Especially when there are legitimate immigrants over here who escaped their crummy countries to make a better life for themselves. It's not really fair to make them pay for the sins of their former countrymen.

But I see what Kain means because I'm skitty about them too.


yeah yeah
Originally posted by vicos
You need to chill out WaterColor. It's called intelligent conversation. I don't know the person who wrote that statement and I don't have to. One does not mention a person's race or nationality in conversation unless it has a direct bearing on the subject of their statement. For example, when your husband asks you where you have been, do you answer - "I was just at the grocery store and a Pakistani checked me out at the register"? Of course not, unless the fact that the person was Pakistani has some importance in relationship to what you were saying.

The fact of the matter is that alot of Americans, including myself, were an Arab hating bunch after 9.11. Once cooler heads prevail, one needs to look at the desired outcome and act appropriately. Hate begets hate. Ask the Israelis and the Palestinians.

omm ok...first off, get your panties outta a bunch. No one was attacking you vicos. I was simply saying, that I know how Kain is, and that she is not the type of person to be blatenly racist. I am racist against gnorance, when people just do something because they are told. Meaning not making a decision for theirselves.
She was using the observance, as a key to understanding. That is take a chill pill and calm down.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Blondie, feel free to show me the logic of how you went from my statement to your assessment of my statements.
Well, buckaroo, I will:

Kain is uncomfortable with the guy selling calendars. She mentioned that he was of Middle Eastern descent, meaning (as you pointed out) it's a factor in her discomfort. In the interest of seeing both sides of the coin, I can understand your statement that you can't indict a whole race/religion for what a few of their more extreme members have done. BUT that's just what humans do - it's part of our survival instinct. The zebras in the wild don't try to get to know a particular lion before they make a judgement call on whether he's going to eat them or not.

Seems to me that you're doing a bit of flaming yourself, there, Vicos.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm just commenting on the tension we feel toward Arabs since 9-11. Prior to that, I'll be Kain didn't give the liquor guy a second thought. And I'll bet Biscuit never thought anything of them, either. Maybe it's wrong but it's just human nature - can't be helped. We have a "better safe than sorry" mentality.


yeah yeah
See Vicos...with that comment...that is why NO ONE takes you serriously cause you have to be an arse. Quit being anal-retentive, and someone may (using that word very loose) give youthe time of day.

I have very intelligent thoughts. Me and Smalltown are infamous for getting in to heavy debates,but unlike you, he does not belittle and degrade people. Because he debates correctly. But you sir, need to step off your high horse and come out from the clouds. Because you are merely being a jerk


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Vicos says:
A better use of one's energy would be to understand their culture and why a certain element hates the USA. As much of a conservative as I am, George Bush's rhetoric that "they" hate our freedom and prosperity is a little thin. The goal is to foster understanding and tolerance and end the violence so everyone can live in peace. No doubt there are those who can only be dealt with by using weapons. But, not to address the larger problem will only lead to more youth growing up to fill the spots of those killed.

Vrai responds:
And Vicos, I must respectfully say you're full of it. Muslim fanatics hate Americans and citizens of ANY free country simply because we have more stuff than they do and we don't follow their religion. It's as old as time. They have no interest in "tolerance" or "understanding" - they've been very clear about that. We, on the other hand, have been tolerant of them to a fault.

Sounds like a direct response to me, dude. And if we removed every post where some gets called an idiot, we wouldn't have any posts left :lmao:

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by vicos
A few Muslim radicals committed an atrocity against us and therefore it is OK to hate/dislike anyone who looks Arab.

Sure, why not? I prefer, in this day and age, to operate on a "plan for the worst; hope for the best" mode. People from the middle east have killed more than just the 3K-plus people in the twin towers, pentagon and the 4 airplanes they used at bombs. They have killed innocent people all over the world on every continent and in their own region of the world -- all in the name of their religion and hate for America. Now, I know that not EVERY person of middle eastern descent is a terrorist. But in this day and age, one cannot be too careful. So, if I give the hairy eyebrow to some person who carries a particular product or behaves in a certain way as to evoke concern or hard feelings, then I will chalk it up to a lack of modifying to OUR culture (cause we are talking about America here, right?). I'm sick of people coming to America and expecting us to conform to their way of life in their former country. I'm willing to learn about other cultures, but that doesn't mean I will adapt my way of life to theirs to make them feel more 'comfortable.' Who would have thought that they would have used our own airplanes against us? After that, how can I not be suspicious of the Arab running a coffee stand in D.C. They are selling t-shirts bearing the twin towers in the far east as "The Worlds Only Twin Towers." You wanna tell me THAT's not a slap in the face!

I think it is perfectly within Kain's right to feel awkward about someone -- calendar aside -- of any race, but in this situation, the middle easterners need to be a little more understanding of why we may be suspicious of them until we finish turning that area of the world into the next vacation hot spot for the Brits. :ohwell: People applying for jobs are entitled to be judged fairly; however, where I do business and who I choose to befriend is MY choice.

And, if that makes me a racist bigot or prejudiced, then so be it. But I'm entitled to my feelings, and I won't put anything past anyone of middle eastern descent when it comes to suspicious behavior.

yakky doodle

New Member
Originally posted by vicos
All I Can say is that the world would be a nicer place if:

a) people didn't hate each other
b) people weren't so greedy

BUZZZZZZZZZZ. that was your alarm. it's time to wake up. the world is not a nice place, and it's never going to be a nice place ever again. innocence and childhood as we all knew it are gone forever and will be replaced with fear in the coming decades. children will not be able to experience what we had growing up until Mother Earth gets a new armpit courtesy of the Red White and Blue, and I, for one, support it whole-heartedly!


We are a tight knit group and there are close relationships behind the scenes here. Biscuit has a special interest in my well being and I think he was just doing what all good husbands do best, (defend their wives.)

This is the worst I have ever felt. I Feel terrible for being afraid everytime I run into a middle easterner. But that's really what it is for me... Fear! I just can't get past it. I am terrified every morning when my husband goes to D.C. , I hate going to Calvert County because the Power Plant is there. I have no idea where I'm going to do my Christmas shopping because I am terrified of the mall.

Now I'm looking at a most likely innocent in Leonardtown, like he's planning the end of the world.

The guys here all know me and I thank them so much for sticking up for me... I can't defend my feelings except to say I feel this way and I just don't know how to stop. I don't even know if I should stop...


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Originally posted by Kain99
I hate going to Calvert County because the Power Plant is there.
Relax a little and let me worry about the power plant for you. :lol: I'm surprised you didn't mention the LNG (Liquid Natural Gas) Terminal at Cove Point. :eek: :roflmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Man, Kain! What a case, huh? You should stop because catastrophic thinking isn't good for you and gives you gray hair and makes your skin wrinkle prematurely. Maybe you should get counseling or something because what you're doing doesn't sound like normal or natural fear.

In the meantime, shop online for Christmas - it's easier anyway.

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Originally posted by yakky doodle
After all that mess in the other thread about grammar, I can't believe you misused "to" in place of "too." :nono:

Hmm... I can see our next discussion will be about capitalization and punctuation! :lol: :cheers:


I think I'll skip the five years of belly acheing in a shrinks office and just find a good hypnotist. :razz2: