

New Member
She's moving the salon to the shops behind Bear Creek, right across the road from the original location. I thought she said they'd be closed a week then re-open.


New Member
Estee, yes I do see Beverly. A real estate agent friend of mine wanted to talk to her about commercial space. GEEZ - you are a nosey neighbor arent you.

Nah, not really just find it funny that you are sooo all over the place and always seem to have something to post about salons...... You contradict yourself A LOT. Did you say your husband is deployed right now??? Thats really hard, I know it can be so hard on the children....


New Member
Nah, not really just find it funny that you are sooo all over the place and always seem to have something to post about salons...... You contradict yourself A LOT. Did you say your husband is deployed right now??? Thats really hard, I know it can be so hard on the children....

Yes he is and yes it is hard. I simply posted about Beverly because she is the best hairstylist in the area.


New Member
Me thinks bLuewater is in the hair biz myself !!! cuz she all up in it:whistle:

Chumba, I know its hard for you to not write ignorant postings on here. Maybe you should go to the bookstore today and buy a dictionary as well as enroll in an english class. Oh wait a minute, I forgot you have to get out of high school first.


Chumba, I know its hard for you to not write ignorant postings on here. Maybe you should go to the bookstore today and buy a dictionary as well as enroll in an english class. Oh wait a minute, I forgot you have to get out of high school first.

I think it is logical to assume you are in the biz.


I think it is logical to assume you are in the biz.

Your absolutely right. And what's even more obvious is that she's stupid enough to think nobody knows or has figure it out. All I know is:
A) I'll never step foot in Bella...because of her
B) I hope she's not my kids substitute teacher

Now call me names Bluewater and justify what I just said. I'm really enjoying watching this train wreck.


New Member
Your absolutely right. And what's even more obvious is that she's stupid enough to think nobody knows or has figure it out. All I know is:
A) I'll never step foot in Bella...because of her
B) I hope she's not my kids substitute teacher

Now call me names Bluewater and justify what I just said. I'm really enjoying watching this train wreck.

The only train wreck is how many of you are being so negative. I am a navy wife, whose husband is risking his life protecting your freedom and raising three kids on my own until he returns god willing. As I have said at least five times in here, you can go wherever you like. I happen to like Beverly and thats where I choose to go. Thats why we live in the USA, you are free to choose how to spend your money until monkey boy in the white house winds up taxing the rest of peoples earnings.


New Member
The only train wreck is how many of you are being so negative. I am a navy wife, whose husband is risking his life protecting your freedom and raising three kids on my own until he returns god willing. As I have said at least five times in here, you can go wherever you like. I happen to like Beverly and thats where I choose to go. Thats why we live in the USA, you are free to choose how to spend your money until monkey boy in the white house winds up taxing the rest of peoples earnings.

:whistle::cds: As a teacher did you just call the president a "monkey Boy " Speachless for once !!


New Member
The only train wreck is how many of you are being so negative. I am a navy wife, whose husband is risking his life protecting your freedom and raising three kids on my own until he returns god willing. As I have said at least five times in here, you can go wherever you like. I happen to like Beverly and thats where I choose to go. Thats why we live in the USA, you are free to choose how to spend your money until monkey boy in the white house winds up taxing the rest of peoples earnings.

OMG!!! Are you seriously pulling the " My Husband is risking his life"card for something sooo stupid.
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New Member
So just out of curiosity, do Navy Troops even deploy out of PAX RIVER??? My husband thought this sounded a litte COOKY. This area is pretty nondeployable..........


New Member
So just out of curiosity, do Navy Troops even deploy out of PAX RIVER??? My husband thought this sounded a litte COOKY. This area is pretty nondeployable..........

You people are too much. He is an officer and yes he is deployed from Norfolk, not from Pax River. We simply moved to this area to be closer to both sets of our parents while he is away.