Ok, well there seems to be only replies from hobbyist / amateurs. (Professional = rely on at least 51% of your income from your job, NOT selling one image like someone stated earlier).
I thought in the photo forum I would get replies from people in the industry, even thou it's a 'public' forum I know that. I have no idea on who anyone is except for a few people who actually post with there 'real' name and not hide behind some made up name in this forum. So I have a hard time with creditability on anything people say without putting their name with it...
Here is another example, you have to think of the global effects. True, you are not taking money out of the photographers pocket directly, but you are indirectly. You gave away images at Game A at a home game. Kid now plays in Game B at an away tournament where there is a hired photographer and he is not able to sell anything because you gave away all the images in Game A and they have what they want. If everyone does that you and believe me, more and more are, it makes it very tough for a photographer to make a sell.
I didn't intend for this to get into a pissing match, but just an eye opener for people that need to 'earn' a buck...
FRANK MARQUART's Photos | SmugMug