vraiblonde said:
I disagree. I can make a case that there's a huge conspiracy to overthrow the US afoot. Our media is in on it, college professors are in on it, and Democrat politicans are in on it. I wouldn't even have to embellish or make anything up.
Why else would liberals be so hell bent on these wild stories about outing CIA agents and secret prisons? Why else would they completely ignore the IWR, that several of them voted for themselves, so spew insanities like "illegal war"?
WHY do they hate Bush so much? There's no reason for this kind of passion, other than that he is getting in the way of them toppling the US.
There was a time when I entertained that conspiracy theory for my own amusement, but now I'm beginning to wonder.....
Sorry, but the trend evidence doesn't support your theory. As I said before, these same people who are out there attacking President Bush had no issues with the US using force when Clinton was in office, and voiced no concern when foreign leaders used force to quell or conquer. So, it's difficult to make the claim that they're anti-war when the only war they're against is Bush's war. Also, you would have been hard pressed to know that the CIA even existed duing the 1990s. Despite intelligence failure after failure - WTC, USS Cole, Khobar Towers, etc., all the folks who are screaming about intelligence failures said nothing. But again, Bush wasn't president then.
So why are Dems and Libs out to get Bush? First, he beat out the heir apparent to their Camelot II. They had their hearts set on another eight years of having things their way, and Bush zapped them. Second, Bush is the son of another President they have a strong loathing for. Not so much because of what Bush Sr. did while Pres, but more so because he's a living/breathing reminder of Reagan... who they really despised.
Lastly, and most importantly in my mind, they hate Bush because he's the absolute worst possible threat to their power base - he's a president who actually tries to follow through on his campaign promises and prefers solving issues over campaigning on them. Medicare Part D may well be a huge waste of money, but it stripped away one of the Dems' biggest across-the-board campaign issues. How much ground did Kerry lose when he couldn't claim his elderly mom was having to eat dog food because her prescription drugs were so expensive... sitting across the barren table from Gore's mom sharing a can of Alpo? The World will never know. If Bush fixes the Social Security issue, even only partly, the Dems are toast as that is their last major connection to seniors, one of their largest voting blocks. They've lost gun control, they're losing the environmental moral highground due to gasoline prices, so what's left for them to run on? Gay rights and abortion, and they know they come up snake eyes on those issues. So they have to protest against everything that Bush does. If Bush shoots POWs, they are against shooting POWs. If Bush wants to free all the POWs, they are against freeing POWs. They don't really care if their arguments are consistent with previous positions, nor do they care if their arguments hurt America. What is truly vital is to keep Bush distracted and off-track.
The Dems don't have much going for them now, but they're best strength is consistency. They have it and we don't. You can tell Al Sharpton a million times that the Tawana Brawley case was a hoax, show him reams of evidence, and he'll keep swearing it's all true. You can tell many Dems that Clinton's impeachment was about lying and not sex, and they'll tell you it was about sex. You can explain to Dems all you want about the truth of the Niger yellowcake issue, even show them the letter written by Wilson stating that he never disproved the Brit's claims, and still they'll insist that Bush lied. The Dems understand very well that lies become the truth if they are repeated enough, and Republicans always back down. Lie about who was responsible for New Orleans, and Bush says "yeah, it was our fault." Idiot! Lie about who's responsible for black poverty, and Republicans say "yeah, we're partly to blame and here's a lot of money." Idiots!! Say that the US is "torturing" prioners by making them pose in S&M poses, and even a Republican who really was tortured and beaten will push to convict some poor Army gal and inform the enemy that they have nothing to fear from us. IDIOTS!!!
Case in point: Dems in LA screw the pooch and disaster results from hurricane Katrina. They, wisely, blame Bush, who unwisely accepts partial blame in order to show that he's a big guy and willing to be a team player. That partial blame gets turned into total blame, and the next thing you know you have Democrats turning their failure into a huge political success. Then we have hurricane Wilma come through FL, and now that we've allowed the Dems to politicize hurricane relief, and now no American can survive a single day without food, water, and TP, FEMA rushes and pre-positions thousands of trucks full of supplies to Jacksonville, rather than sticking to the plan of waiting for the storm to pass, accessing the needs, and then delivering the goods. So they send hundreds of water trucks to areas that don't need water, they rush truckloads of food to areas that don't need food, and a lot of people who do need stuff aren't getting it because there are hundreds of trucks sitting at NAS Jacksonville awaiting orders while trucks are returning from southern Florida still fully loaded because their cargos weren't needed wherever they went. And guess who's attacking Jeb Bush and FEMA for this? The Democrats... the one who caused the problem in the first place.
And why do we do this? Because a lot of Republican idiots think that the Democrats just don't understand us, or that we're not communicating well with them, or that we need to be more diverse, open, and caring. The Democrats understand us, they hear us, and they know exactly what they're doing. I just wish Republicans would stick to the friggin' game plan.