But wouldn't it make more sense to take what works and make it your own, rather than to be contrary simply for contrariness sake?Bruzilla said:Once again, you're gettin' your panties in a bunch because you just can't figure out how lefties can deny what's been proven over and over again to be the truth. They know what the truth is, they know what the facts are... they aren't mindless idiots. The simple truth is that they want to be in charge of things, and they cannot get there if Bush continues to negate all of their issues. At that point all they've got left is gays and abortionists, and they can't win with that. All they can do is attack, attack, attack Bush and the Republicans and keep making them look bad. It's not about beliefs, it's about regaining power.
If Bush can negate their issues, then it's obvious that their "issues" are unpopular. And if you REALLY want to be in charge, you don't just start having "opposites day", you pay attention to what people want, then give it to them. It's easier to give people what they really want, rather than try and convince them they want something completely different.
This is why I say there's more to it than that. News dudes skew stories, embellish and outright lie to their audience. Why? They, through the power of the media, are going to be thought of as the experts no matter what they say. So why try and convince people that unfettered abortion and gun bans are the way to go?
Answer: they do this because it's what THEY want. And why do they want it? The only answer I can come up with is because they are part of a plot to overthrow America.
Think about it: the Left has spent 50 years trying to change peoples' minds about our social structure and they STILL are getting nowhere. And the louder they are, the more they push people away. So why persist? Why keep banging your head against the brick wall?
Wouldn't it make more sense for them to band with their audience and go full hog against terrorism and other threats to our nation? Earn a little trust and credibility? Because if they did that, they'd be in a better position to push their Socialist domestic agendas, rather than alienating everyone except a handful of nutties and getting nothing out of the deal.