Ambassador Joseph Wilson...


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
Once again, you're gettin' your panties in a bunch because you just can't figure out how lefties can deny what's been proven over and over again to be the truth. They know what the truth is, they know what the facts are... they aren't mindless idiots. The simple truth is that they want to be in charge of things, and they cannot get there if Bush continues to negate all of their issues. At that point all they've got left is gays and abortionists, and they can't win with that. All they can do is attack, attack, attack Bush and the Republicans and keep making them look bad. It's not about beliefs, it's about regaining power.
But wouldn't it make more sense to take what works and make it your own, rather than to be contrary simply for contrariness sake?

If Bush can negate their issues, then it's obvious that their "issues" are unpopular. And if you REALLY want to be in charge, you don't just start having "opposites day", you pay attention to what people want, then give it to them. It's easier to give people what they really want, rather than try and convince them they want something completely different.

This is why I say there's more to it than that. News dudes skew stories, embellish and outright lie to their audience. Why? They, through the power of the media, are going to be thought of as the experts no matter what they say. So why try and convince people that unfettered abortion and gun bans are the way to go?

Answer: they do this because it's what THEY want. And why do they want it? The only answer I can come up with is because they are part of a plot to overthrow America.

Think about it: the Left has spent 50 years trying to change peoples' minds about our social structure and they STILL are getting nowhere. And the louder they are, the more they push people away. So why persist? Why keep banging your head against the brick wall?

Wouldn't it make more sense for them to band with their audience and go full hog against terrorism and other threats to our nation? Earn a little trust and credibility? Because if they did that, they'd be in a better position to push their Socialist domestic agendas, rather than alienating everyone except a handful of nutties and getting nothing out of the deal.


vraiblonde said:
But wouldn't it make more sense to take what works and make it your own, rather than to be contrary simply for contrariness sake?

If Bush can negate their issues, then it's obvious that their "issues" are unpopular. And if you REALLY want to be in charge, you don't just start having "opposites day", you pay attention to what people want, then give it to them. It's easier to give people what they really want, rather than try and convince them they want something completely different.

That's exactly what Bush has done. What have the Democrats campaigned on since 1992:

Maintaining the Welfare State: Clinton did that plank in himself when he agreed to Newt's welfare refrom package. Anyway, it's gone.

Healthcare Reform: Hillary killed most of that plank, and what was left morphed into the rediculous cheap drugs from Canada issue in 2004. This went absolutely nowhere, when was the last time you heard a Dem mention cheap drugs from Canada??? and rightly so.

Education Reform: The No Child Left Behind act pushed the issue of dumb kids back to schools and teachers. The Dems still make a little noise, but with all the $$$$ going to education now it's tough to keep yelling that our kids aren't getting edgeamacated without tossing some mud on the teachers. Bush bagged that issue.

Drugs for Seniors: That was the Dems' big issue in 2000, and Bush sushed them with Medicare Part D.

Drilling in Alaska: Another big issue in 2000 and 2004 that's getting nixed by public sentiment about gas prices.

Gun Control: Aside from CA, MD, NY and MA it doesn't draw much support.

The Economy/Affirmative Action: I group these together because as the economy has improved, more and more african americans are working at nice jobs, so there are fewer and fewer of them pissing and moaning about not getting a fair shake, and more and more of them pissing and moaning about others who are still pissing and moaning about not getting a fair shake. It's hard to excite people to "stick it to da man" when more and more da man is black too. So, Bush bagged that one also.

AIDS Spending: Bush dumped a ton of money on that Dem fire and squelched it as well.

So it's not that their issues are unpopular, it's that Bush isn't just talking about these issues... he's fixing them. How can you excite seniors when they have access to drugs? How do you excite middle-class blacks when they have good jobs and are starting to look down at the lazy riff-raff that still insist on public support? The cupboard is getting to look awfully bare, with just Social Security really keeping them in the game. And if Bush takes that issue off the table, Ted Kennedy is going to have to spend his days praising the gay lifestyle.


Vrai, Limbaugh came up with an explanation for the actions of the Dems that I think might have some merit. He feels that all of the attacks on Bush over WMDs and pre-war intel are designed to allow Dems like Clinton, who voted for the war, to now appease their base by renouncing the war on the grounds of they were lied to and thus avoid the dreaded Kerry title of flip-flopper.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bruzilla said:
He feels that all of the attacks on Bush over WMDs and pre-war intel are designed to allow Dems like Clinton, who voted for the war, to now appease their base by renouncing the war on the grounds of they were lied to and thus avoid the dreaded Kerry title of flip-flopper.
Of course. But that just makes them look even more stupid that they fell for it. Besides, what was their excuse for the Iraq Liberation Act in '98?

Hillary Clinton's floor speech as to the IWR:


Dems don't care if their candidates look stupid. Bill looked stupid for wasting his marriage and presidency on a girl that rated a 5 rating at best, but he said he was soryy so all was forgiven. All the Dems need to forgive Hillary for voting for the war is to be able to blame it all on her being innocent and misled... the poor gal. She's not betraying the cause... she's just another victim of the VRWC.