American Idol


Active Member
Pants On The Ground was hilarious. The radio was just playing a bunch of remixes that are all over youtube this morning.


They're out to get us
Pants on the ground, pants on the ground..looking like a fool with your pants on the ground!:otter:

I'll occasionally turn on this show during the auditions just because there is crazy crap like that happening. I had it on for a few minutes and caught that guy and the "good listener" that Mary J Blige thought was gonna pop a cap in her ass. :lol:

Oh and that Pants on the ground dude may have been in his 60's but he looked younger than that other guy who won a few years ago.


Active Member
General Larry Platt: A closer look - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

We all got a good chuckle Wednesday out of General Larry Platt and his Pants on the Ground song. Entertaining as he was, I couldn't help but wonder why the American Idol producers saved the last spot of the show for a 62-year-old guy with a funny song.

Now I think I know.

Take a look at the photograph on the home page of the Civil Rights Veterans Movement website. See the young man on the left, looking directly into the camera? That's Larry Platt, age 16.

"We had come by bus in 1963 to a church in Savannah, Georgia to plan a march to desegregate the city," Platt writes. "Reverend Hosea Williams and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were our leaders. That particular planned march was canceled and we were singing to raise our spirits before returning home."

Platt worked with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Georgia, organizing sit-ins in the South.

He was beaten during the Bloody Sunday march from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery.

He got his nickname, "General," from the Rev. Hosea Williams because of his heroic efforts on behalf of the civil-rights movement.

The Georgia General Assembly proclaimed Sept. 4, 2001, Larry Platt Day in Atlanta, because of "his great energy and commitment to equality and the protection of the innocent and for his outstanding service to the Atlanta community and the citizens of Georgia."

He remains a community activist in the Atlanta area and recently has become known for publicly protesting foreclosures.

If anybody in that Atlanta crowd deserved his 15 minutes of fame on national television, it was Larry Platt.

When he tells you to get your pants off the ground, you'd best listen.


Dream Stealer
General Larry Platt: A closer look - Idol Chatter: American Idol News, Rumors, & Information

We all got a good chuckle Wednesday out of General Larry Platt and his Pants on the Ground song. Entertaining as he was, I couldn't help but wonder why the American Idol producers saved the last spot of the show for a 62-year-old guy with a funny song.

Now I think I know.

Take a look at the photograph on the home page of the Civil Rights Veterans Movement website. See the young man on the left, looking directly into the camera? That's Larry Platt, age 16.

"We had come by bus in 1963 to a church in Savannah, Georgia to plan a march to desegregate the city," Platt writes. "Reverend Hosea Williams and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. were our leaders. That particular planned march was canceled and we were singing to raise our spirits before returning home."

Platt worked with the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference in Georgia, organizing sit-ins in the South.

He was beaten during the Bloody Sunday march from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery.

He got his nickname, "General," from the Rev. Hosea Williams because of his heroic efforts on behalf of the civil-rights movement.

The Georgia General Assembly proclaimed Sept. 4, 2001, Larry Platt Day in Atlanta, because of "his great energy and commitment to equality and the protection of the innocent and for his outstanding service to the Atlanta community and the citizens of Georgia."

He remains a community activist in the Atlanta area and recently has become known for publicly protesting foreclosures.

If anybody in that Atlanta crowd deserved his 15 minutes of fame on national television, it was Larry Platt.

When he tells you to get your pants off the ground, you'd best listen.

cool story! I hope he gets a record deal...because I really enjoy the pants on the ground song.:yahoo:

now whenever I see someone with saggy gonna sing that song.


Would THIS face lie?
Here ya go....Now learn it....:lmao:

Pants on the ground,
Pants on the ground,
Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!

With the gold in your mouth,
Hat turned sideways,
Pants hit the ground,
Call yourself a cool cat,
Lookin' like a fool,
Walkin' downtown with your pants on the ground!

Get it up, hey!
Get your pants off the ground,
Lookin' like a fool,
Walkin' talkin' with your pants on the ground.

Get it up, hey!
Get your pants off the ground,
Lookin' like a fool with your pants on the ground!


Well-Known Member
I'm reviving this thread! Who do ya like so far? I really love Anthony(?) the hispanic guy who plays the guitar, the 16 yr old boy who lives with his aunt, the waitress Didi, and the dreadlock girl who plays guitar. There are a few others I like, but those are my favorites so far. I like Big Mike too, but more for his personality and not so much his singing, though he's good just not awesome.

I'm so glad that short hair "rocker" girl got kicked off. Drama! :lol:


Would THIS face lie?
I think there is some real talent there this year....Not that it hasn't been in past years but some of these people are good right off the bat....Still a little early for me to make any picks yet....On another note...When they announced that Ellen would be a judge, I just couldn't figure it out...Why in the world would they pick her to be a judge....She has nothing to do with music and truthfully, I couldn't handle much of her...Well after watching a couple of shows with her, my mind has changed....She has added a well needed humor to the show and I think she is really doing a great job....She can be serious and lay it on the line and she can be funny and still lay it on the line....I like her a lot more than Kara...


I'm reviving this thread! Who do ya like so far? I really love Anthony(?) the hispanic guy who plays the guitar, the 16 yr old boy who lives with his aunt, the waitress Didi, and the dreadlock girl who plays guitar. There are a few others I like, but those are my favorites so far. I like Big Mike too, but more for his personality and not so much his singing, though he's good just not awesome.

I'm so glad that short hair "rocker" girl got kicked off. Drama! :lol:

Andrew Garcia is I think who you are thinking of. I think he is def someone to watch. He is very good. But there seems to be a lot of good talent this year.


Well-Known Member
Andrew Garcia is I think who you are thinking of. I think he is def someone to watch. He is very good. But there seems to be a lot of good talent this year.

Yes, I knew it was one of those A names. :lol: There definitely seem to be lots of good ones this year!